Women-Only Showing of Wonder Woman

>male privilege exists!



FYI, it's occurring at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin.

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Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com


This is illegal. Google "civil rights act of 1964".

if they dont archive assume it's a shill/bot.
or a complete idiot who doesn't our time.

What if I'm just a whippersnapper?

And feminsts would cry if there is ever a all male film

Stop posting, no one here cares.

Men should go and say that they identify as women, it would be pretty funny.

probably not desu. Discrimination on basis of gender is not subject to the same scrutiny as race. Fraternities can be male only, etc. Also if anyone sued, what are the damages? You couldn't go see a shit movie at a shit theater on one specific showing?

to be fair no self respecting man is going to want to watch that anyway

if it wasn't for sex, every showing of this pile of shit would be women only.

For what reason though?
They're in their rights to arrange this, but I really see no point what so ever. What is gained from women only movies? What is avoided? Its not like you interact with the other people in the theater, save for assholes on their phones (which are always women anyways).

women dont pay to see movies. men pay for them. do you want to tank your multimillion dollar movie because thats what you did to ghostbusters. fucking jews have forgotten how to make money. what timeline is this?

>They're in their rights to arrange this,
They can't discriminate based on gender. That basement dwelling neckbeard does have a point.

This is the only answer

imagine if we said the exact same thing if the reverse happened.

>El Alamo

But there is no basement in El Alamo

wrong, bars get sued all the time for ladies nights they just keep it a secret.


Its not like they would have been paying to see it anyways.

Oh boo fucking hoo, go to a different screening you snowflake faggot. And for the record I hope the movie fucking bombs, but not as much as I hope pathetic redditors like the OP choke on a dragon dildo.


I wish I lived there; I'd show up in a wig and if there were any questions, I'd yell "prove I'm not a woman, go ahead, I dare you. What are you gonna do? Grab my genitals?"

They would fuck right off

lol this

who cares?

But I identify as a woman. Why are they discriminating against pre-trans persons?

Why didn't men just walk in, women would

But like, isn't the tribe of wonder woman pretty much all women? So it would make sense for trailer to only show women? Or are we that desperate to show that men are victims that we actually play victims?

Should cosplay be banned?

Oh shit wait that's not what's thread about

>bars get sued all the time for ladies nights

yeah, by total fuckwits

the WHOLE POINT of "ladies night" is to get women to come in so that MEN can talk to them. it's actually for MEN, not for the women.

have you ever been to a bar, ever? like even one time in your whole life?

>go to cinema
>"sorry sir, females only"
>say you sexually identify as a women and tell the shitlord to stop oppressing you

then you should lurk moar, faggot

That's not what he said.

The timeline where Jews have so much money and control that they've gotten sloppy because they're spending so much time on their White Genocide project

Right, and feminists never chimpout over male only spaces. Leftists are the most hypocritical fucks I have ever came across.

>women only screening

Women only screening of Catwoman 2.
Fixed it.

i don't really care because it's women-only screening
that in itself doesn't bother me
but the fact that if there was a men only screening for uhhh ANY MOVIE
that feminists would be rioting on the streets and most likely set off the fire alarms for the male only viewing

so with this understanding i feel like there should be equally obnoxious protesting and someone should in fact try to set off the fire alarms during the showing (or something similar that's more legal)
if men can't have male only things like this then women shouldn't have them either
unless we're gonna accept that we're truly second class citizens
>inb4 we should show how cool and manly we are and just ignore it as always

What stops you form identifying as a woman tho?
It's like 2017 already

You know you don't have to do that? Just change your gender officially.

"All silent on the Western front" Is an all male movie kek