Other urls found in this thread:
>You're excelling at this one thing
>But enough about you
>Be like me
Politics aside, this father is fucking up his parenting in the most basic way. Doing foist your dreams onto your children. Let them become their own person.
We shouldn't let ANYONE take the CS meme degree anymore. It will be automated anyway soon and we only need a few to keep it up.
Codemonkeys are the biggest most overrated occupation in history.
Let's find her Instagram
"What makes you not wanna be a programmer?"
The answer to his question is himself.
smart logic, faggot
>Comments are disabled for this video.
That was fast. He had comments enabled for at least a month after posting the video and I'm guessing probably right up until it was posted here.
she's so uncomfortable in his presence she keeps nervously looking down at an iphone home screen
she's a total mess don't get me wrong but this guy is such a fucking loser his daughter doesn't even respect him enough to sustain eye contact. i'd bet any random welder with a daughter has a far better relationship with her.
Back off the emo kid, you weird dad. She seems nice. If dating emo girls has taught me anything, she doesn't like her dad.
I just watched the first 1 minute, before I got ill. Is this 6 minutes of him trying to get her to become a programmer?
I hope this cuck isn't a Norwegian
He's from the US. Most of his videos are career and life advice for software developers. He's pretty typical of programmers here.
>this father is fucking up his parenting in the most basic way.
His daughter already looks pretty fucked up with that hair and pale pancake makeup.
Exactly. The moment your daughter begins to wear chokers, it's all over.
Exactly, plus why the fuck would she work to become smart when she can literally just shake her pussy in some nerds face and get a free ride through life?
black belt for dick sucking
>The moment your daughter begins to wear chokers, it's all over.
Except for a select few
Ok, I know when most people say this its fake and shit, but I actually know this bitch in real life
prove it
I'm not saying it's not hot, just degenerate.
It's slightly cringy that he would use his daughter for what amounts to an infomercial. His message is that since Millenials aren't flocking to the industry it's not too late to become a coder.
Also, Mew would most definitely approve.
that's not really his daughter. probably just some girl that friendzoned him
I don't know if it's just because of the hair, but her face looks sickly pale
what's the butthurt about? you use electricity everyday, do you want to make lighbulbs?
She's wearing makeup designed specifically to create that affect.
her instagram is effortlessemotions
The dad with the cam is such a fucking fag holy shit lay off the kid.
how did you even find it?
I know her in real life
You're a fucking retard.
>You use things made by programmers so why aren't you a programmer?
This is the least "programmer" logic that I have ever seen, how can someone have a thought process like that and create working code?
>You sit on that chair? Why aren't you a carpenter?
>You use electricity? Why aren't you working in a power plant?
>You eat food? Why aren't you a farmer?
It doesn't work.
I bet he writes in some trendy modern OO language like the huge cuck he is.
Are you saying she acts like a bitch or are you just being edgy?
God what the fuck is that thing
>how can someone have a thought process like that and create working code?
As she said, with a lot of swearing apparently.
Here's her YouTube as well
Gauges are the ugliest fucking thing
why does she have blue hair?
why is she so pale?
what the fuck is she drinking?
why is she non stop on her phone?
why does she seem so apathetic?
why does a teen like her have those bags under her eyes?
yeah nah m8.
I know, they're so fucking primitive. pic related
hate that shit, instant turn off
All these questions can be answered with because of the internet and her smart phone
Even worst, septum piercings. Once again, pic related
If that's how white you burgers are, then I understand what you say about me kek
Yeah that shit too I fucking hate, it ain't good looking, just makes me want to pull that shit out whenever I see one
>Don't EVER let numales raise children, kidnapping her would be doing her a favor.
because it's cringe to guilt trip your daughter into a soul-killing career, right? that's you problem with this, right? please tell me it is
bang her shes qt
Kill yourself.
Because that's the modern world we live in. Fifteen year old girls look like strippers coming off the late shift.
What does it feel like to be this stupid?
What about those bowl cuts? These bitches are all starting to look the same.
>innovative programmer who creates useful things everyday has 50,000 followers
>useless leech who looks like a vampire has 100,000 followers
This is why I hate Beta Males.
If I were a Muslim refugee immigrant I would stick my dick in her for Allah.
She sounds like she resents him because he doesn't spend time with him.
>you go to work.. full time job
>you come back home and practice programming
She is hot. I like her.
That and because a bitch man will always raise a failed daughter.
Whiskey or tea is my guess.
Anyway dad is an autist who has good intentions but very little empathic capabilities. Girl possibly loathes herself because of her so far meaningless existence and resents society enough that she wants to look edgy.
That's really sad. What the girl is saying is "You're always working I never see you". The guy just laughs it off.
have you tried restarting your computer?
maybe because there is a camera in her face? nice armchair psychology retard
This video was cute up until he said "male dominated industry" then it all became clear to me, no wonder shes blue hair got a dick sucking black belt around her neck. this father probably never told her "no" a day in his life
>its because there is a camera in her face
nice armchair psychology retard
>yeah nah to automation
yeah nah famalam. The robots and AIs are right around the corner, and every economic opinion Sup Forums holds will become utterly obsolete.
i dont get programmers that want more people to become programmers. or make it easier to become one. since you are making your own job less valuable. fucking cucks. economy/leadership/stock brokers people have high salaries because they do the opposite, hide the tricks, make alliance, only share info with people that give u something back. computer geeks are too nice
That's the only thing you take away from this? Not the politicized gender bullshit or how disrespectful she is to her father or how she has FUCKING BLUE HAIR ???
Maybe I'm Asian so see this from a different perspective but my family is a lot more supportive of each other and non-politicized. Watching this is so unnatural. Like peering into an Orwellian distopia. This is horrible.
If I ever have kids the first language they'll learn is Mandarin and they will grow up mostly in China. If this is Western "Civilization" I can understand why immigrants don't assimilate. tbqhwy.
why dont you grow up in china?
Because I was born here. But BC is basically china now desu.
nice virginity retard
the cues here are so obvious i would say "nice autism retard" but that is so played out that even though it strictly applies here, i won't get any traction accusing you of failing to recognize social cues on Sup Forums
She looks cute :3
I just realized that White people are screwed at this point.I feel bad for you guys. Its pretty fucked up.
She looks like a goblin
that girl is a fucking ghost
Thought she might be cuteShe's got them shitty things in her earlobes. Worst trend in years.
tfw you're stupid enough to think AI is even close to the point of making coherent programs
yeah. if you're so far gone that you can't recognize comestic expressions of anger and generally being fucked-up. what, she's sheepish? she's sheepish because she's mentally broken.
you anime-loving asian-female-loving betas probably get erections from watching a beaten dog recoil at the sight of a newspaper being rolled up
this is because you are insecure men. it's all the same thing. you know i'm right
Am I the only one that finds it ironic that Sup Forums, full of hardline christian fags, is saying this dad is wrong for trying to get her to pursue something like programming? That it's a mistake to try and force it on her? The very same people talking about rigidly about banning their kids from social media, forcing their daughter to basically never have sex or date outside their race, and setting down a hundred different rules like bringing down a fucking hammer? And you're criticizing this guy for just trying to talk with his daughter and convince her in basic conversation?
>she's mentally broken
Impossible in the West with your child laws. You don't know what suffering is. She's probably just going through her teenage bitch phase. My sister had the same thing (Although no where near that kind of shit).
Nu-pol is SJW cancer
>fags that use their computer all fucking night to bitch about how teenagers use their technology forget that they're glued to their televisions, computers, and are just as addicted to similar technology
What a fucking shocker. But yeah, fuck dem young girls. She LOOKS LIKE A CRAZY SATAN DEMON COCKSUCKER HURRRR.
I hate you fucking idiots.
>this father is fucking up his parenting
Recommending a tumblr tier """""girl""""" get into programming is pure genius. Women don't have to actually work since now they can get carried by affirmative action.
She looks like one of my Japanese animes.
Cute... CUTE!
maybe i'm wrong yes
i am a grown man in my 30's. but i didn't want to sum her up as broken so much as i wanted to point out that her behavior here signals it, and that's why you see virgin nerd Sup Forums guys pulling their dicks out when they see this
Not sure they really want more people to be programmers. It's more likely that they want more people to respect and look up to programmers. It's a career that in general makes good money but is still looked down upon by the average person. That comes through in much of what he says in the video, being astonished that a user of software has little to no interest in those who wrote it.
Is he fucking her?
Is daddy programming her pussy?
>i am a grown man in my 30's
Wasting your time posting on a chinese cartoon forum trying to armchair analyze some teenager's life based on a clip that is a few minutes long and calling her life "broken". Maybe you should look in the mirror instead.
>daughter refuses to make eye contact with you or talk to you like a human
seriously pack your shit and move out right now. btw i cancelled your phone service
I'm not saying that she isn't fucked up doe. I agree with you. Thot in the making. Hair is a good warning color.
I was thinking this too but wanted to be nice since he was being relatively civil.
I want to fuck her pussy
He wamts his daughter to learn a trade you fucking autistic retard.
Holy shit, you must be a programmer.
C++ Ctrl alt delet yourself.
You're right, but they will say you're wrong; Don't buy it.
She needs me to marry her and fuck the angst out of her.
is that her actual skin? what the fuck?
Tfw you like dyed haired but know it's a sign of aposemitism and never stick your dick in crazy
Feels bad man
just think of those nice milky white tits hiding under that sweater.
play the vid from 3:44
Does she say "that's another statement" instead of "that's an understatement"?
This is from her Instagram. I did some cringy shit as a teen but it's hard to tell with teens now because cringe is their currency.