This is swimming pool in China. Left side is for those who paid more.
This is swimming pool in China. Left side is for those who paid more
And this is bad why?
Also saged as this is a slide thread
Looks like piss.
Pay more to swim in poor people piss? No thanks.
>that shitty water
Fuck China
Where's Mao when you need him?
They should do something like that with the Internet
Love that he's up near the barrier, taunting them. so smug
> China is a threat for the West !
Looks like someone sharted in the pool
you cant even swim there, why would anyone pay for this shit
Literally though.
Imagine all the chink piss, shit and funk floating around in that
>swimming pool
>that water
Kinda, yeah; when they're advancing this fast and have no need to have anything like human rights slowing them down.
no china is where white men will go when the west is destroyed and it's illegal to be a white man in western society
>swimming pool
>completely green
>chinks actually pay for this
lel, people actually paid to get into that pool. top pleb.
>paying to swim in filthy water
I have seen that southpark episode. The water in a pool this full of people should be declared hazardous waste.
>Left side is for those who paid more.
God damned leftists.
God, imagine all the piss in that pool
Wow I remember this post from like 3 years ago
Are the people on the communist side even enjoying themselves?
Is the one on the left the town billionaire?
>all that shit and piss
no wonder water is green.
also lmaoing at communist.
Looks like the left side is for people who can actually swim. Everyone has a floaty on the right side.
How much Chlorine to fix it?
because it's disgusting? did you even look at the picture?
ching chong floaty boaty
sweating pool of glory
>dark green water in a swimming pool
>Looks like the left side is for people who can actually swim
N... no! It's social inequality, goy. This is what capitalism does to society!
You're right, it's disgusting that the fine gentleman who paid more still has to share the same water with the peasants who probably don't bathe.
About 50 more people paying.
>it's bad because muh feels
Typical leftist argument.
>Go to America
cleanest water in all of china
they invented swimming pools 5,000 years ago btw
Left side is for those who know how to swim dipshit
>paying to get staph and e coli
only in ching chong eat my dog land
That wasn't the statement and yes i looked at the picture, it's still the same as the hundreds of other times this picture was on here.
china is fucking based
>Left side is for those who know how to swim dipshit
The people on the right can't swim because they had to eat their own legs to avoid starving because they guy on the left wouldn't pay them a living wage.
Is China an ancap utopia?
>For the low price of 0.00001 bitcoins you have access to our McPool per hour, pay an additional 1 bitcoin and you have access to our premium cardmembers area now with 50% less E. Coli and cryptosporidium.
Coming from a Jew that is hilarious.
>they invented swimming pools 5,000 years ago btw
no, blacks created pools everyone knows that
>swimming in that
I can only imagine how much those kids are pissing in the pool
>because it's disgusting?
If it is disgusting, why would you swim in it?
I avoid public pools for that exact reason.
I am quite surprised how well Asian follow rules.
I mean why don't they just swim under the rope.
That shit definitely would not work here.
Not in current year, but you'll see. Have patience.
ahahahahaha I laughed reading that greentext, i'm also high on morphine. goodday sir!
Places like china are proof that laissez-faire is dysfunctional bullshit. They have almost no regulations for everything, so the entire country is a dangerous, polluted hellhole that produces low-quality garbage at outrageous prices.
Cninks do not share your sensibility about urine in water. Actually you can blast them with piss all day long and they won't event blink.
It is disgusting. They are all swimming in the same piss.
the blacks only put AIDS in the pool and claimed it was a new invention
the chinks invented blacks 5,000 years ago btw
Why even go if it is that crowded?
>That shit definitely would not work here
Because you can't swim
>swimming in shit and piss
these people fucking paid for this
I don't care. Chinese are insects.
Do you think anybody was inside that building, when it collapsed?
It really is. Ancaps are too delusional to grasp this though. Only a capitalist could believe that having to wear a surgical mask to go outside and escalators eating people are good things.
>be rich
>pay to swim in dirty pleb water
It's like he's swimming in human tea.
Pay more, still get covered in poor people bodily fluids.
>people actually pay to get into a dark green swimming pool
Even if we hypothetically assume that the pool is clean and clear, it's still a perfectly fine system.
This is no different than what goes on in Vegas or any hotel pool party. Do you want to sit in a cabana? You have to pay extra. Do you want to have a small pool reserved just for you and your buddies? You have to pay extra.
How long until China has no more water that is safe to swim in? Isn't something like 70% of their water so toxic and dangerous it has literally no uses at all, not even industrial because it corrodes machinery and shit?
>human tea
Oh god I almost threw up in my mouth.
>Muh society isn't perfect.
That isn't how capitalism works. How many people have those shoddy constructions raised out of poverty? On the whole do you think the Chinese would rather still be dirty rice farmers or do you think they prefer the good AND the bad of capitalism?
>How long until China has no more water that is safe to swim in?
30 years ago?
nice bro
me too
I swim real good Snow nigger. Better than you I would bet.
I grew up on the coast with very rough waters.
Places like china are proof that Chinese are insects
FastPass only exist in liberal shitholes.
Communism doesn't work.
Google Atlanta FastPass
>Gook ant heap governed by communist party.
>Places like china are proof that Chinese are insects. They have almost no regulations for everything, so the entire country is a dangerous, polluted hellhole that produces low-quality garbage at outrageous prices.
Look it even works with your original "argument"
Quit making excuses for niggers
Does it look like the grounds of a finished product?
Pepe would slap you for this level of dipshitude.
No, I'd rent a unit if they left it like it is tho
you're swimming in industrial wastewater either way
China is exactly how capitalism works. The rancid corruption in the west is also. Capitalists are such fucking hypocritical morons. Always bitching that things claiming to be communism aren't and people accurately point it out, while bitching that blatant, reckless capitalism "isn't really capitalism".
>On the whole do you think the Chinese would rather still be dirty rice farmers or do you think they prefer the good AND the bad of capitalism?
The former. Modern China is literally hell on Earth.
I think you mean humans. Anywhere overpopulated is like this.
looks more like the side for those who can swim desu
>not having a people-eating escalator in your entrance to fend off invaders
>Anywhere overpopulated is like this.
Brainwashed niggerloving faggot here to preach tolerance and equality.
You're wrong.
>Cninks do not share your sensibility about urine in water. Actually you can blast them with piss all day long and they won't event blink.
In Japan they actually pay for that.
Pretty sure they would too in china... well, if they had money.
Nice trips, but I grew up with solid water
>It's communist!
>That's why they have zero regulations and let capitalists literally do whatever they want
Yeah, sure is communist in modern China. You're a few decades late to the party, friend.
Wrong moron. The Chinese don't push for no regulations. Capitalists do.
Just look at all these fucking retard shills jumping to the defense of this intolerable bullshit. You fucking capitalishits need to learn about the gilded age. Go read a fucking book.
>Wah wah wah nigger nigger nigger
About the level of debate I expect from right wing hillbillies.
I have an old insane totally racist Uncle. The older I get the less insane I think he really was.
He used to say "The reason those chinks look so different and can't drive for shit is that those fucking chinks are the kin of space bug niggers who couldn't fly their saucers for shit and crashed in China millions of years ago and mixed with them."
I look at OPs video and shit like it and it pretty much confirms that old man was right they are fucking bug niggers with the way they live and their tallow hollow soulless eyes.
>Atlanta FastPass
I found a thing called CityPASS that has a 5-star rating with 2607 reviews
it seems like Fast Pass is the way forward, my american friend
>So much for the tolerant left!
>The former. Modern China is literally hell on Earth.
And living like a medieval peasants is heaven right? Working the fields until your body gives out and never being able to strive for more sure seems lovely.
They confirm what your stupid racist uncle says because it's what you want to believe. Literally every racist charge leveled against the chinese fits americans just as much if not more.
put the water in a time machine and take it to world war 1 and it still wouldn't have 50% of the required chlorine to clean it
Honestly they probably do it for status and to mock the working class people. I don't see why you would pay for that shit otherwise.
Well, they haven't changed the water once since then it seems.
>a new scientific test finding up to 75 litres of urine in public pools
The rich guy is still swimming in piss.
Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to
>Does it look like the grounds of a finished product?
China is a shithole, how can you tell the difference between the parts that are 'developed' and the parts that aren't?
>And living like a medieval peasants is heaven right?
No, but it's certainly better than what China is now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with living on a farm. And frankly, that's a bullshit image to begin with, because not everyone was a farmer even in ancient China.
Nothing like a quiet relaxing day at the pool
This guy's got a point. You can never tell with china.
Why does /pol hate Chinese so much when they've done more than other races? At least Chinese aren't Filipino monkeys. Flips are retarded and ugly. I hate flip niggers.
Paying more to swim in the same piss.
There's probably more people than pool water in that pool.
>Overpopulation's a myth!
Look at how the Chinese are tolerant of inequality. You'd see mass protests and guy on the left would basically be mobbed if that was over here anywhere on the West.