
The Golden One BTFO
just sayin'


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Varg is a useless cuck who got converted into islam in prison and now re-enacts crypto jihad on Christianity.

nice try golden shill




Swedes are literal sub-humans
No mountains
Eat meat balls daily
Make shitty furniture
Alfred "Cuck" Nobel
LOW energy
OVERRATED Hockey team
Raped daily in Skiing competitions by Norgs
SHIT at Chess, because low IQ, small brains




The Golden One is a god damn retard. He doesn't think there is a conflict between Christianity and Paganism, I mean, how fucking naive can you be?

reminder pagan shilling is a jewish divide and conquer tactic

Why are you larping pagan nords still fighting the war you lost 1000 years ago. There is no conflict when the other side was totally victorious.

Golden One and Survive the Jive are far more European than Varg will ever be. Varg has dark blond (brown hair) and dark blue eyes (a result of mixing) even his kids are growing into brown hair. Varg is not a true Nord. How won't get a DNA test done because of "Muh kikes" but it's actually because he knows he's not a pure European let alone a pure Scandinavian. That's why he makes all the videos about haplogroups. He probably has an African ancestor that he's hiding.

kek let me try

Norwegians are literal sub-humans
Only mountains
Eat smalahove daily
Makes shitty oil
Martin and Martinus
Very low energy
OVERRATED skiing team
Raped daily in by Danes for hundreds of years
SHIT at science, because low IQ, only understands oil

Ni tror att om man lyssnar på en 40 årig bidragstagare som bor i Frankrike och strävar att levas som han gör så blir man en riktig man.
HA, vilket jävla skämt Varg är

Att anse kristendomen som dåligt är att förräda ditt folk och historia
Men visst, ni kan ju leva som Varg gör om ni tycker att ni inte är bättre än ett par negrer.


Blackpills can only be successfully prescribed by an ANGLO.
Hitchens is permitted, Varg is not. Very simple my nordic niggas

Häng dig

REMINDER: If you don't have blue eyes you're not European.

Är ju iaf inte en larpande pagan som tror Varg är någon högtidlig person som man ska lyssna och ta vid utav

Paganism var före Kristendomen i Sverige. Idiot.

>create submissive empathetic religion for your grave enemy
>create warlike conquering religion for the middle east/african horde
>create a religion of superiority for your own people

Klart som fan att jag vet det.

Kristendomen gjorde Sverige till den nation som var respekterad och fruktad.
Inte nå vikingar som var på neger nivå

>Inte nå vikingar som var på neger nivå
Bedre å leve som en neger, men være fri, enn som en slave under ei sentralmakt og en jodisk religon.

>purity spiraling this hard
We really shouldn't alienate a ton of whites because hey have brown eyes. My eyes are blue, but even if they weren't it wouldn't make me not white.

Muh Crusades though

Although I don't believe it, that's actually a pretty good theory.

>Arbeta för en vikinga kung eller dö
Du var nog inte så fri, då en Jarl styrde över dig, och jävligt många var trälar

Under Kristendomens styre så var man mer fri

>försvara en jude
vad gör du ens här?


Both Varg and Styx are fucking retarded pagans larping about in the forest waiting for the end times.

Golden one is right. Euros need to ensure the continued existence of their culture before starting more religious wars with each other.

lmao häng dig Sveriges stormaktstid var långt efter den hedniska tiden

>when you're a follower of a foreign semitic cult but think another foreign semitic cult taking over the native European lands somehow is bad

>complains about divide and conquer
>uses the very same tactic against pagans

>försvarar en jude
Nej, jag försvarar de moralerna och traditionerna som är Svenska
Det som våra förfäder har levt efter i flera hundra år

Hvorfor går du ut ifra at jeg bare refererer til Vikingtida? Da var vi allerede langt forbi negerne i sivilisasjon, men maktstruktur og þing.

Krigerkulturen/Vikingkulturen hadde dodd uten Kristendommen også. Det som er sikkert, er at vi hadde i alle fall ikke importert Afrikanere og Semitter under et folkelig og paganistisk styre.

Christcucks are all rice mixers. They aren't worth saving. They will just flood our countries again after this is all over.

Besides, Jesus' message was co-opted by Saul/Paul.

>whites are being replaced with millions of non-whites
>police state oppressing whites from fighting back
>muslims blowing up innocent white girls in concerts
>"Better start a religious conflict and arguing about pube color because that's our number one problem hurr!!"
Fuck this guy

>let's convert back to a religion we know little about and which was largely consumed by Christianity and fight with those that disagree

Sorry, but The Golden One is the only person with his fucking priorities ordered.

Does anyone in this thread that's cucking for Christianity even know any Christian white nationalists?

My guess is no.

Christcucks are rabid egalitarianism. Even Hitler wanted them to go away after the war.

Varför vi har Afrikanare och judar i våra länder är för att vårat folk har varit cucks.
Ingen har sagt emot och då kan de bara göra som de vill

På grunn av Kristen moral, som sier at alle er like my verdt uansett hvor du er ifra, om du bare folger Joden Jesus Kristus.

This. Call him a larper or narcissist all you want; he is capable of seeing how stupid this pganaism larp shitfest and wewuz ayrans blue eyes blond hair masterace is. Why now of all fucking times to create this completely child-like tension amongst Europeans? Do Varg and his fucking ilk actually unironically believe europe out of nowhere will suddenly become this one hundred percent white, blue eyed blond haired paradise if we adopt paganism and get rid of le ebil Christians? Varg is living in a fantasy world and it genuinely makes me think he is controlled opposition somehow; only someone who makes such moronic statements could, and the size of his follower base is worrying. Europeans need to unite, not fragment which is exactly what kikes want. No, Varg, your stupid fucking paganism is not what can unite Europe. Normies look at you like a fucking madman. Golden One advocates you becoming a strong, powerful, proud nationalistic citizen, regardless of your paganism/Christianity or blue eyes/blond eyes circle jerk. Varg and his followers are playing right into the Jews hands and they don't even know it.

>yes goyim, make your society crumble into a post-apocalyptic pagan larping shitfest where everyone lives in huts in the forest and sacrifices chickens to glorious odinn. No, it wont make immigrants enter all that much easier, and it definitely wont make the technologically advanced china or middle east look upon as easy prey

Dock så kommer moralerna ifrån de 10 budorden som Moses fick utav Gud

Som Joden Moses fikk fra den Jodiske Guden Yahweh.

>Larp in public videos
>Richard spencer making a video called "autistic screeching"
>literally using Sup Forums lingo and revealing themselves as pol shitposters
>Taking these man children youtube elecbs seriously

Exactly, there where no war or conflict. The ruler of the nation decided what religion to have and a few hipster nobles adopted it to be cool with the king. There was never any internal war, just propaganda in form of churches and punishment by the law. Reminds a bit of today with the immigrant situation, history repeat itself.

Nobody says you have to save them. But making them into your enemy when both have a common existential threat is fucking dumb.

Gud är inte en Jude

Den Kristne Guden er en semittisk Gud. Joder og Arabere er semittiske.

>there are people on this board who takes this literal larping autistic barbarian murderer seriously
TOP KEK you fucking useless retards, you need to realize that he's not wise just because he has a white beard like the sky daddy he so condemns. This man literally would prefer to go back into the stone age rather than live like a civilized person in a civilized world

both channels aren't very good imo, but varg says what he actually thinks more often. thegoldenone is weird in the fact he is well-read but falls easy for any kind of nationalist propaganda. he unironically saw russia as some kind of bastion of western values back in 2015-2016, for example.

civilization is a result of racemixing
think about it
all civilizations arose in the middle east, egypt, india etc
areas were different populations met due to climate change

since racemixing lowers the quality, it results in the need for social structures to do what we used to do naturally

europeans didn't need civilizations to support them until (((civilization))) began

they helped alot with fighting gays and feminism. ill cred the russkies for that

what does that make danes?

Latsbrah has good self improvement videos and other workout videos
It's sad that he has almost stopped with them and only posts vids about nationalism etc.

>>whites are being replaced with millions of non-whites
How could a Christian have a problem with that? We wuz all da saem in Rabbi Jeshua

I'll stop making them into my enemies when they stop feeding the third world and then shill for opening our borders.

Oh! Hello! Have I told you about my game? Wait, I have hundreds of times? Well... Can't be too sure! Anyway...

go guzzle some cum fucking swede


Varg is a bitch
Golden One is an alpha male viking

that is nullified by the fact their infrastructure is worse than india

All of those civilizations were White, they fell apart because of race mixing

All this shows me is that blonde hair + blue eyes actually means you're retarded

>Now it's not the time to LARP

lmao his whole life is a larp fucking autist

What? Excuse you, I learned perma-culture and... just sorta bought some seeds and the rest. But I DID make an outdoors shower and shitter!

Hmm I'm asking really legit question here: On what basis do, you, nordic people think you are in any way superior to other european people?

You weren't the best warmongers: yes, you pillaged and raped, but you never conquered and ruled anything. Even my country, which is not known very much at its peak had much greater kingdoms than you ever had. You are not even worth comparing to powerhouses like England, France or Germany.
You are in no way genetically superior. having different (recessive if I may add) "eye"genes than rest of the europeans doesn't in any way provide physical superiority. Same goes for hair.
You are not even that estatically pretty. (Meditterainian people in my book have the lead there.) You have single outposts of science and culture but they are exactly just that - single. Every country has them.
So tell me again how are nords superior to europeans?

This is the same beta cuck whose girlfriend dumped him because he kept putting her on the piedestal and calling her "my fair little lady".

This is the same bitch boy who said he has been natural his entire life and anyone who uses anabolic steroids is a degenerate, but later in the same video said he will use anabolic steroids when he reaches his natural limit.

This is the same mongoloid who said that anyone who ever tries weed deserves to get shot in the head, but then said he has tried weed a couple of times but didn't like it.

This is the same gerbil who said he would be walking around the beaches of Sweden during the summer and protect Swedish women from immigrant rapists, but then made a video saying he couldn't do it because none of his friends wanted to accompany him and he was too afraid to do it alone.

This is the same gyno-titted cum guzzler who said all women should learn self-defence, but shouldn't learn how to fight because they "would use it wrongly" under mental pressure.

This is the same tit-twitching albino monkey who said that any man who has sex with a woman from a different ethnicity is a traitor, but moved to Ireland for a girl he met playing World of Warcraft.

This is the same donkey-man that said that all animals should be treated like humans, but then said that vegans are retarded for treating animals like humans.

This is the same live action role-player who said that any man who masturbates or has sex out of wedlock should be thrown off a cliff, but then said he’s had sex with many women.

This is the same fetal alcohol syndrome having ogre-faced gibbon that said he was bullied into depression by Muslim immigrants when he was a kid, but then said that no one ever dared to bully him in his next video.

If you need this guy to tell you what to believe and think, and you look up to him you are the same type of half-brained cunt that watches The big bang theory because the laugh track lets them know what's funny.

Nordics are not superior, ARYANS are. Nordics are Aryan.

Nej judar tror inte på Toran/G.Testamentet alls dom följer Babylonian Talmud och Kabbala (real Satanism). Judar hatar jesus och jesus hatar judar. Han förnekar judarnas existens för att dom inte dyrkar gud utan "traditions of men" (vilket är Talmud)

Om talmuden säger Jesus:
“Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition. Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men’”

Jesus säger att dom är satanister och kommer Fortsätta vara satanister:

(The Pharisees/Jews) answered him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham's children, you would be doing the works Abraham did, but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. ... You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. John 8:39,40,44

Finns cirka 150 citat från jesus som handlar om Judar och deras lögner och råttlika natur.

What is your definition of an aryan?

>Now is not the time to LARP.
>doesn't ready anything but fantasy novels
>has a map of fucking Skyrim in his room
>never read any proper authors on paganism, either from antiquity or the proto-theologians from the 70s to today
>hails Odin, wears cross
>thinks churches are cool but doesn't have any practical skill in arts or crafts
>poses as a spartan and says he's proud of his Scandinavian roots
>literally embarrassed his girlfriend in every movie she took with her
>thinks he will be the leader of the militia that will overthrow the jews
>begs for viewers to share his shitty videos everytime
>Now is not the time to LARP.

he is one of the biggest clowns i've seen

>a member or descendant of the prehistoric people who spoke Indo-European

Mary was a jew, but Jesus was Aryan because his father was literally God. Thats why Jesus has blue eyes and handsome face in all the old paintings, and viking-length hair.

Aryan = proto-Indo Euroepans
that's how historically it has been taken

in the 20th century, people said that Nordic were the 'most Aryan' because Scandinavia was thought to be the Aryan homeland
now the Ukraine is mostly accepted as the homeland

So pretty much all of Europe.
Tell, me again to which eruopean people are aryans superior to?

Basically what you need to know is; Jews are not Aryan, and all European people (Aryans) are superior to Jews

Hello Sorry but your country belong to Sweden, number one hockey country and best country in the north.

Shareblue has infiltrated the janitors, they are deleting multiple posts from this thread.

>OVERRATED Hockey team
We just won the world cup, dumb ass

I agree we are physcially superior, but come on man, you gotta agree that there is a little conflict in this logic.
Jews control everything through threir tricks and cunningness (?). We are superior to jews. I mean, if we truly were so much better than them shouldn't have we awoken a long time ago (dont bring 1933).

Why do inferior races manipulate superior ones?