>Don't race mix because your children will look ug-
Don't race mix because your children will look ug-
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you post the pic of retarded kid?
>Posts ironic post indicating mixed girls are pretty
>Shows "hot girl" with mop as a head
I'm convinced now, the new red pill is race mixing to have children with mop heads
Is it supposed to look like that?
>implying that all the mongrels look like this
i wonder how many IQ points she could of had.. sad really
How can purebreeds even compete?
And said mop head in OP will disown her White parent by the time she enters an all Black college or makes a Hip Hop Soul album.
But yeah, race mix MOAR Goy!!
>be racist against mixed people
>get upset when they identify with the other side
>this is attractive in Sweden
Nappy nigger hair is the biggest turn off ever
So this...
Is the power...
Of gibs...
Udry et al. (2003) compare, using data of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (US), health and risk status of adolescents in coherence with self-identification with a single race or more. They show that juveniles identifying themselves as mixed race are more prone to smoke and drink, have a worse school experience and show higher risk regarding general health questions.
They conclude that "adolescents who self-identify as more than 1 race are at higher health and behavior risks."
Can you imagine the state of its minge? Must be like rip van winkles hedge...
>Make threads about how 'mixed girls' are pretty
>Tell everyone to race mix
> Show photos of BLACK girls to prove point that your kids end up BLACK when you racemix
>Profit for Shekels?
All look the same, boring
su much for the "diversity"