what does Sup Forums think about making Antarctica a state for white people only?
White homeland?
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I prefer Europe as white only
Antartica is for penguins
>Europe for whites only
lets be realistic that will never happen again
time to move shop to Antarctica
I'm fine with that as long as you stay the fuck out of our Antarctica's slice.
Fuck You Racist
Antarctica is our rightful clay
im pretty sure the third reich has claimed Antartica
White because snow?
Hmmm, what do I think about white only homeland in Antarctica?
How about some white cunt will point out lack of diversity, how the poor PoC's are marginalized and how we need to help them and their starving children, and estrogen ridden western cocksuckers will charge on their white horses to rid the fair lady of her discomfort and suddenly niggers everywhere.
>snow for us snowniggers
>probably 95% white population all ready
>almost guaranteed no niggers
looks like home to me
Space mirror could make it pretty comfy.
No this planet is fucked.
Mars for Whites.
The shitskins can keep this rock.
You guys should be more worried about what's going on there.
>weak white boi because low G planet
>race becomes laughing stock of the solar system
no it has to be here on Earth
Everyone should just stay put
Stay wherever you are, fucking idiots
You've got the smallest slither right next to Great Britain, your claim is smaller than Frances.
Implying westcucks would not send shuttles to bring niggers to Mars and then they would spend the rest of their lives making excuses for them
I'll take my chances fighting the shitskins desu
Yea they claimed a bit but German guilt for nazis made them give up the claim afterwards.
Jesus, you guys are gonna be REALLY white a couple generations down the road if you start a country in Antarctica
Hahaha lool buthurt libtard
that video was incredibly comfy I would like to live there
only people with high melanin count could disagree
Fuck you nigger
Norway, will you teach Australians how to survive in snow like this so we can actually use our claim. Tfw, never seen snow and it scares the shit out me.
>whites are so pathetic that they have to move the inhabitable land in order to survive
Do you believe in survival of the fittest?
Do you believe in evolution?
Do you believe in natural section?
Good, then you'll realise that whites are dying out because they're weak fucks who get fucked over by a little minority of kikes, and only
COLLECTIVIST/PROTECTIONIST systems like National Socialism, Fascism, and National Bolshevism can save them.
Whites are dying because of capitalism, free market, and survival of the fittest.
Yet you pathetic cunts blame thing like 'Marxism' even though it isn't fiscally practised in your countries, and probably never was.
space mirror would also raise the sea levels by a few feet.
move to a land of ice
practice the cold
if you are actually white you will survive, the next ice age is coming soon whites will rule the world
>choosing the worst continent on earth
white boys are fuckin cucks.
Dane cuck will rather run than fight.
Mars is better
You guys will be fucked
One place blacks can't get too.
Even if they found away, as soon as they learn how cold it is, they are going to bolt.
It is a good idea. We should exploit it for its resources.
Fuck you cunt, we'll work it out. We conquered this desert hell hole. Well conquered the frozen hell hole too.
Why not just send all shitskins to Antarctica?They'd die in a matter of seconds, guaranteed.
... I think I like my deadly animals better than this.
it hits -40C here sometimes
you havent lived until it literally hurts to breath in the air its so fucking cold
So? Why should we care about drowning niggers and shitskins?
After the ice melts and the crust rebounds, it would be an ok place to survive.
I've experienced -5 but that was in the desert so no snow. Just cold as fuck.
you guys...keep earth. We will be moving on. It is best for everyone involved.
contrary to what videogames taught you, the place you live actually has to contain accessible resources and usable land. it also helps if people have been building stuff like cities and transportation infrastructure
antarctica has none of that
Winnipeg, Manitoba −47.8 °C (−54.0 °F) not including the windchill, which can make it colder than mars..... yeah fuck where i live.
>human made
Average summers day where I am is about 47C have experienced over 50C once, fuck where I live.
Denmark =/= Norway
Just put on some warm clothes and drink hot chocolate.
t. Roach who failed basic geography
They avoid mountains because of the Kurdroaches.
Kek, still both scandibros, realised was Denmark after hit post.
We don't even have fucking mountains here but I know this.
Does Abo rock not count?
Hahahahaha, look at all these claims made by shithole countries without a prayer of being able to defend them.
Chile is building the first Icebreaker from south america. Silent us are working to wide presence in the continent.
>The Unclaimed part is very close to Brazil desu.
Can Brazil take the Unclaimed part Senpai?
hahahaha look at this country stuck in endless wars it cannot finish, a broken welfare system, students trapped in enormous debt, a dying middle class, an obese population, trillions of dollars in debt and a president which is ridiculed all over the world.
What a great and proud nation
>tfw walmart, an American company, has a higher GDP than your entire country
Antarctica is rightful Russian clay.
yeah the harshest place on earth where it's near impossible to grow food or mine natural resources and is 100% dependent on supplies non-frozen wastelands great idea
beat me to it.
How many bitcoins would a space mirror cost?
It sounds insane to me. We need somewhere a bit more temperate.
Sounds more like a place where Redditors would like to hang out.
why the fuck do UK and France claim areas in Antarctica
they are nowhere near it
The unclaimed section is literally falling off into the ocean
Still better than Africa!
Norway even further but it doesn't stop you.
>non nuclear nations think they can grab land from nuclear ones
top kek
The average Norwegian has a way better living standard than the average American. We are also happier and safer and norway has a higher GDP per capita than america
Antarctica is Full of White (Scenery of Snow & Ice). However is already not pure white.
The Population of 5000 Scientists (+Staff) is only about 60% white.
because there are already Chinks, Gooks, Nips scientists in Antartica too.
Also USA already sent a bunch of Niggers to Antarctica.
We were the first, it is rightfully ours.
Like the Arctic, so you can fuck off from there too
I say Australia we all move over there we make a fucking paradise out of it, and watch the rest of the world burn.
We leave majority of white women behind ofc, they are the prime reason this refugee shit got out of hand in the first place, Beta males can bang Swedish men in the hour of need, and the remaining white women to reproduce only by the Chads.
>a tiny nation with 5% of the population of the US which has tons of oil and no niggers is a better place than the poorest parts of the US
wow, what an incredible insight
+1 upvote
not by any stretch of the means
India already sent their citizens ( Pajeets ) to Antartica.
For Open defecation (First humans to shit all over the surrounding snow)
Yeah, But the first human to arrive on Antartica were whites. Eternal Anglo to be specific. heh.
Therefore, it's historically a White Man's land.
If niggers wanna pull the "DIZ IS HISTORICALLY MAH ETHNIC LAND" then so be it.
Come home, White man.
Hey, Im not the who called someones country a shithole
okay well thank GOD you didn't, instead of living with the shame of using a word on the internet, you just have to live with the same of being a complete dunce who thinks norway is in any way comparable to the united states of america
you really dodged a bullet there
Oh, no did you get angry? aww :( Didn´t mean to hurt your feelings :(
Faggot pls, you soon will be left without Norway itself. Refugees welcome, amrite?
I am wondering if it is actually possible to set up a city there.
It must be possible to farm at least some sort of crop on the warmest spots of that god forsaken continent.
And if all fails, we'll just become like the eskimos. Fish tastes good after all
Hmmm no sweety, we have the Kerguelen islands near the Austral Ocean.
And since we have New Caledonia, we have as much rights to claim a territory at the south of this island as Austrialia has.
geothermal hydroponic greenhouse
Well then.
So it is technically possible for us to live there.
lol, we're cucking argentina again
Make it a prison continent like Australia used to be. Most white folks don't want to endure consecutive winters in Antarctica.
I say we call it "Project Ice Box"
We get a bunch of TNT, some ships with agriculture supplies so we can build hydroponic farms, bunch of cement/drilling/mining/machining tools to build a base and setup camp.. We just have to set the plans into motion
What we need to support a colony of 500-1000 people are the following:
You need a big enough hydroponic operation to grow approximately 36000 lbs of soybeans a year (soy is very calorie dense).
You would hopefully supplement your faggy soy diet with something like fish so you would need fishing supplies (easy enough when the colony is literally next to a giant ice sheet).
So 36k lbs of soy, with 200 hydro towers producing about 550lbs of plant matter in 3 weeks, this means you can produce 2.75lbs per unit in 3weeks or 33lbs per unit in a year. So to get 36k you would need 36000/33 or apx 1000 hydroponic towers. This is more or less about 2 acres of hydro towers, this could be decreased to 1 acre but would result in a loss of thermal efficiency over the facility (which is important in Antarctica). 1000 towers would come out to about 500k USD
So that's how much it would cost just for growing equipment for the colony.
This could be halved if you put money towards industrial fishing equipment or whatever but you can't get around the need for one or the other.
Next you would need mining equipment because ideally you would bury the facility into the side of a mountain instead of trying to build on land and continually waste money on electricity to heating. Either this or you need a fuck ton of cinder blocks to build a thermally efficient residency in the antarctic climate. Take your pick
I believe for a colony of 1k people it would be more efficient to tunnel into the side of a mountain and seal off the hole from the outside, either way you will need an industrial boring machine. Apx cost 50million dollars
sounds good! lets melt those ice caps
>wanting to live wth only white people
Have fun having blanded, unspiced food.
I estimate a colony of 1000 people could be built for less than 100million
you faggots do know that the antartica claims are literally suggestions, right?
Wrong, it's ours.
But then again, we are your rightful clay....
>What is Mt Kosciusko
> What is Thredbo ski fields
But using nukes is illegal?
And we experience 40C+
The point is that we can fucking adapt, it takes time to do it.
Why don't you just go and place a flag on there? I doubt there is anyone in it because it's cold as shit and literally impossible to live there
Come home White man
Oh, great idea, how about bottom of the ocean or the fucking moon?
I have a better idea, Antarctica becomes homeland for non-whites and all the other continents are for whites.
Source on pic?
I hereby claim the unclaimed bit for Britain. Or just England if Scots get independence.