MANCHESTER BOMBER'S FAMILY KNEW, DID NOTHING (enter link in google to view)

>Muslims were being mistreated so he wanted revenge
>We knew he was going to do something violent

This family should be thrown in jail.

Other urls found in this thread:

Think about it OP. If your good friend was 14/88 and he would tell you that tomorrow morning he goes out to open fire on a couple of random muslims, would you report him or not, considering you cannot change his mind?

They should be killed

We didn't know dat wuz an ISIS flag hanging in his window.

i would tell him to stop trying to treat the symptom and go after the cause and shoot some of the (((elite))) instead which import the symptoms. in the same manner they are the same guys responsible for the bombing and fuck ups in the middle east he wanted revenge for


Read this article. Think about why his family 'fled' from Gaddafi. Think about what sort of people those 'dissidents' really were. The clue is British intelligence were using muslim fundamentalists for a long time and readily agreed to give them safe haven in the UK. Those dissidents were not in the slightest bit interested in bringing western style democracy to Libya and fleeing Gaddafi because they were 'brutally repressed peaceful people'

*There's a good reason why Gaddafi was after those fuckers




>terrorists from libya did nothing to stop their son from committing an act of terrorism!




Of course they knew, he went to Libya with his dad to fight for al-Qaeda. They had originally fled Libya because Gaddafi wouldn't put up with al-Qaeda fags.

pretty sure the dad and both brothers have been arrested

they should bulldoze his shithole mosque too

>moderate muslims

they should be executed

like every other muslim, """"peaceful"""" or not



Good point. Fleeing Gaddafi more than likely meant they were salafists. Should deport all Libyan refugees prior to 2011 at the very least.

That good a friend can count on me being by his side.



They are so fucking stupid it hurts.

Why do muslims need 4 words for lying?

There's probably fault on both sides.

>This family should be thrown in jail.

No, deported you fucking retard

>>Muslims were being mistreated so he wanted revenge
SO... we go to Libya and kill millions to avenge the deaths in Manchester? Eventually, they'll realize that they'll lose the war in attrition, because for every one infidel they kill, a thousand Muds are turned into human paste with bombs and high-caliber weapons.

One thing that occurred to me. What do fanatical suicide bomber yell when they about to go Martyr?

>"All of a sudden an almighty flash and bam," Kim said, adding "it was deafening."

>"We got thrown on the floor," Kim said. "And then there was rubble and dust everywhere."

>"We thought we were just on the periphery of a much bigger explosion, that's what our first thoughts were," Phil said.

>"The only thing I saw was the remnants of the suicide bomber. Basically the bottom half of the body in the middle of the corridor."

somehow this guy knew it was a suicide bomber. He must have read the script. What if the bomb was already planted and they use this family as the face of the attack. The family is probably sitting pretty in Libya. It is all a big show.

It's the same with Jews. All Semitic sandpeoples are untrustworthy and shifty.

They should confiscate mosques if members snackbar out.

Killed is more like it, you fucking cuck

No tears. She is just acting.

No tears here either. Just actors.

why would they overly complicate this detail, they have a plethora of willing bombers


no shit, they were moderate muslims. why would they do something? they were not radicalized, they were peaceful moderates who minded their own business while their son conducted jihad. you cant fault them for that

I can get behind this criminal code.

i wonder if they will vote for more refugees now to not be racist

This, though maybe with actual numbers.
For every terrorism related death we execute 2 random people from the culprits home country.
Eventually the muds will realised that terrorism is counter productive

I would stop him because that just creates sympathy for the victims and would end up hurting the cause in the long term.

If you actually want to remove kebab, you have to let their atrocities go off uninhibited, which will turn the people increasingly against them, until finally a breaking point is reached and you can move the nation in your direction.

This is why Brevik was a fucking retard.

Let's just exterminate ISIS, AQ, and various other jihadi groups.

Moderate Muslims enable the radical ones.

And how would you know there is a plethora of willing bombers? They put a face on this family which leads them to this big nefarious terrorist cell criss crossing the globe. The politicians can do all kinds of moves now, to protect the British people. For their own good of course.

maybe I am wrong but that how I feel anyways.

i see nothing wrong with this except the adultery thing , muslims are incredibly stuck up on sexuality for some funny reason but killing a-okay and so is raping lil kids and nonmuslims apparently.

then again i know plenty "merchant muslims" that are down to earth drink beer , smoke etc and generally give 0 shits about islam and would be one of the first to rush to help people in despair.

its a bizzarro world.
and no im not a muslim , im a christian with jewish roots.

Wait, we believe the WSJ now?

is that a vape in OP's picture? I thought muzzies weren't allowed to smoke? Or is Allah cool with robot dongs?

>video link is purple

Fire up those gas chambers.

Those Muslims who drink and take drugs turn to jihad because they feel unworthy to Allah. In Islam the one way you are guaranteed entry into heaven is jihad.

Otherwise you are sent to hell and stay there until Muhammad saves you. Can't say I blame them but that's the theology.

>Let's just exterminate ISIS, AQ, and various other jihadi groups.
so... all muslims. good thinking

No, I understand you, but the assault trucks and the stabbers were definitely real people. We would have to accept that the entire situation in Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc. to be wholly manufactured for ISIS to not be real. Who ISIS really is is debatable, but the footmen would have to be at least partially muslim to keep the facade.
The only reason I could see them planting the bomb before hand is to ensure it got past security, so then they could blame it on poor security, leading into your scenario.

How can you post this and not get arrested in your country, Germany? Goodbye old friend you're going to get disappeared.

>" he was not a true muslim"
>literally thrown out of the mosque for reading muslim religious texts toomuch

>We knew he was going to do something violent
>moderate muslims
Every fucking time. The spread of Islam and subjugation of non-Islamic cultures is due to idiots trying to be nice and just.
You cannot fight a radical wild animal by being nice to it. They take every kind gesture for granted, and KEEP ATTACKING.
There are too many of them, and it's to easy to Taqiya out of guilt because the West will not crack down on it.
If they were involved in any kind of terrorism, they need to be punished. This includes failure to report any suspicious activity by friends and family.

a lot if not most muslims that grow up here tend to despise islams restrictions and turn to atheism or christianity and actually completely get rid of their barbaric death cult.

the problem is with the rapefugees , we here in germany had muslims way before the rapefugee crisis and we didnt suffer any global raping murder beheadings , besides the usual underground criminal drugslinging pimping idiots that every race and religion has.

so i wonder , who is the real culprit here?
we all blame islam and muslims (divide and conquer) playing right into the hands of (((them))).

its 5D chess really , let goyim kill other goyims then enforce police states take away their armory posessions and turn them into full cuckmode obedient goyims.

in other words - redpill muslims and remind them christianity buddhism and hinduism are connected.
remind them that we are ONE against (((THEM))) thats what the zionist agenda fears.

then again im thinking of a utopia and most suicide bombers , terrorists are mossad and not even faithful people.

the rabbit hole goes much deeper than "every muslim is inherintly barbaric and evil by nature that only wants to subdue others and dominate the world".


>This family should be thrown in jail.
They should be fucking murdered, that is openly supporting terrorism. This is a war faggot.

You're a bit behind on the time user, his family were al qaeda supporters and his brother was planning an atrocity of his own.

dumpf is right for once

It would be fine if it weren't for the religious and manifest destiny shit.

Vapes are great detonators, self contained battery and heating element in one small package. Remove the air switch and wire in a momentary button, bypass any resistors that stop the element getting red hot and done, easy detonator in a small disguiseable package.


Pick one, moderates hold you down while radicals behead

Not to mention you can put it in the basket going through security and sail right through.

That's an exploded vape user..

>It was the work, reports Phillips, of a relatively sophisticated bomb-maker, with skills the suicide bomber is not thought to have possessed himself.

impossible! He had an intricate web of terror cells helping to create this Manhattan project bomb filled with nuts and bolts. The good boys in the anti terror intel community were on the case, but this guy was just that good. He probably train under Bin Laden

The father and one of the brothers were arrested i Tripoli on suspicion of links to islamic state

The BBC even posted a photo of the younger brother in Libya posing with a literal machine gun

But what I really want to know is what the fuck the SAS were doing in Hulme (and other places in Manchester)???

>tomorrow morning

Was du heute kannst besorgen...

And you believe that baloney?

This is what pisses me off. It blows the whole "not all muslims" narrative out of the water.

For every one that blows themselves up, there is probably a network of 10-20 that help directly facilitate it, and hundreds who know but let it happen anyway. Sure, not all muslims blow themselves up, but most are complicit or sympathetic. Time to send them all back.

This. They came to Britain (as refugees fleeing "persecution") in 1982. The same year Gaddafi started locking up Islamic fundamentalists.

If merely deported, what stops them from committing these acts again?

vast majority of muslims in the west support terrorism

If whites don't give a shit about their own race, their nation, their families, etc
Then why would muzzies?

I wholeheartedly believe the only way to stop this is to go after the terrorist families and relatives.
They might not have any respect for human life including their own and you can't punish them after they blow themselves up, but go after the parents of one of those assholes and you have the best deterrent.
No mama's boy muzzie is going to blow children to pieces if it means that his own mother is going to end up behind bars for life.

The russians did something similar in the 80's and it worked for a long time.

Tell him its not the time yet.

and im not even christian

Does your autism know no bounds?
>So autistic that he's never had feelings so strong that have caused him to cry for so long he can't produce tears anymore

They lost their fucking kids you retard.. this is some tinfoil crisis actor bullshit you asperger riddled cuck.

>I wholeheartedly believe the only way to stop this is to go after the terrorist families and relatives.

>Kill more people
>Anger more people
>Solve all the problems

Germany you tried this before...

Going to be Turning Ariana Grande into a Nazi/Fascist/Alt-right symbol: