How do I hide my power level at work?

I was just at lunch and blurted out a few things about how I think all of feminism is a botched piece of shit, and that women shouldn't have the right to vote, the families should. I got really weird looks and I started digging into how the United States job market suffered because of all of the women coming into working, and even hit the minimum wage problem.

After I got that deep everyone kinda of just got weirded out, and left the room saying lunch was over (there was still 15 mins left of lunch). I'm kind of scared, this is the first time anything like that has ever happened. They wanted to discuss politics and I gave them politics...

Cut your Adderall dosage for starters.

You were off to a good start until you chicken shitted out and left lunch break early.
Try becoming an emotionally crippled alcoholic.

Also they know me as a Trump fanboy, because of my bumper sticker. I stopped getting shit for it though once I explained my reasons for supporting and they literally didn't have anything to say back except for, well he's calling CNN fake news, so therefore he's a big dummy.

Oh and I've been at this company for 5 months and just got a raise...

Unless your boss is based and gives you promotion for redpilling your coworkers, you have to start looking for a new job, OP.

My boss has an "at home wife" I think he's pretty fucking based but I could be wrong.

I didn't leave lunch break early these guys did... it was a group of 5.

I started having a hard time holding my power level back when almost all of my coworkers overtly hate jews and even the one liberal old man is still liberal in by 1991 standards. Then there's one that's a lib, but she's still a farm girl, so she's kind of an annoying mixed bag.


Don't have autism, exercise moderation and learn to be a bit subtle.

What do you do? They expect an echo chamber, but that's not how WE work...

I'm actually autistic, so I guess I'm losing that battle.


Emotionally crippled alcoholic here

Avoid political discussions at work all together.

I figured this was the case, but they really wanted me to chime in because I wasn't talking... We're in a fairly conservative place. Three of the guys said they've heard of it before and somewhat backed me up...

Some companies are cool, I work for people as based as me - they have to be by definition to hire me. I'm what is commonly known as an enforcer.
But you're in a normie job and I guess everybody is brainwashed at your pay level and now you are the guy everyone hates.
Make a couple of million dollars, hire me, and I'll fix their attitudes for you. Until then pick your timing better -in whatever new job you migrate too. Pariah.

I'm 23 and new to the world of alcohol, isn't weed a better choice in general?

I'm a developer, I make more than everyone I was sitting at that table with... I'm actually much higher up in the company than they are. They're your typical hourly wage cucks. I was only in there for some free food. I normally play HOTS on my break...

Never discuss politics or religion in mixed company. Especially at work. Take the hint and keep your mouth shut from now on and consider yourself lucky if you get to keep your job.

Oh man, didn't read that 'til now.
THEY are in so much shit for baiting you (because of your car sticker) because the cuck rules say you can do no wrong.

Good stuff.
I was just being twatty. Looks like I was wrong.
You can always pretend you were being ironic like a negro singing camptown racetrack in a room full of white supremacists or something similar.
Whatever happens it was their fault not yours.

They were all talking politics and wanted me to chime in. I just gave it a shot.

Sounds good, I can default because of my Autism card, and claim that I was being an ironic autist and was trying to make a joke, but it got lost in the transition.

"Politics at work are a bad idea so I'll pass. Do what you want, though."

Problem solved.

I like Rottweilers

Geeze... I'll play that one next time. Thanks for the tip, I'm really not the best at avoiding conversations like this.

My mother argued with me on Christmas that I deserved to die because of my Right wing values.

They really are sweet pups :).

I very slowly started saying redpilled shit at work and ramped it up over a year. Now i have a daily rant about how much i haye the government and loudly defend any dumb think trump does because "lol fuck the gvmt"

>wagecuck problems


I already said i wasn't a wagecuck nigger. Learn to read.


I think you're overspreading on politics.

Should have shut your mouth about politics for at least a year or 2.
When asked about Trump say
"Let him do his thing we don't know what will happen yet. lets wait for a few years and see what happens"

Other then that don't say much about politics.

At least thats what i am doing. And i was also known as a trump fanboy.

I just adopt the ideology of other people at work when it comes to politics.


Oh god no.

That's a fair way to go about it also... A little more opinionated than

But that's not really a bad thing...

But why...?