Spencer has gone off the deep end. We're going to look like fucking space aliens ffs. IT LOOKS LIKE ATTACK OF THE CONEHEADS!
What the fuck is up with this haircut?
Th absolute state of that.
Like a rugby ball that rolled over some dog shit.
Your life is so barren and empty you spent time that you'll never get back photoshopping a picture of some ugly dude.
I pity you, get a girlfriend or something you loser.
t. richard spacker
This is a shoop, OP. Do I need remind you?
You want tea with that crumpet vicar?
Spencer is a puppet created to take control of the alt-right who didn't have a leader. The media claims he's the leader and voila now he is.
Now the jews tell him to go around looking stupid to make the alt right look bad.
Looks like someone literally took a shit on his head.
For a supposedly embattled and angry person. He sure has a lot of lifetime smile lines beside his eyes.
>makes you think doesn't it
>divisive politics profits whom
What is the dude's final form?
holy shit is that real
wow hee looks awful
kys kike
WHAT THE FUCK?! The proportions are like the nutty professor Klump. holy shit, how is this our leader?
Literally who and why should we care? Why are you promoting this nobody on a canton dog cooking forum?
All I can think of is that the shaved pate hairstyle of the monks of ye olde times was supposed to be some big symbolic thing and he's like the opposite of a monk, being a representative of the darkness ostensibly for the light, a plant if you will. Now make like a tree and get the fuck outta here OP.
People underestimate what a fucking weirdo he is. Intentionally dresses like a Nazi. White nationalist with an Asian girlfriend. Goes on ESPN to debate Charles Barkley and starts smiling like a Batman Villain.
Shut up, Richard.
Since when did white nationalism become so THICC???
I like what Spencer is saying, but not how he is riding the wave of nationalism to fame. I also enjoy this meme for simple comedic value.
>redditors and their obsession with certain people
How old are you? Fucking retards...
Why am I doing this
>w-white p-power
Wow, he looks like absolute shit. I mean it, he looks terrible. He's obviously packing on the pounds since losing his gym membership, and filling that void in his life with sugary drinks and fatty fried foods. Feeling depressed about his recent weight gain, he "reinvents" himself with a new haircut that reveals his oddly shaped head, causing more depression and a downward spiral of binge eating, sugary drinks, and weight gain. Honestly someone should intervene, this is embarrassing for the alt right.
Spencer has never not been controlled opposition.
Why does the leader of Sup Forums and the alt-right look like some sort of deformed Hitler caricature.
and why only one button done up on the jacket?
you wish you were as handsome as richard "fabulous" spencer
The memes getting better... have a bümp.
a suit jacket is supposed to have only one button done you uncivilized savage
>tfw this is our intellectual leader, and the face of our movement
He has tits tho
Underappreciated post.
These Photoshop shill posts do seem like karma for the excessive number of photoshoots of himself Spencer's had done.
Who the fuck is Spencer?
Is he that guy who married a jew and came out of nowhere to become some self-proclaimed, media promoted radical at the most convenient time prior to election day?
Never heard of him
I know our leader, Richard Spencer, is the one who represents all of us, but I still wish he'd get off the tofu, and start lifting at least a small bit.
>Nationwide is on your side
He has the gynecomastia of a Sup Forumslack
Photoshop is not Sup Forums
Let me give you the quick rundown
>everyone who comes to Sup Forums at least once in their life becomes a lifetime member of the Alt-Right™, whether they post or not
>Reich Spencer is our leader by unanimous decision and everything he says and does directly reflects us
>all Alt-Right™ members rigidly and dogmatically adhere to the same set of principles with no room for discussion or disagreement
Welcome aboard. Don't forget our motto:
"If you confess with your mouth that Hitler did nothing wrong and believe in your heart that the South will rise again, you will be spared."
I need a quick rundown on bogbots. what are they? i remember a meme about them that featured a scientist with a microscope
Day in day out I see shill threads about a shooped picture with people pretending to criticize the way they look even though they know it's shopped.
You all need to kys.
Wtf do these threads accomplish? Leftist cucks sure are desperate.
wtf i never realised he looked like that
Excellent work
looks like an indian took a creamy poo on his head
You're such a tosser, mate
Female to Male transsexuals suffer from early hair loss due to the testosterone injections. Many examples in politics, the media, and Hollywood.
bring lulz
Why is he doing this to his hair
It used to look really good, but he's gone from having short sides to having no sides
It's hard to respect a man who looks like that
Edit. Still looks bad.
>comfortably taking the oats like a NEET
He's always been a massive faggot and controlled opposition
fucking hell
>people falling for the photoshops reddit is doing
lmao and we're the superior site
it does look like a creamy poo
>>people falling for the photoshops reddit is doing
Who is?
People here know what Spencer looks like, even CNN could tell these are shops. Pretty much the only people posting in this thread are redditors themselves.
Reddit, you need to step up your photoshop game, every damn picture has smudges and poorly done edges. Git gud.