>Germans are evil, very evil
What did he mean by this?
>Germans are evil, very evil
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
that germans are evil, very evil
Well yeah. Look what they're doing to Europe.
Well, he's not wrong. Thank G-d the German race will be eradicated within our lifetime.
Hes not wrong, theyre responsible for millions of dead whites and the current decline of Europe
what is this meme.
Into the trash etc.
White genocide was engineered by your Jewish cucklords. If anyone is to blame for the extinction of the western world as we know, it's the murrifats.
Stop posting this boring shit or seth rich will haunt you
>implying he's wrong
Exactly as he said. Germans keep ruining the world with their authoritarian politics.
it's how kikes write it.
Say Allahu Akbar motherfucker. That's the last word you will hear when Merkel sends the sand people to raid your home.
>destroyed rome
>started 30 year war
>split the church
>refused to remove kebab because dipshit king drowned
>escalated ww1
>started ww2
>had an "empire" but not a single white colony
>created the EU
>currently has merkel
>nope just the jews, we dindu nuffins
You deserve the rope
The Germ an is evil. The Germ an has no history or culture other than destroying great civilisations then starting wars which they lose. The Germ an boasts about money and their economy because that is all they have, all the good Germans died iin WWII and now they act like the people they tried to destroy. They look swarthy, have disgusting beards and cuck glasses. Their culture is so bad they have to invite millions of braindead retards to fuck their women, that's how you can tell how low their culture is. They want a cancer like Islam to destroy themselves for how pitiful their peoples are. They will smile whilst eating currywerst and drinking beer into oblivion. Never forget the Germ an, as your culture could soon end up like theirs.
Look at what Merkel has done to Europe and tell me Germans aren't evil
here we go again
wewwwww cats out the bag now
Reminder that america has done more for the white race than germany would ever do
>genocide indians
>kill muslims in first war as an official nation
>killed mexicans
>destroyed and rebuilt non-brown nations
>nations we destroy then rebuild become economic powerhouses
>destroyed communism
>currently killing muslims in all their forms, not our fault eurotards threw their borders open while we didnt
why does trump talk like a 5 year old
Did he really say that? Why is he sberging again, when everything was going well
Holy shit! Trump speaks German now?
I can confirm. Germans are evil. They are the first country to destroy neighbour countries by using a 'suicide bomb' called open borders and feeding a bunch of terrorists with welfare. Just look at the Manchester bomber he visited Düsseldorf before he killed a bunch of innocent children
Are Germans the biggest Dindu Nuffins on the planet? They rek the planet and then blame the Jews/Americans/Anglos/Turks/Greeks/PIGS/EU/Russians/French/Italians/non-Germans
(((Germans))) are (((Evil)))
Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com
the jews came to the conclusion that speaking the name of god was a great sin for the average person, only the esteemed rabbis could say the name and only on certain holidays, this kind of morphed into no one can say the name except in the holy of holies (inner sanctum of the temple) so they replaced the name of their god in all of their texts with pagan names like LORD and GOD, etc, etc. and then they got btfo so many times they claim to have forgotten what the actual name of their god is so now they teach the kikelets not to even say or write the pagan names just in case.
You guys are all fucking idiots
England is literally the only empire to have white colonies
Germany never had white colonies, this makes them inferior
Manchmal frage ich mich ob der Typ nicht geistig zurückgeblieben ist.
and you're a fucking brit, at the end of the day who has it worse?
thats right you
Schäuble literally is evil though.
He's willing to keep Greece in the gutter forever just so he doesn't have to explain to voters that we're never gonna see that "loan" money again.
Lamo your leader is a fucking cucked whore with NO CHILDREN. Your country is dying and you are going to bitch about the biggest ALPHA MALE on the planet not talking like a little bitch boy kraut nerd.
add to must read list:
The alliance that is already crumbling after US agencies leaked investigation details regarding the Manchester attacks? I'm scared.
Well Germany never set up any colonies
We only had white colonies because we sent criminals elsewhere
I think you'll find its you
drumpf btfo xD
The Germans aren't evil but they are guilty of being try hard faggots. Always taking shit too far.
This is a minor problem which Trump has promised to fix.
You Krauts will never challenge the ANGLO WORLD ORDER
Germany had a good amount of colonies, the brits were the only ones to ensure they made white ones in the form of the US, Canada, criminal island and sheep shaggerland
I don't know.
The dude graduated from the most prestigeous military school in the US and became a buisness man who made billions.
He kinda talks like an old grandpa trying to sound cool by using ''youth'' terms from the last decade.
I am sorry, my friend. Wish the Germans would finally wake up.
You mean the US world order? Yeah probably not. Still a hell lot closer to that than the UK is to anything resembling relevance.
That he is a demented mong with the vocabulary of a third grader.
Who zum Fick believes even a word of what "Spigel" writes?
>t. still butthurt about Brexit
>waaaahhhhh mean old drumpf called us names what did we ever do to him?
>Destroyed Rome
>Destroyed Chritianity
>Destroyed Europe more time than are countable
Can you please just stop?
Do they tell us what he said in English?
>Germany never set up any colonies
Yes we did.
Yeah. That's about right.
It's literally another "nut job" thing
It didn't even get picked up by others yet
And into the spam filter you go
>Biggest scandal in U.S. political history being IGNORED by MSM DESPITE FISA Court EVIDENCE
>Involves 'institutional' abuse of NSA surveillance practices by Obama Admin
>Obama knowingly lied to the public (see pic related)
SOURCE: circa.com
PROOF #1: scribd.com
PROOF #2: nsa.gov
He is right
G*ermany must give us back bavaria
>What is South Africa
Or rather, 'what was it' before the Zulus migrated. The Dutch created an enormous white volksplanting, but everything changed when the Anglo attacked
That he is a Russian dog
Trump is best goy
>>Germany never set up any colonies
Germany didnt set up colonies like England did
We just sent people out to Australia, NZ, Canada/America
Germans just went to places, claimed it and called it their own
Which is why Germany didnt have white colonies
Kill yourself kike
That piece of halibut was good enough for jehova
Well you just announced a report
Answer is in the article Mehmet:
>Demnach sagte Trump weiter: "Schauen Sie sich die Millionen von Autos an, die sie in den USA verkaufen. Fürchterlich. Wir werden das stoppen."
>Trump would then have said: "Look at the millions of cars they sell in the US. Terrible. We will stop this"
>being mad someone is telling newfags to learn how to archive
Hello Mr. Shekelbergstein.
Not even Trump knows what he means 90% of the time. Not saying that he is wrong on this, but i doubt he knows why.
>tolerating spambots
This place is reddit-tier enough without officially sanctioned bots popping up in every thread.
>>nations we destroy then rebuild become economic powerhouses
i wonder who could be behind this post ...
So that you can understand him.
Reported for announcing another report. I can keep this up all day.
your people are his target audience, though, not mine
But I didnt announce a report in that post?
You took our fucking colonies. North America, Australia and NZ weren't white after 30 years, were they?
Doesn't matter. Mods will ban you anyway. I reported you to the GCHQ for TV tax avoidance as well. Better prepare your anus, fucko.
well hes not wrong, and im sure the quote is taken out of context, he is most likely not talking about the regular people of germany
But it would appear that the mods deleted your post where you said you were reporting me, and not mine where I said I was "reported" to the shillfag
Nice VPN btw faglord, you make it way too obvious
>tolerating clickbait
>This place is reddit-tier enough without officially sanctioned shills popping up in every thread. If newfags learned to archive, that autistic Norwegian wouldn't spam his shit in every thread.
That the Germans are in a conquest to take over Europe in a "peaceful" manner this time instead of using bombs and guns. Its exactly the same fucking tactic Muslims are using.
>the one thing trump said that made sense
Watch President Trump own the NATO Pussies!
*deletes his posts out of anxiety like a redditor*
>unironically being a Germanboo
KYS cuck
And the anglo made it even more white, too late now though
Quit being a rulefag
They have found you a new enemy to blame...Islam
You and Japan have us to thank for not becoming communist hellholes and for getting gorillions
I'm not a Krautaboo
It's just a fact that germans didnt conquer any new lands, they just enslaved easy targets
now fuck off back to your t_d hugbox
Well, yeah. They've been trying to fuck up Europe since Bismark.
That you're a bunch of autistic cucks and should have your country bombed to shit every 50 years to keep you nice and happy.
calm down gypsy
he means you're going to lose ww3, mohammed
trump is the man.
Open a history book and you'll realize why this opinion is so common.
Hitler was the least significant of Germany's countless villains. Martin Luther for example literally destroyed all Christendom and it will absolutely never recover. Nietzsche, Hegel, Marx, Kant, all these fucking cancerous German minds are the direct root fucking cause of all the problems in western civilization today. Hitler was a fucking nobody that failed and accomplished almost nothing compared to the other outright satanic destroyers of German history who were unfortunate enough to succeed in their endeavors.
The German people are an irredeemably sick fucking race, they know only destruction.
The average German looks like this now so he's not wrong
Hitler wasn't really a bad guy, just had a retarded war strategy.
>burger opinion on how white a certain country is
Kikes refuse to say gods name because they worship YWHW, which is the demi-urge for sin. Modern Jews are crypto-satanists in disguise, and not even real jews in reality.