"he was a hero honey, he died defending america.. In afghanistan"

>"he was a hero honey, he died defending america.. In afghanistan"
>"his deeds of terrorizing the local population creating radicalized youths will never be forgoten"
>"im so glad deshawn has been offering you mental support lately, I bet chad is looling down on you two with pride"
>"so sad chad never got to see his little baby boy, but I bet deshawn will be a great father"

Other urls found in this thread:


feels good man?

>making a blanket with his face all giant

why would you torture yourself so badly

t. followed the USA in Iraq

I smell a roach

do you really think insulting dead soldiers makes you cool

Explain this image


Not his fault those soldiers are indoctrinated they actually protect their country.

what does that have to do with insulting the dead soldiers of a western nation. this is why your non country has never been a military power.

for over 700 years we've fought our neighbors in countless wars, but no matter how bitter the fight respect for the dead was fundamentally part of what made us european.

this is why you turks have, and always will be, shit.

>fighting zionist wars
>dererving any kind of respect
pity is the most you are getting out of me

Woman translator on:

"Look at me virtue signaling, it feeds my narcissism while it also makes me look like a sensible empathic person. Doing so will get me loved by my tribe."

>"he was a hero honey, he died defending israel.. In afghanistan"

your OP doesn't strike me as pity. it strikes me as mocking the dead. mocking dead soldiers. very turkish of you. have the dutch really fallen this far away from europe?
just because your turkish mother hated doesn't mean all women are evil
>moor posting
don't you have a toilet of mine to clean?


but seriously, we shoul focus on the puppetmasters behind. yeah this hero worship is ridiculous, but let's not stick to trivialities
fight the jew and you fight the symptoms

Women don't have virtues like men, if she is mourning it's only because she can no longer extract resources from her man.

Medical simulation for trauma training.

so this is why pity feels like

>anime posting proxy scrub telling me what i can or can't do

kys, we both know no one will miss you

yes, pity is the MOST i can do. but I wont

honestly though. get back to work. toilet cleaner.
i don't care what a turk does. just wanted to point out you aren't and never will be european. subhumnan

Hmmmm.... most comments are from Euro fags...
Wonder why....

no im not

To be fair, there are a lot more reasons than that as to why they're shit and always will be.

no, you definitely are.


sorry to disappoint you but im not

you're not disappointing me. your country is beyond saving, just another turk insulting the dead soldiers of a western nation. how very muslim of you

Well on the upside, she has a lifetime of getting the military discounts that military wives always beg for. No guy will ever touch her because he'll always "never be as good as him.."

But she gets 10% of a Home Depot at least..

How about a test?

>1.87 anime poster

i'm dieing here, you have to be some serious abortion. unironically kys friendo

>No guy will ever touch her
US military woman are the biggest whores in the universe. Make no mistake

>"so sad chad never got to see his little baby girl, but I bet deshawn will be a great father"

Are you insulting me for being the perfect alpha male height?
Please post proof of your eight Anime poster
This is Sup Forums friend. An image board that ive been posting on since 2004 since coming here from ADTRW (ANIME TENTACLE RAPE WEARHOUSE).

Now, back on point, clean my toilet you moor negroid.

We have a volunteer army. Rather we have branch of government that pays a wage to strong arm other governments into doing what we want. They signed up for this and their families should accept the repercussions of the hazards of the job provided.

Seth rich and DWS threads are the focus do not forget this folks. Shills are trying everything they can even insulting dead soldiers.

Do not support these threads

>of a western nation.
i don't give a rat's ass. Make stupid decisions die a stupid death, simple as that. Name one thing he has done that deserves any form of respect?
>how very muslim of you
I smell some heavy projection

We know the wars are bullshit and that we were whored out, I think I speak for a lot of veterans when I say we just want payback now, they fuck up our minds and bodies and then throw some money at us and they think we're just going to forget or try to force some bullshit PTSD or psychiatric diagnosis to get us on drugs to numb uus. Well I haven't and I'll never forget, almost every single major revolution or change in history was started by veterans or the military, I just hope that more and more vets start getting a fire in their belly so we can fucking hang every single person responsible for the middle eastern wars.

It can be memed into existence, I've been trying with my immediate friend group but this (((veterans culture))) that grew in the last couple of years are a cancer and may be the kikes final stroke on keeping us placated and stupid, what a fucking shame.

You behave as one. It's a shame how influential islam has become in northwestern europe.

>Islam the post

now she can run off to some Tyrone who'll leave her within a year.

>muh seth rich
go back to your containment thread
>shabbos goys name calling
step up your game and come with arguments

cool blog freak no ones gives a shit about your pathetic life or how long you've been trapped in your sad existence i just needed some trash to vent until i've made enough time to go after that i just close the laptop and you disapear forever, maybe if your lucky i'll comment with the friends how i met an uggo 1,87 anime freak on the way to the park

enjoy your day friendo

this shit has nothing to do with america, they are just puppets of international finance

Do you think defending them makes you righteous?

Here's my argument. Follow along.

>Europeans have historically respected fallen soldiers, even if enemies.
>Muslims (you) have historically desecrated fallen soldiers, especially enemies

>This post desecrates fallen soldiers, of a western nation

>>Muslims (you) have historically desecrated fallen soldiers, especially enemies

>Muslims (you)

Your images betray how butthurt you are about being a toilet cleaner. Now post proof of your height in your next post or you are admitting to being a sub 180cm manlet :^)
Just european

>this is why your non country has never been a military power.

We were a world power at some point dumb mountain nigger

>Name one thing he has done that deserves any form of respect?
He killed people who wanted to kill innocents.

Gotta protect that rich history and cul... Oh, that's right, (((america))) is built by losers that couldn't make it in their native land. Also, destroyed a pretty cool culture. I don't know whats worse, sandniggers/niggers or retarded fucking burgers.. They all need to be genocided.

Huh? we were one of the most dangerous military powers in europe for about 300 years. Do they not teach you history in Turkey?

>Let's make fun of people that serve their country, good and bad, that have no say in their orders
>Let's ignore the Jews that pit muslims vs the west in the first place and reap the rewards as each of their enemies fight eachother

Sounds like you need to kill yourself since you can't see the obvious problems in front of you and you stoop to making fun of soldiers.

nice argument tbqh

yeah bro i'm going to spend my limited precious time posting stuff for some anime scrub proud of being a total shitter since 2004

post more anime friendo gogogo

Most of the "fuck veterans" come from the recent wars fought in the Middle East.

Not many people really like the wars, don't see the point of them, and want them to end. In addition, the obnoxious and forceful "THANK ME FOR MY SERVICE" veterans that just spent time chasing insurgents and have occasional skirmishes pretend they fought the toughest war in history.

Basically they're an unlikable bunch. The veteran hate culture really didn't exist before Vietnam because people really believed the wars they fought were meaningful and worthwhile.

Good post muhammed. You should get together with the Turkish-danish ITT and really get to talking
it seems pretty obvious
>Toilet cleaner not posting height
>manlet confirmed

stop acting like they are fighting for some valiant cause like our (yes its true) european ancestors. But now respond, give me a single reason. Also your reddit spacing is showing
yes starting wars all around the globe sure did those innocents well
>serve their country
you on vacation Moshe?

Picking on a white soldier as if it was his choice to start the war, and not the Jews. Kill yourself you brown inbred. GTFO of Netherlands, you will never belong.

Fuck off

>I'm sure we amounted to something at some point in history
Hahahaha this whole fucking thread is as pathetic as this post

Except it's not veterans that push that "THANK THE VETS" it's the kike elite utilizing the meme to make it impossible to criticize the wars themselves. You falling for the counter-meme just proves you're a kike mind-slave. God bless.
Respect for the dead is fundamentally european. Sorry about your turkish blood making this alien to you
>Redding spacing
mate, i'm 30 years old and have been posting on Sup Forums since i was 17. do you really believe accusing me of being a redditer is an appropriate response to me having a laugh about your muslim blood line negro?

You will never have a successful sex partnership. Ever!

cultureless mongrels have no authority over my european heritage
open a history book
im so so sorry I dont fit your narrative. Also americans are not european
>30 years old
>animu posting
euthanize yourself

i'm a welder and proud of being working class don't know why you are so interested in what i do but wait just realized you have to be over 30, probably over 35 aren't you? kek this is some meta abomination tier shit go fap to your little cartoons or better yet kys before you end up raping some kids you freak

Because soldiers sign up for selfless patriotism and preserving our constitution and freedom? People do it for the benefits, and most of the time people that have nothing else to do sign up. Or seeking personal glory in the military.

If they die I won't cry

Just start spamming Rotschild rules you, and whatever more you can remember on the spot to every damn number that contacts you about commercial, club offers and whatnot.

I don't give a rats any more, if you email some shitty product to me, you're gonna hear that your great grandfathers died so that your childrens children could be low iq browns easy to rule over and you'll hear that judea rules over your finance.

I'll prehaps end up suicided one day and it would be a bliss.

You do fit my narrative though.
>Muslims (you) have historically desecrated fallen soldiers, especially enemies
>Toilet manlet still posting
No one is asking you to cry my mulatto friend. In fact, I don't care at all what a negroid half-blood like you does.

it's fair game if they contacted you over bullshit




Other than weed and whores, what is netherlands known for?
>inb4 monkey hurr durr

You should follow your own advice. You come here to make fun of the US and get destroyed by a smug anime face poster and all you can say is "I'm sure we have something to be prideful of"? Haha and your only comment is "American education"? I wonder what your countrymen think of you.

Terrorism? A majority muslim capital? Joining the EU voluntarily? Not being allowed to own guns?

I can appreciate the notion of fighting for your people your country and defending the values of your society.

Why the fuck these people then basically swear blind allegiance to the biggest liars and most sociopathic scumbags the world has ever seen is beyond me :(


needed to find someone like you friendo just imagine defending western values and respecting the dead while being an uggo lanket freak that faps to little girl cartoons it's abhorrent bro kys do it this is the time we both know it

>inbred moon demon worshipers need a reason to be radicalized

user... I...
>american education
never mentioned that

>Telling me to open a history book isn't an insult on my intelligence
>This isn't an American hate thread

Shittalking from those who haven't manned the wall between barbarity and civilization is worth as much as their manhood. Which is, not much at all.

Hyper-realistic simulation of combat injuries for training of medics in the US Army

The picture attached is an American mongrel

Proud and cultured Nederlanders on the other hand:

Most of them do it for the money, for their families, and/or a sense that what they are fighting for makes the world a safer place. Shutting our borders would be a far better option. However, you are right that they are being manipulated like sheep by the military industrial complex, (((foreign interests))), and corporations which profiteer from war.

>implying it is US military that is radicalizing the youth
Protip: it's not. It's the religion.


OP is a faggot on the scale of carl the cuck