Has anyone become rich after voting democrat?
maybe they like being poor
Why do they always shit talk the South when most of them are Democrats due to the invasive illegals? Take Texas for example.
It literally hasn't been two generations since the south stopped voting democrat.
kys faggot
Maybe money and gibs is not quote as valued to them as you seem to think. Maybe they place a greater emphasis on government simply protecting their freedoms and constitutional rights and staying out of their affairs.
he looks pretty satisfied to me
Not rich, no, but they have received just barely enough to survive. Just like on the plantations.
same pic 3 days in a row. fucking hell.
SouthEast US is god tier. If you are remotely smart and motivated you can live like a king because the cost of living is fucking nothing.
>1 generation
You faggot Democrats don't remember the New Deal and the Dixiecrats do you? The south, especially during Jim Crow, was solid blue.
Pick up a fucking book. This is common knowledge.1
hey shill you forgot to let the other version of this drop first
better to be free and poor, than to be a slave living like a king.
We do fine being poor, have lots of fun and live decent lives
Unlike the poor negros that vote overwhelmingly Democrat every time and stay poor while turning their cities into chaos
>Make $50K year in California/NY
>Share an apartment with 4 roommates
>Ride a bike to work or public transportation (hours)
>Make $50K year in the South
>Own a 4 bedroom home
>Drive 10-15 minutes to work
Standard of living. People in my State raise families on $8/hr and people in liberal hellholes are homeless unless they can make $15/hr+
Exactly. The deep-ass grudges from Reconstruction only healed over when the Dems went all out for niggers and gun control. Clinton and Gore were the last white Southern Democrats.
$15/hour in L.A islucky to live in a 4x4' cubicle with a mocrowave and has to shower at the beach or gym
What about niggers and democrats?
Proof that white privilege is a lie.
poor northern liberals have been voting democrat for generations
and they're still poor!!
>Blacks have been voting dem for years
>still oppresed
>Hitler had his Berlin wall
Ok. Stop now. You are brain damaged
Wasn't the South 90% democrat before 1965, so barely more than one generation ago.
Also the South isn't particularly poor when you don't count the obvious. Especially in terms of purchasing power.
they've only been voting Republican since late 1990s.
White southerners used to vote Democrat but the Democrats started favoring blacks and they shipped too many jobs overseas for White democrat to stay Democrats.
Part of the reason the GOP establishment hates Trump is because of the Paleo-Democrats he's attracted to the GOP.
GOP got filled up with white refugees who used to vote Democrat.
People aren't poor because they're Republicans, they're Republicans because they are poor.
>poor niggers voting democrat every time
>still on welfare and killing each other
This slide thread again. Sage
Most southern states have had growing economies since they voted out the democrats in the early 2000s
Poor niggers countries in Africa have gotten a combined trillions of dollars over the last 10-20 years... and they're STILL poor.
Same but blacks and Democrats
And voting Roman-Catholic, too.
>1 post
There should be an autodelete if OP doesnt respind in about 10-15 posts
Of course, user.
It's not a politician's job to make you rich
That's your own job
Remember the left has to constantly rewrite history because every policy they have promoted for the last century has failed to deliver on their lofty promises.
Yea, and you don't hear them talking about fucking pronouns
yep lmao.
well, the poorest states are all evangelicals. soooooooo not sure what you were trying to say by inserting your cucked religious views into a socioeconomic discussion..
>1 post by this ID
hahaha cuck
It's a politician's job to make sure wether you were born in a mansion from wealthy parents or in a trailer park from meth addicts, you should have roughly the same opportunities in life
But go on, keep pushing the self-made man myth and the american dream despite every single aspect of society proving it is bullshit
Good goy
>you cure poverty by voting
This is what democrats genuinely believe, despite having zero evidence that this is the case.
While taking the majority of federal funding, too.
Poor Detroit blacks have been voting Democrat for generations
And they're still poor
This includes military spending, which is not welfare.
Now let's see a racial breakdown of whose getting the most aid in those states
They never learn
Literally my mind is mush from how historically incorrect this is.
How many times has it been debunked?
I should stop responding to these baits. I don't mind the 1000th variant of baneposting or toddposting but the meme game here is just too weak.
weak bait
Inner city youth have been voting Democrat for years and they're still poor.
What's your point?
Two empty kegs behind him and a beer in hand. That dude's struggling because he's a drunk, Not because he's a Republican.
Kek this
I lived with the pinoys (go Baguio) when I was younger. The US doesn't know poor. Even in the Southside of Chicago everyones wearing $150+ dollar shoes and has Xbox ones and ps4s.
California voted against gay marriage too, but King Kamehameha still forced it for your entire country
>poor southern conservatives
>still poor
no shit. if you're poor you're poor. also
>occupy democrats
>1 post by this ID
weak mind
What the fuck did you say to me you fucking misogynist? Friendly reminder: I graduated at the top of my gender studies class, and I've been involved in privilege checking with over 150 confirmed genders. I’m trained in patriarchal deconstruction and I was the most oppressed person in my entire upper middle class high school. You are nothing to me but another cultural appropriator. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which have never been seen on this side of your safe space, mark my words. You think you can get away with disagreeing with me on tumblr? Think again, cis scum. As we speak I'm gathering a list of your triggers with my self-diagnosed squad of PTSD specialists, so you better be prepared to deal with some serious privilege checking. I AM LITERALLY AS TRIGGERED AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE RIGHT NOW. I can be anywhere, at any time, and I can give you over seven hundred reasons why you should fuck yourself with a cactus. Not only am I extensively trained in social justice, but I have access to an entire arsenal of sociological blog articles to prove my point and I will use them to wipe your deeply problematic face off the earth you little shit. If only you had known what oppressed retribution your offensiveness would unleash then maybe you would have held your fucking tongue and just killed yourself instead, but you didn't. Stay safe, shitlord.
While I was out and about yesterday, I overheard this clearly very affluent, well dressed liberal Jew spouting off about the "alt-right." Considering the kinds of """"oppressed"""" people who are against the "alt-right," I thought the situation was pretty hilarious.
As he sipped his cozy wine. Oh yeah, you motherfuckers are all KINDS of hard-up.
Bonus points: He was also tlaking about his college daughter being a part of the local "antifa" group, which was doubly hilarious, considering the affluent rural fartbubble she clearly spawned from. Pic unrelated.
They've been voting republican since 1980 so 1 generation maybe 2
the exact same argument could be applied to inner city blacks who keep voting democrat
>for generations
hahahaha I bet modern feminazi islamophile libs actually believe this too
yes son politics has always been exactly the way it was now, nothing ever changes in the most dynamic country ever created, the political rut we are in is an inescapable valley of doom because you're being told what to think by a DNC staffer who's perspective that literally is because of their position
/s /s /s /s /s
This is a meaningless comparison. What is the significance.
Sage, by the way.
>obama was president for 8 years
oh wow I wonder why they voted republican instead of democrat
Isn't there a significant number of places in the south that are benefiting from being union-free at the expense of the rust belt?
took the words out of my mouth
well said
i remember when lyndon johnson said "ill have those niggers voting for 200 years"
he seems nice
Typical Liberal living in Never Neverland (you never have to grow up!) always with the supremely pedestrian, low-elevation view of who/why people in this country vote Republican. You faggots are so easy.
And how would voting democrat change anything? They are also a capitalist party.
Occupy a history book, chucklehead
>~James Woods, 2017
what state
The south is poor because of reconstruction and northern carpetbaggers.
But they're not complaining about it.
James Woods would be a great Pres. Has my vote
Maybe if they voted in an actual election and not Dancing With the Stars...
>for generations
kek, fucken saved
We are watching a political realignment. Dems are now party of the elite and minorities are their useful idiots. Just as white evangelical types used to be GOPs useful idiots.
>used to be
> implying evangelicals are still not useful idiots who vote against their economic interests
muh master race.
>owns that house
>owns that land
>owns multiple animals that feed him
Richer than you goy.
Evangelicals knew exactly what they were getting with trump. They realized having a moral litmus test for candidates was a losing proposition and now quite consciously will vote for whomever will protect them from social degeneracy, regardless of a candidates personal life
So like poor blacks and dems? There is no "sides" you dumb shits, not aside the rich elite and us poor/middleclass.
Liberals are welfare leeches.
and the niggerest of niggers. #NutMuhPrezidint
They could at least have universal healthcare, but murricans opted for corporate tax presents instead.
deus vult
well the elected democrats do, the lobbyist and their business
>for generations
>Dixiecrats are a thing until the 80s
> Politicians will fix my economic status
What about poor blacks that always vote democrat and are still poor?
>Racemixing faggots, feminists, and niggers have been voting democrat for generations
>still oppressed.
I'm poor white trash, and I don't vote for gibs.
which part of this is hard for you redditors/tumblristas to understand?
We hate unions that would raise our wages and benefits because unions once they achieve power turn corrupt.
We hate corrupt politicians.
We do not vote to get gibs.
Am I being trolled by some libtard?
Niggers vote democrat ffs
>The south have their jobs shipped overseas or shutdown due to heavy regulations by democrats
>Have to reply funding to stay afloat
>Still Poor
Try still happy, moshe.