It pisses me off, sikhs love america so much but still get treated like shit and murdered because people think they're muslim
It pisses me off...
They also look like pirates
Sikhs are cool with me
Umm dude that's a Muslim, he's wearing a turbin ffs.
Yeah, I try to be nice to Sikhs whenever I can. I can't imagine hating muslims but then getting bashed because retards think you're a muslim.
Indian races have tons of Muslims. It's no one's fault they're lumped in with pakistanis
don't care
Sihks are my favorite Muslims, what the fuck are you talking about OP?
Based Sikhs.
If they love America why aren't they willing to wear the uniforms they are given. There's no room for special snowflakes in the US Armed Forces.
They still have to go back
Sikhs are cool in my book
My boss (in IT industry) was Sikh. Also an unimaginable badass.
>lifts and is fit af
>dressed up like iron man for a team event
>during the team event, someone across the street starting yelling help
>sikhbro, still wearing his ironman costume jumps up and bolts across the street
>sees some scumbag running away with a woman's purse
>tackles the fucker and pins him down until police arrive, makes a citizens arrest
>never took off the iron man helm, even when the police asked him for ID/info
Probably so people know they aren't shit head muzzies
They get murdered because Blacks rob gas stations.
lel that fat mattress on the end
They cant wear a gas mask with a beard or a helmet with a turban. They are also pacifists, so they will never shoot anyone. They are basically only good for administrative work.
Maybe start a meme and remind the alt right faggots that a turban doesn't make someone a muslim.
First the iron sheik, now the iron sikh...what will iron come up with next?
WTF are you talking about, user (if you're even user). This is such a stupid fucking post I'm thinking you're almost certainly a nigger.
Are maybe just you a confused li'l nigger? It's okay, we can help li'l noggins like you find your way home.
nice if real. how did it not make the news?
Not trying to start a fight but do blacks even care about asians of any kind
Blacks don't care about anyone but themselves.
>run up on a shitskin
>he frantically screeches stop
>bro stop, I am sikh not a Muslim
fucking shitskins all look the same.
It might have actually on the local news, I mean ultimately it was just some thief getting caught but it was really exciting at least.
>sikhs love america so much but still get treated like shit
Maybe they should stop wearing their fucking clown hats and shaved their faces so they don't look like fucking terrorists they would not be treated as such.
fucking Sikhbros looking like that fat midget fuck from Aladdin and shit. they even carry a dagger. people say they are based and hate Muslims as much as the white man ,but who knows really.
Fuck Sikhs. If you love America so much then assimilate, fucking towel head.
Sikhs are good people. They will have your back in a fight (should you not be the bad guy)
They do when it matters. There's a few sikh rangers who cut their hair.
"Damn pajeets are ruining the world"
>Not assimilated
C'mon now. The only difference between me and Sikhs I've worked with is they talk about hookahs instead of beer bongs at the company parties.
Are you daft, they must be armed at all times so they are prepared to remove kebab
What with all this sikh shilling bullshit all of a sudden?
The media also likes to use them as pro muslim propaganda. See free taxi in manchester.
Do all the Sikh immigrants plan these threads? I know every single one of you is a panjeet and I know you wipe your ass with gbose turbans fuck off back to India or learn to take a shower.
I feel the same way about Hindus. Most of them are bro-tier.
>Are you daft, they must be armed at all times so they are prepared to remove kebab
Tell me why india has 170 million mudslimes if they have this great warriors? an indian dude told me that the towelheads are just autistic clowns and should be treated as such.
Seeing as 70% or more of the Armed Forces is admin work I don't really see a problem with this
Based Sikh's, not terrorists at all. Fuck right off Sanje
they all need to go back.
Shut up muslim.
Is it true Sikhs refuse to remove their turbans as a some covenant shit until the Muslim infestation is eradicated from their home?
That's a Sikh turban you fucking moron. Pic related
Who cares they're all terrorists. You as a Canadian should know that.
Air India Flight 182 - "Based Sikhs"
Necessary evil. We can't let Muslims slip through just because we mistake them for Sikhs.
Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.
Things may improve for them after we remove kebab.
Worst Terrorist attack after Muslims. Well at least they are not Muslims. BAKA