What made "poo in loo" stick?
How come americans aren't called "shart in mart"?
Why aren't japanese called "cum in mums"?
What made "poo in loo" stick?
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Because shart in mart and cum in mum are just bad ripoffs of poo in loo
Unicef India made this video
Because it's literally commonplace for them and they justify it. The other names are just poking fun (but they do happen).
because UNIFEF literally made a video called "Take the Poo to the Loo" to pottytrain the entire country of India
A large number of Indians really do shit in the streets. It's a big problem.
Shart in mart is just a funny meme. It doesn't happen in real life.
Because it's so widespread it's not actually a meme
Pooing in loo is srs bsns for India
Go back to bant
The whole 'shart in mart' and 'cum in mum' thing never stuck because those are just isolated incidents. Sure, some Americans have sharted in the mart, and some Japanaese dudes have fucked their moms. However, in India, shitting in the street is not only part of life, but part of the Indian ethos. To poo in the loo is almost akin to blasphemy there.
Try to look at it mathematically. The number of Americans who have sharted in a mart, and the number of Japanese dudes who have fucked their moms is probably like 0.0000001% of the population. The number of Indians who shit in the street is fast approaching 80% of the population.
Get it?
Also this.
because india is known for nothing more than shitting in the street
they have never accomplished anything great like inventing atomic weapons or the internet
Kek I remember shart in mart
Every day the buttblasted Euros and resentful poo in loos would post threads with that and nothing else, every single day for like a week straight
I never seen such a forced meme, reminded me of Milhouse
>why do liberal lies never stick
gee, I don't know. It's all so complicated...
They invented zero, without which internet or nuclear bomb is impossible to conceive.
Because the truth is racist.
I know something else that will stick for ages... mmmh
A ton of people in India actually shit in the street. More people in India shit in the street than there are people in any other country(except China, of course).
Imagine the entire population of the USA plus a few hundred million more shitting in the street.
Its so bad UNICEF did a campaign telling them to stop shitting in the street.
"India's got a huge open defecation problem" - Bill Gates
>There are people who save these pictures to piss people off
poo in loo rhymes, and it's a catchy reminder to SHIT IN THE TOILET NOT ON THE STREET something every civilized country has been doing since the commercialization of plumbing.
Americans have Americlap, or Hamburger American
Japs are. . . well they've got their shit together, except for reproduction.
Because poo in loo is a real thing, and it's ridiculous.
Share in mart was just a few butthurt Europeans/Indians trying to force a meme. It didn't stick because it doesn't reflect reality.
I don't even remember cum in mum, but it's probably the same thing.
Because poltards are morons who get their "knowledge" from BBC tier movies like Slumdog Millionaire. Then whine about "normies" believing msm.
>tfw you will never be japanese and cum in mum
Fucking christ
Most countries have something that defines them like India and "poo in loo". Americans are "54%".
Because Americans dont need to be shamed into entering the first world.
hahah yeah that will do lol
it happens, especially in wal-mart just not nearly to the extent that indians shit in the street. i don't even think we're the fattest country anymore but there are so many fat people in America we deserve the crown regardless. its amazing how many europoors bash our welfare programs.
Also Pooinloo sounds like an Indian surname or town.
reaching levels of retardation that shoudn't even be possible
What, have you seen it happen?
That was actually the mayans. And the arabs perfected math. Nice try Rajeep.
Because unlike shitting everywhere, the Japanese's sexual relations with their mothers has a logical reason besides laziness.
In Japan, the Father of the household is often working long hours away from home. This leaves the Mother wanting for male attention and so she replaces the Father with her son. The Son benefits from this because being able to cummy in his mummy keeps his mind focused on school work instead chasing tail.
If anything, Japan is ahead of the curve when it comes to Mother/Son relations. We should all be having romantic, sensual, missionary sex with our Mothers in order to keep us from straying into degeneracy and laziness.
don't be retarded, the egyptians had 0
Burger or Amerifat/clap came and stuck first. It's their nickname for a reason, after all:
>cum in mum
that's something you should be doing regardless of race.
>poo in loo