>Be me, fairly autistic but successful Zergling
>Go with gf on Eurotrip
>Go to plenty of major cities
>Mudslimes and niggers run rampant
>Feel huge disgust at this state of affairs
>Go to the more provincial areas
>People a lot more to my liking
>To the ones that I had confidentiality of sharing my thoughts share the same sentiment
>Realize the ideal society that I was raised to believe is slowly being eroded
>Feel huge dissapointment, but feel like no one actually shares my thoughts, even in the internet
>Finds pol, get trashed talked everytime I state an opinion
>Realize that a prosperous Europe is a hell lot more important that acceptance of foreigners, despite being one myself
Why Europe?!
>30% muslim country complains about 15% muslim countries
>Go with gf
>with gf
Get out!
how does one become a successful zergling?
>Albanian compaining about muslims
You are the same people dude
If its any indication we don't really have anything like I have witnessed in Europe. We don't have rape gangs, sharia police or shit like that, in fact we are more like Poland then anything.
Getting a lot of kills.
If you took the time coming here, you would actually see we are a lot like Poland with an occasional towel head walking by.
Albanian here. I feel you bro.
is that what albanians call themselves these days
Lurk more leaf
Balkanian muslims are not like arab muslims. They converted to avoid persecution. Usually they were the poorest part of the society.
nobody references 'zergling' on Sup Forums
They call us Albozerg, thus zergling
>Albo scum complaining about niggers and mudslimes
Might wanna take a look at the mirror first.
it's in the mirror, not at
The fact that you are greek is insult enough, I don't have to sully my toungue adding more, it's redundant at this point.
No shit retard shqip
Did you think the westerners whining here all day a big meme
That was before I discovered this place, basically telling you that I don't care being treated unfairly as long as Europe is ok, since its a lot better than anything we will ever produce
>I don't care being treated unfairly as long as Europe is ok
>as long as Europe is ok
Little trouble here.
>I don't have to sully my toungue adding more
Don't worry, you sully this world by existing in the first place.
Hey I just insult it by existing, I don't burden it with all that debt
>all these replies shitting on OP because of flag related but no one says how right he is
this is why flags need to be removed
>inb4 shqip from Kosovo
doesnt matter what country youre from as long as youre redpilled
Thats the problem mate, Europe is not ok, that's the fucking problem that pains me.
To be honest pal, Albanians from Kosovo are nigger tier. And that's not my sentiment, that's the general sentiment.
Being redpilled would help if we were forming something new, but as a general population, if a sizable group isn't redpilled, it doesn't make a difference
>>Finds pol, get trashed talked everytime I state an opinion
why do you talk about yourself in the third person
post gf penis
I visited a couple cities in Europe myself. The closer to the downtown portion I get, the more immigrants and Muslims I saw. I even visited the red light district in Amsterdam and it was mostly brown people walking around. There's a lot of work to do if the white people wanna retake what is rightfully theirs.
Im not in thailand mate
The entire origin of the national identity is Skanderbeg, which marked the beginning of albanians transcending from a number of related tribes to a unified people, all in the name of denying Turks. Now those idiots get overrun by Islam with their own consent.
Feels bad man