Still eating pork?
Still eating pork?
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Not very regularly but from times to times.
Why should I stop. Convince me.
Of course not. Our Muslim masters don't allow it
It's time Sup Forums swallows the final red pill. We are born to be enslaved by Muslims
Its haram senpai
Why the fuck not?
Is pork halal? There you go, mong.
That is an opinion not an argument. Be more precise.
I just made 4 lbs of pulled pork and vinegar-based BBQ sauce the other day. fuck muslims and jews
I actually had 450 grams of peameal bacon last night.
I actually fuck pigs...just to show Muslims im serious. Then I eat them.
fuck you christian bible thumper
Any pulled pork tips? My experience with it that it will become dry over night. What am I doing wrong?
Are you using a slow cooker?
>bible thumper
A true Christian would not insult his jewish and muslim brothers and sisters.
Yes. Still it becomes dry.
im muslim and Pig is a dirty animal and the meat of this dirty animal contains two forms of a dangerous parasite by the name of trichina and one form of the parasite taenia, still insist on consuming its meat.
Use more marinade
T. Vegan
Sounds like you're not putting enough moisture in with it or you're putting the pork directly in contact with the interior surface of the slow cooker.
Try putting chunks of onion, potato or some other root vegetable in the bottom of the pot. It should also have enough moisture in it at all times that it never becomes a dry heat.
What cut of pork are you using, btw? I'm a big fan of pork shoulder. Lots of connective tissue.
That's nothing compared to the number of dangerous muslim parasites found in India.
severely underrated.
Thank you user I will try to improve my pulled pork game I am ashamed trying to hide the bad meat under tons of BBQ sauce. I will try shoulder next time!
Cheers, user.
Trying to find parasites in a german meat producing facility. Good luck with that user.
It really had its advantages if people are not corrupt.
denmark strong
Sure I do. I loves me a good pork chop...
"The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."
Those with ears, let them hear.
Not in the United States. Those parasites are not a problem for us.
There's parasites everywhere. Even in vegan pizza. Look for it.
Your every action is probably guided by a Parasite.
Parasites are the true masterace.
>im muslim
Pork is fucking delicious. I could quit all but bacon if there was a legitimate reason to do so. But I'm not aware of any.
Of course, bacon is like alcohol. I will continue to use even after you prove to me it is in fact a poison. It's simply that good.
>Parasites are the true masterace.
They certainly seem more and more numerous when ever I go to the city
Yeah, like every day.
>Doesn't know cooking or smoking the pork meat kills parasites.
You know I think I am starting to piece together an idea to why you guys are constantly shitting yourselves.
I just made pork chops
I am no kike.