Whuttup britbongs

Whuttup britbongs

Who here is constantly getting these faggot letters?

I don't pay for a TV license obviously cause I don't watch that absolute shit and I'll be in the cold ground before I ever agree to fund that liberal shit stain of an organisation.

Does anyone else have to deal with this?

Whats the most they can do, if anything?

I have a kodi box and watch prerecorded stuff online but none of it is 'live' TV, and definitely none of it is BBC shite.

No way am I having some BBC faggot in my house inspecting it though

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mail it back to them with your other junk mail in the envelope

They dont provide an envelope.

No way im paying out of pocket for the stamp

How can you put up with this?

>even the ability to watch the electric jew is illegal unless you purchase a (((government))) license in bongland
You guys call yourselves a first world country.

I know. Its complete shit!

I cant think of anyone who even watches the BBC who isnt some 60 year old boomer cuck though, so i definitely think its gonna have to go at some point in the next few decades.

Especially if UKIP get in, as they want to abolish it

(not that Im a massive UKIP fan...although ill be voting them as theyre the furthest right in my area)

According to their flagship show Doctor Who: "Capitalism is the root of all evil" S10E03 but like all socialist they like and want YOUR money.

I watch TV everyday and never had a licence. Just go on their shitty website and click the "I don't need a licence" button.

S10E05 mix them up S10E03 its the one where history is nothing else but whitewash

Just phone them uo & tell them you don't own a tv.


Ask them why they report hoaxes as real events?

Also ask them about the trannies.


you simply go online and declare you don't connect TV to aerial.

At some point some fat cunt will come and ask to take a look around, at which point he will look at back of telly, see no cable inserted and fuck back off

thats literally it you moron

the bbc scanner vans are a myth to scaremonger people

>yfw tv license enforcement divisions and investigations are actually real and not a Sup Forums original mame®


Fuck that letting someone into my house from the BBC.

I dont have to do that With any other product in the world. Its not my job to prove I dont. Its their job to prove I do, and if they cant do that without coming into my house then its their problem for having such a shit business model.

Its like having Tesco letting people come and take what they want and then they randomly show up at your house to check your cupboards to see if you have anything of theirs

Had a few meetings with Capita (the cunts who enforce the TV licence) through work. They've always been very friendly to me though.

If you don't watch live tv you have nothing to worry about, do what the letters tell you to.

I haven't paid a licence for years, because I don't watch live tv.

>At some point some fat cunt will come and ask to take a look around
How is that in any way acceptable?
Hippity fucking hoppity

Britbongs believe this is real

>TV license is still a thing
Why won't people throw out their electric jews.

>tv license

You can't use bunny ears?



>The UK government will push through orders next month to force all communications companies including Google and Facebook to break data encryption.

>That's according to the Sun newspaper, which quotes a government minister as saying "we will do this as soon as we can after the election, as long as we get back in. The level of threat clearly proves there is no more time to waste now."

>The same minister is also quoted as saying: "The social media companies have been laughing in our faces for too long."


We have very few rights in the UK.

Nah m8 remember the DTV switchover shit between '07 and '10 or so? Old bunny ears don't work anymore to my knowledge.
>gov. mandates switchover
>has to hand out shitloads of DTV box vouchers so poor people can keep their pacifier
>still takes several years longer than anticipated
>mfw fuzzy static was replaced by loss of signal at the drop of a hat

Whatever you do, if they ever say "we'll stop proceedings against you if you pay the amount from DATE" never ever pay, they can and do use that as evidence you were watching tv without a licence in court. It's not even a small proportion of their successful prosecutions that relly on this Jewish trick.

Go on the website and click the box that say's you don't need a t.v licence, that's what I did never heard from them since.

We do, just the police dont know the law. and dont know our rights.

That means we have no rights, if the police don't unhold them you have none.

>nightmare fuel

They rid of them on the move to digital

maybe the bbc should make a time machine and change the way that they broadcast their shows so people cannot get away with not paying for it

fucking amount of idiot brit posters on here astounds me

you should film your encounter with the bailiffs and upload to youtube so we can all laugh


I filled in the online form telling them I dont have a telly. I think someone came to inspect once but i didnt answer the door. If they ever come round again I'll let them look around and then as theyre leaving ask them if they want to go into the attic to look for anne frank.

notice its always council house scum

I still fail to see why you need a tv license or what privilegeds it grants you. It sounds like a scam?

If it's not registered mail, just throw it away and you can always claim you never got it later on.

>mfw tv used to be free, has fewer commercials, and had better quality programming

Phone them and tell them you don't watch television, they put you on a list for two years that lets these cunts not to harass you.

Not sure if the memes about people knocking on your door are real or not, I live in North Wales and I've never heard of anything like that happening, ever.

A "TV Licence" is just a tax. It's dressed up as paying for non-commercial television but it's really just another stealth tax.

You yankees probably aren't aware the first tv broadcasts were state sponsored. As were the first channels. They were paid for by taxes in the shape of a tv "license."

Later came commercial channels. Thise that actually showed tv commercials that "paid" for the channels, but by then the BBC had entrenched so hard they resisted commercialisation.

The BBC license "Fee" is currently £145.50 per year. (about 200 bucks?) If you have ANYTHING that can recieve tv broadcasts you are required to have a license.

Remember the old tv capture cards you could buy for your 486 PC? THEY needed a license too.

Also, if you can get BBC IPlayer they're hoping to charge you the fee for that too. But so far I don't think they're winning that argument.

The only good news is that so few people watch regular broadcast tv that everyone is struggling.

it's simply paying for the bbc if you use it

if you don't watch the bbc, you don't pay for it, pretty simple

think of it more as a yearly subscription. only problem is that by design they cannot effectively track who doesn't pay but does watch it other than sending forceful letters or coming around to your house to inspect whether or not you have a cable attached

tell them you will agree to allow inspection if they first allow you to inspect their home

>With no evidence of a crime, they can get a search warrant for your home and forcefully enter with police escort
Jesus fucking Christ.

It's complete bullshit, it's forced funding of shitty goyovision, shows about being trans and interracial bum sex.

You can opt out of it however.

start an online movement to rebel against that faggotry

Find out if the 'enforcement division for investigation' is a separate private company, if they are you have no legal obligation to pay without signing a contract with the private company.

Most debt collectors work like this to scam a few interest points off the idiot population

Why don't they just allocate government funding for their propaganda like everyone else instead of doing this meme shit? At this point it seems more like a psyop than a genuine revenue steam.

seems like an excuse to search someones house of illegal thoughts and substances

The "Detector vans" were indeed a myth. You can't pick up rf waves like that. It was a scare tactic.

No, how hey knew you had a tv was because by law we had to report people that bought a tv to the state. All shops had to.

Source: working in Dixons for 4 years.

We used to have TV license in Finland but more and more people stopped paying it so they finally got rid of it and added a "media" tax instead that pretty much everyone pays regardless of if you have a TV or no TV.

will probably happen in the UK too

WTF is this! Not even in Colombia, a backwards country from the third world, no one cant enter your house without a warrant signed by a judged not even police officers! and even less a mere employee of any utility company! Mate fix your country revolt or do something because you don't live in a free country, hell is even worse than mine!

Unbelievable What the fuck is an illegal TV? You need a license to OWN a TV? Not even the soviets were this controlling and abusive.

When I moved into my first place I bought a TV license


In Germany you can actually get imprisoned if you don't pay for tv and radio license.
I fucking hate this country.

I challenge you to live here my friend

Nobody has mentioned this, but they give you a whopping £5 off if you're registered blind.

So you pay £140 a year instead of £145.

True story.

>coming around to your house to inspect whether or not you have a cable attached

So let me get this straight, if you hook the cable up to your tv you get tv? Like you dont call anyone to turn on the cable its just on and they make you buy some made up license? How come they don't do subscriptions? How much is a tv license?

thanks finland i've been looking for this picture
heres an anime girl

yeah basically

I think
goes into it deeper

I mean honestly you could just connect the cable back up after the bloke has left and they would be none the wiser

they do however sometimes come without notice and I guess they could catch you out

bit harsh that tb h

>fix your country revolt or do something
With what, plastic spoons. We would have to pay a fucking license to see the revolution be televised!

Or if you are a rich pensioner you can get it for free! As well as a bus pass! Plus a heating allowance to spend on your next holiday to Spain! Free NEET bux

>Whats the most they can do, if anything?

They can literally raid your house, and take shit until they feel you "paid" your fee.

The tv licensing company does not need to see the magistrate for a search order.

Thats what happens when you live in a third world country.

They might be able to get you for that one, not entirely sure.

They've raided people for less.

Wait so, you can't own a TV without a license?

I don't have a license, they can only inspect the house if they get a police warrant but you can just let them see you don't watch live tv (I cut all the ariel wires to my tellys) since then I haven't heard shit from them. But the cunts will hound you until you sort it out aye.

Don't reply, don't let anyone in your house. If anyone comes to the door it's some 3rd party company not the fucking police.

They have absolutely no power - that's why they advertise so much. The only reason people pay is because they are scared.

"The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail — its roof may shake — the wind may blow through it — the storm may enter — the rain may enter — but the King of England cannot enter — all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement!"

Yeah fuck that. They can't violate your rights like that. Good thing we have the bill of righ... oh lol nvm.

honestly, we are completely fucked

to think I used to argue with yanks when they called the UK a nanny state

Well, knives and axes my friend, your cops don't have weapons either which I find weird but if that how you want to roll I'm fine with that.

You need to buy a license yearly to use Government watch Government owned TV channels. It's basically just a tax that keeps the BBC running

>unenforceable tv license
Top kek.
I heard england has the same problem with people who take off with gas because you have to fill up first just to pay.

Your whole country is like some kind of philosophical paradox. It literally is the tragedy of the commons

>Letting someone into your home without a warrant or probable cause just to prove you're not stealing their propaganda without paying for it.

Your ancestors should of just chilled out here after we were done fertilizing our American with their friends bodies. What was ol' Georgie boy going to do if you didn't return home? Tax them?

How do you pay for petrol in America then? Is it the other way around?

It's like anyone with an ounce of "fuck you" in their blood fucked off from there a few centuries back.

>fertilizing our American

>not covering qr code and postal bar. I give it a day before people know who you are

Pay first for self service at the teller or the machine. Cable is subscription only but yours is way cheaper whereas our gas is cheaper. But your vehicles are mpre efficient.

We used to have people pump our gas and then pay them directly when they finished, this service came with window-washing and sometimes included tire and oil checks if you wanted it. These days you either pay inside after filling or you pay at the pump with your card either before or after, I've seen it done both ways depending on the station.

>he doesn't get to fertilize american

Bizarre, how about the burden of proof and due process? If the guy ask me do you own an "illegal" TV I would say no, now he has to proof me wrong no the other way around.

What a weird concept.

How long until the we see the TV lisencing group form a megacorp with their own private army to execute raids?


Ignore them entirely.
If the ever show up at your door (very unlikely) you say "fuck off" and shut the door.
They can't do a damn thing.


No one fucking cares Pablo.

I would never pay for that bullshit nor would I bother opening the door for the cunts.

My own council wants me to pay $300 per year for the privilege of not mutilating my dog's genitalia. Not paying that either that's for fucking sure.

The cunts come around looking for my dog because they heard it barking, but they literally can't do shit if you just don't open the door!

Don't even let him in tell him to go away

sure, just don't answer the door if it's not someone expected

and if you do, refuse to answer their questions. or just ask if you are obligated to answer them

99% of people who get done are retards who answer their questions, let them into the house, and sign the confession document

just tell them to piss off. or if feeling generous, tell them he's not in and to go away

watching tv, in the current year

nah, this marks you as a target, better just ignore them and don't answer them at the door

they are a private company with no right to enter your house, unless you give permission

Havent watched TV for 10 years.
Refuse to buy a new DAB radio since they turned of the FM wavelength.

Neither do i pay my TV license since i went to a workshop to get my TV filling. (antenna input blocked physically.)

Why pay for something i haven't used in a decade.

Why the duck would you let someone packaway a product before asking for money?

Thats just fucking retarded.

>what if you bought too much
Then you get your $1 back or it gets charged back onto your card automatically.

I've literally never seen those types of pumps before, down south btw.

Lmao that fee is not for cable, its 4 channels.

Similar to how you can get free tv with a digital tuner, except its slightly better programming quality.

Its mainly a doctor who subscription.

For cable you buy SkyTv, but since you can now watch live TV, you also pay the TV tax.

Its roughly equal to what you pay for premium cable with those sports packages.

He has warrant, he shows it to the police woman at the start of the video you idiot

>saying: "The social media companies have been laughing in our faces for too long."
read; people have not been falling for our socialist bullshit and are rightly calling us faggots online

Don't do anything. If someone knocks at the door just tell them 'fuck off we're full' and close the door on them.

Ashton Rd, Wokingham RG41 1HL, UK

You don't even have to do that.

>Tell them you don't watch TV
>They'll arrange a visit with said fat cunt
>Tell fat cunt you don't give them permission to enter your flat
>They'll huff and puff but eventually fuck off
>you'll receive another letter but just ignore it

all these retarded disingfo shills, or morans

just ignore them and don't answer questions or let them in

It's not:

If you watch itv or channel 4 you need it.

Which pumps, the old full-service ones or the pay-at-pump ones? My local area mostly has regular pay-inside pumps and you fuel up first, but it's not a very new area developmentally speaking so the infrastructure is fairly old.

The goons who work for capita look through people's Windows aswell ha