Is she /ourgirl/?
Tara McCarthy
Isn't she part indian?
she's not afraid to bring up the JQ, unlike (((Lauren Simonsen)))
She's awful to look at desu
Half-assed. Well She's does a very professional show and is basically another childless careerist masculine chick but on the other hand, she does grasp most of the concepts most other twats are too ignorant to realize or admit so there's that at least. I still watch her once in a while.
She has an American boyfriend.
if a newfag can't resist taking the b8, at least remeber to
What is 'sage' and how should I do it?
She has a voice for ASMR. Someone should tell her to do something like reading Mein Kampf ASMR
Type "sage" in the options field if you want to post a reply but not bump the thread.
Special Branch or military intelligence. Classic case, probably approached at uni. Stunningly beautiful though like her American counterpart Sinead.
you have to write your full name then in options part write sage, this way you can post something to a thread without bumping it, and possibly make it go under. the name is so that mods know your request is legit. noone will see it
Literally who? Also stop shilling yourself here.
KYS, you Untermensch
She's a white ethno nationalist (she is mixed from a few generations back) and she has talked about the JQ.
Problem is she doesn't really know enough within her own field, so what you get is really a lot of talk with no substance.
WTF is wrong with this board? Seriously what the fucking fuck??? Tara is one of the most clear cut white nationalists out there and of the first posts on le ebin Sup Forums it's nothing but shitting on her. One gets the impression there's more antifa in this shithole than genuine polacks.
Absolute cancer.
>woman hits the wall
>wtf I am le based kekistani now, AWOO prasie kek and our god emperor(lol)
Sort your fucking shit out you sad sack of shit.
She's really not though. She doesn't really know what she's actually on about.
What makes you know it?
I could totally imagine her being one.
that's fucking disgusting
we should stop glorifying people on the internet asap. if they fuck up all of our credibility goes downhill.