Should cannabis be legal?

You are all nazis or ancap, let's see how this goes.

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fuck pot smoking degenerates

Pot smoking computer engineer here. Yes it should be legal. That way the degenerates can be degenerate and reproduce less, and us hard working potheads can do our thing.

As a social drug, it is superiour to alcohol in every way user.

Why is she eating a turd?

No, as a degenerate living in Arizona with a weed card. It should not be completely legal. Keep it medical. That way 12 year olds don't have an even easier time getting weed lollipops and going to school all fucked up.

The part of me that supports individual rights says yes, but the part of me that worked at Taco Bell in high school that knows how annoying, lazy and messy stoners are says fuck'em all.

Wat do?

>you will never have a gf with such body
why even live

Atleast here, as a teenager, you probably have an easier time getting weed than hard alcohol.

The same was for me when I was a teenager 10 years ago. Better to keep it Medical than just strolling down to Walgreens and buying a weed chocolate bar.

Not for me. When i was a 15 old twat and if I wanted to have a beer, i just stole some from my fathers 24-pack of cans in fridge. If i wanted wine, i just opened a tap from the barrel of wine in our basement. Getting hard liquor was a bit harder but not impossible.

There was also a store in our town that was ran by albanians and they sold vodka to highschool freshmen on the down-low.

As for grass, I couldn't get any until I was in college.

On one hand, if it's legal I'll take a yuge loss in profits when I sell it wholesale.

On the other, fewer people in prison and lower risk for everyone involved. So yeah, it should be legal. I wouldn't be surprised if Nazi Germany had made it legal. Too bad we'll never know.

No, the government would cut into my profits.

Nah man, controlled legalization. Get a weed card. If you cause too much trouble for your neighbours, on the streets because of smoking directly or indirectly for example.. Get your weed card withdrawn.

For Greece:
- Illegal for use
- Legal to produce and export

For everyone else:
- Legal for use
- Illegal to produce

>you will never have a girlfriend


>I worked with retards in fast food boy it must be the weed that made them this way and not the fact they were already shit people

yes it should

feels redpilled to be high rn

A million times this. A lot of my friends will lose their livelihoods and I'll end up paying more. I support marijuana and I support keeping it illegal.

It should only be legalized if you can grow it at home. Like 5-10 plants

Dope is good but only retards smoke. Just eat it or something, don't be a dumbass and smoke it.

No. It is extremely damaging to your mental health.

no memes, vaping is completely healty

Weed feminizes men. Stay away. Also stay away from soybean. Estrogen levels give you man tits.

P.s. i stopped jerking off becuz of the memes here. Thank you, you bunch of pale faced devils. Best sex ever, no more shrinkage.

Weed is the thinking man's drug

i dont really care about you assholes, i agree withthe only thing keeping me back from completely supporting legalization.
The day it is, theyll place a monopoly on it same as their doing with regular crops. And well be only smoking and growing monsanto bud, atleast in the U.S.

>banning drugs
>not banning sugar

The greatest health problem in the West today is obesity. Compared to the number of people dying from smoking weed, the primacy of the problem is glaring.

most pot smokers are overweight unathletic slobs.

i once took one marijuana and i almost died
no it shouldn't be legal fuck y'all junkies

>55% yes
Straight edge weirdos btfo

I wouldn't know, I don't do drugs or anything like that. But the main problem facing is us is definitely people's awful eating habits.

If anything should be illegal, it's letting retards getting their children terminally overweight by feeding them sugary drinks and pizzas all day. I feel so bad for those children.

Nah. Junkies are crap

I know weed can make you a degenarate pothead. But i'm neither a normie nor autist, i swear Sup Forums

Guys, it's amazing to study Fluid Mechanics while being high.

Yes but if you are heard bragging about it or telling people "man im so high" or "dude I smoke weed man" or "let's fist bump dude bro" should be a firing squad offence

Weed should never be legal, because it pisses off smelly junkies and leftist retards.

Sure so long as it's not advertised and women and children (I know same thing) are forbidden to buy it.


this is an idiotic thread

>getting their children terminally overweight

Just classify it in law as a child abuse and problem's solved.

No need to legalize weed just cause we have bigger problems with retarded eating habitsq

tax 60%

Pot smokers are degenerates who need to be gassed

Why not just go legit and make bank without worrying about the cops busting you?





yes, but ban alcohol and tobacco.

Did I say that? I'm just saying that this shouldn't be the priority it clearly is for many in America.

You don't decide that cucknazi

Degenerates shit out babies into welfare and out of wedlock like nothing, more so than the middle class it seems now days.

Your generalization may or may not be correct but this doesn't refute the point about sugar.

But this gets into US farm bill issues real fast.

I just think the number of people in US prison and losing jobs because of employer drug testing just south of me is nuts.

Canada would have at lease decriminalized if not for burger pressure. I wonder how much of which stems from private prison lobby.

Weed Culture is the most disgusting thing i have ever seen.

>hurr yerrr broooo hueheuhuehuee

It's corrupting our Youth desu, It drives people away from being Traditionalist.
The thing WE stand for.

It promotes a less efficient work force,
And it makes fuckheads Liberal.
Not to mention demotes Patriotism and Nationalism.

you didn't even try

Fuck off with your fashwave trash leaf.

s a r a h

>good things
>and unironically using 'we'

You need to sort yourself out.

>You are all nazis or ancap
we're both. you'll sign a contract to not have browns in your business

Sieg Heil.
Sup Forums is a natsoc board.

Saying patriotism and nationalism are bad things....found the shitskin gypsy junkey.I hope you die under the bridge after you inhale your glue faggot.

>nazis or ancap
>we're both.
Nigger, what?

>It's corrupting our Youth desu, It drives people away from being Traditionalist. The thing WE stand for.

what about your alcoholic dad ruining his family with his addiction and hurting numerous others? what about chad who gets hammered with his buds and degrades our sexual and moral standards by doing crazy shit to party and fuck every night? these are two norms that if we turned the catalyst to weed we would see dad's going to sit in his chair and smoke and be happy, might even get help for his addiction and be open to the idea, chad is going to stay in his basement and eat a shitload of pizza and watch family guy and be a non-problem.

>It promotes a less efficient work force, And it makes fuckheads Liberal. Not to mention demotes Patriotism and Nationalism.

i could anecdote you all day about people who smoke and work but there isn't really a correlation between people doing what they want in their time after work and showing up the next day as most people get hammered the night after a long hard day of work and show up with a hangover and do fine. pot doesn't make liberals, they're only liberals for pot. pot only demotes patriotism and nationalism because you said so. i don't know how alcohol doesnt since it degrades the mind, spirit, and function of the individual permanently and in the most egregious way, killing the kidneys, liver, and mental health of the individual. weed does not contribute such lasting damage and there are no empirical cases to say that it does.

>Saying patriotism and nationalism are bad things..

Of course they're bad things. They're abstract ideas you're brainwashed into adhering to by the very puppeteers you despise--the Jews. Seems public school got you good, alright.

Keep fighting the good fight, user.

You should be illegal

>Take billions of dollars from hard working people to hire an army that uses guns to tell a few people they can't have a plant

Yeah it be illegal is stupid.

You are so so dumb, malaka

Honestly, Cannabis is extremely mind numbing and should be illegal.

You need to sort yourself out (of Sup Forums)
Wrong board nigger!

This. And pot doesn't make you liberal. I'm less liberal at 32 and I hit my first bowl when I was 29.
If you're not a complete fuck up from the get go, smoking weed, evan daily, actually becomes a focus enhancing drug if you take the right strains.

>muh alcohol is worse argument

Alcohol liquids and products have historically always been a prestigious
and well managed type of drink in Olden Times.
Everybody from Royalty, to Peasants drank it. Didn't have an effect on society at all desu.

It wasn't until the 80's that it got abused on a large scale, when life got shitter and less interesting.
It wasn't Alcohols fault at all. Hundreds of years of previous usage has proven that.

So is dude weed lol start arguing any time


You mean thousands. Alcohol is probably the oldest man-made beverage on earth. God bless beer.

>It makes fuckheads Liberal.
I don't think it makes them liberal, but rather they're liberal fuckheads to begin with.

>It wasn't until the 80's that it got abused on a large
Alcohol turned into a huge problem as soon as plebs discovered that they could make cheap liquor out of potato.
And it wasn't as if people where sober before that, the average premodern peasant drank almost nothing but alcohol.

True, it had a huge presence in medieval taverns.
Bit of' old time Ale eh

At least pot isn't as bad as cigs are, smoking that makes you way more degenerate.

Egyptians gave their workers beer as their rations. Shit's old as fuck.

>when a useful idiot doesn't realize he's a progressive

>the average premodern peasant drank almost nothing but alcohol.

Then this just further's my argument, doesn't it?

If even the majority of low IQ peasant population can manage themselves in possession of Alcohol back then,
then clearly it's not Alcohol's fault that modern society is crumbled.

Peasants continued to work hard and remained loyal to their royalty above them always.

Plenty of crazy hot bitches that'll fuck fattys. You just need to have something they want.

I'm a fascist and I think cannabis should be legal; no point in continuing the drug war against such a harmless drug.

That's a flower.

No it should never be legal because you 'll just ask for something else more outrageous then.