Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com
>shot a black guy
Can we give more guns to these guys?
(((rescue operation)))
Are these Gaddafis old guys? If so I thank them for their service but if I were one of them i would be pissed for taking him out and maybe let his warnings about shitskins flooding Europe become more true by the day.
The autism is strong within this one!
it certainly is, because youre replying to a bot, bong
A land who gave glorious leader like gaddafi will always bring more based people.
Salvini called out (((Soros))) and his NGOs on TV yesterday
Gaddafi's ghost has risen
Bot ?
don't worry,he will be (((silenced))) soon
they should open fire at the NGOs
If you think al jezeera is click bate you might actually be an idiot
You're doing god's work Norway
>SOS Mediterranee said there were no casualties or direct injuries
Niggers cant even kill other niggers properly
That's definitely a real human bean, friend.
Or, you know. Have an ad blocker.
>Salvini found dead handcuffed with 3 broken ribs and one black eye. PMs think it's a suicide.
Saying this on national television. May God have mercy on his soul
Are you implying a company funded by the Qatar royal family oil barons to push propaganda is not click bait?
haha yeah fuck post quality
>meanwhile, Sweden is taking these people in
>not using adblock and denying them ad revenue while using their servers
Are the Libyans /OurGuys/?
Libya has a coast guard? Do they even have a central government?
well,north africans hate niggers as much as us if no more,so kind of
gaddafi was /ourguy/, but (((some people))) wanted him gone
This is what the West should be doing.
Look at this kikes grin
What the fuck? I thought they were a collapsed country.
I guess Gaddaffi was a long time ago.
he died six years ago
I hope not, we need more brave and bold people like him in Europe.
You killed them.
Actually he was lapidated and HIllary Clinton laughed at his dead.
Libya is Based??
Gadafi-san /ourguy/
idk what to believe anymore
> Be Libya
> Embroiled in a civil war
> Still have time to cap any refugee rafts
If only euros could come together like that.
Last I heard, what remains of the government holds meetings on board boats while the rest of the country is in complete anarchy and chaos
Goddamn why can't we have someone like this in our media?
Why are italians so good with gesturing. combined with how they punctuate words, its just too good
Well, if that NGO isn't larping for profiz and propaganda there.
Realistically, these migrants should be picked up by the european nations navys and brought back to lybia instead of italy. It must be well publicized that this will go staight back to lybia.
Why doesn't it happen this way?
look at all those poor women and children :^(
>NGOs rescue nogs
>Libyan coastguard shoots
>NGOs deny being a taxi service for nogs from Libya
Outsiders cant deal with the level of cuckery in Europe.
Do they deny it though?
Here in the media, there you'll find occasionaly a fluff piece emotionalizing this, by making it the personal story of some young or middle aged woman who wants nothing but to help and now has to endure this incredible emotional burden.
they should have crossed the sea into the cucktinent of Europe if they don't wanna be shot at
One subtitle line is fake.
It would be so cool to sink those boats along with the ones of the rescuers.
I want them all to meet the fate they are trying to inflict to the people of Europe.
I want to see their scared puzzled faces, hear their screams when they are stricken down one after the other as their boats are devoured by the hungry waves.
There truly wouldn't be greater justice.
God damn, that guy has balls.
Looks like supporting those rebels in Libya wasn't a bad idea after all.
... What the fuck.
Guys, what if. Hold on, bear with me.
What if Islam is /ourreligion/?
Think about it, Allah is the Christian God but they don't accept Jesus as their prophet. They believe in Muhammad who is a pedo and murdering misogynist but.. listen. You're not obligated to treat your wife poorly or be a pedo. You don't have to fuck goats or children. You can rule the world as a proper patriarchal master, through Islam and Liberals can't do a fucking thing about it until they finally turn on Islam.
So I ask again, is Islam /ourreligion/? I mean, they hate the Jews. Shouldn't we help them? What if we made peace and totally averted a world war between Christians and Muslims in order to finally eradicate the Jewish problem from the face of the earth?
>Hold on, bear with me.
If the (((rebels))) had lost there wouldn't be niggers swarming out of Libya.
I'm assuming you meant "must become mutt, mixed race"
What was said instead?
We already have Mormonism.
actually they belive both in jesus and mary
>You beared with me
They also believe in the Emerald Tablet and racemixing.
Mormonism is very new compared to either religion and is based on (((SPACE JEWS))). I would rather not. Mormonism is like if Sweden accepted Westboro as their main religion.
Ethnic substitution
>Refugee wannabes shooting refugees.
You can't make this shit up.
That's even worse. If anything, that helps his argument. The faked subtitle makes it sound not so bad, to a liberal. "What's wrong with race mixing?" But a total substitution is a purge or a genocide. There's a major difference. Thanks, Mario.
Sure, why not.
wtf i love ooga boogas now gadaffis spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know he was right
What's Gaddaffi thinking about Sup Forums?
>my feet hurt
>why won't this slimy jew rat stop shaking my hand?
>I really hope I don't get hussein'd
Islam was literally founded by Jews to push the Christians out of Jerusalem. And again, Islam promotes anti-racism, while the Book of Mormon is explicitly pro-white. Mormonism is at least as ridiculous as Islam, but I'd rather have CI-level bullshit than racemixing propaganda.
These kind of opinions have always been mainstream in Italian media. It's not really a big deal for us.
The aren't refugees
Why the fuck is any nigger now considered a refugee?
Fuck you swedecuck.
He sees the future. His own death. He knows what is going to happen. Maybe he can change it in another timeline.
>(OP) (OP)
Im voting for him when i move there later in the year.
>Sup Forums meets refugees in the ocean
Holy shit wtf Sup Forums you lied to me. You told me all europeans were cucks.
Is southern Europe the last bastion of western life?
So you guys don`t have gay shit on italian tv still?
>Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa bin Hamad bin Abdullah bin Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani, born 1 January 1952, is a member of the ruling Al Thani Qatari royal family
>I mean, they hate the Jews
and the Christians and the Muslims, atheists, Yazidis etc.
Libya is even more of a country than other countries, other countries have only one government, in Libya even just the north half of the country has two governments
>real countries wanted: governmentlets need not apply
Wow. They've gotten so ballsy in ferrying terrorists across the Mediterranean that they got so close to Lybia their Coast Guard felt threatened?
Being this brainless
link the original video
the shilling against him is strong, here they put big effort in discrediting Salvini as much as they can so that his party could never rule on its own but needs coalitions with others if they want to actually try to govern.
The spirit of Gadafi is with us
I smirked. Good job fatty