I need to move to Montana
Gianforte raised $100k in donations after bodyslamming that reporter
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these are JOURNALISTS you sick fucks
i just....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....
(((Journalists))) can fuck right off chap.
I dont get it.
The guy chimps out, gets caught and somehow is the good guy?
Republican voters don't give a shit about the First Amendment or the Constitution. They hate the free press and want it to be nothing but pro-their feels.
shit b8 m8
>I don't get it.
>The guy had enough, fights back and somehow is the good guy?
It's true. Repubs hate free speech. You can't refute so you slide.
It's Montana. The reporter is lucky to be alive and should leave the area immediately. You fuck with the bull there, you will get the horn.
the same libtards who are mortified by this are the same ones who still don't see the cultural pendulum swinging back to the right.
Free speech is a human right. But leftist kikes are not human.
Republicans shouldn't bullshit about supporting the Constitution then when it has freedom of the press written in it.
They can say whatever they want. But that doesn't mean we have to respect them or what they say.
>rewarding someone for committing an act of aggression
The fuck is wrong with you people?
>The guy had enough, fights back and somehow is the good guy?
So youre saying the journalist physically assaulted him?
Uhm actually the first amendment doesn't apply in this case sweety. It was written 200 years ago and it refers to hand cranked press and written word, not modern media
You don't have to but you don't fucking assault people for it. The GOP voters support this by donating to this anti-constitutionalist politician who hot mad over feels.
Says the kike shutting down speeches in the Bay Area. Your time is coming, you soulless, shape-shifting, coin-clipping jew
Sup Forums is satire, and you are a faggot that has been living in a dreamworld of college liberalism.
>resorting to violence because someone was being mildly annoying by asking you some questions
>""""fighting back"""""
That's a chimp out.
>freedom of the press
>constantly take words out of context in hopes to smear people
>create fake, divisive "news" in order to incite hatred
>tell these so called journalists to fuck off
>muh censorship, muh free speech!
>le Sup Forums is satire meme
Nu/pol/ back at it again
>you disagree with A so you must be B
Every time.
Literally a chimp out.
Not only that, but literally what Sup Forums blames poor uneducated black people for doing. This time its done by a elected official ON TAPE and somehow hes the victim?
When people blame progressives/liberals/SJW for the decline of the West, I would make the argument that Americans should all be gassed.
You are saying this reporter who got assaulted did this? You are just making up excuses now.
So youre saying that black people who chimp out for racist news are "allowed" to chimp out?
Fuck the press, they had it coming.
They deserve more than this thqh
they're essentially encouraged to
when did he pass a law restricting his ability to write something? this is simple assault and the reporter is a lispy bitch
So youre saying thats justifiable then?
Nice redditspacing
>This time its done by a elected official ON TAPE
He's not elected yet, and he on AUDIO, we haven't actually seen what happened. We just know some kind of tussle went down. For all we know the reporter shoved his mic in the guy's face with a smug face and tried to provoke it. We literally do not know what physically happened, just that the faggot reporter's glasses got broken. I support self defense and a little roughing up when people overstep their personal space. The reporter obviously isn't too hurt considering he had time to tweet about it.
Fuck journalists, hope all you crypto commies get strung up.
Based Montana.
We need to uncuck Colorado and restore the Rocky Mountain trifecta
Top Kek
Niggers and rednecks are no different. Most of Sup Forums hates niggers because they alone want to have the monopoly on degenerate behavior. Niggers are a rival to them.
Right wingers are just as hypocritical as left wingers.
Objectively the best political ideology is centrism. Literally no fucking retards are centrists. Low IQ people are attracted to political extremes.
sounds like payment from her contractors
So what youre really saying is that chimping out is ok, if hes white and Republican.
Constitution is referring to government censorship, retard
Where is the link to donate?
What? Republicans are supporting assaulting someone over freedom of the press being carried out. This board is full of cognitive dissonance.
Of course a fucking spic would be ok with this.
>w-we don't know!
The police had a clear enough picture of the situation to charge him with assault.
You don't charge a politician on the eve of an election on a 'eh, maayybe he did it?'
crimes get punished according to the law. the left glorifies niggers that chimp out, what's wrong with appreciating fucking a white male chimp out? what the fuck does "allowed to" mean
Everyone at The Guardian deserves to be bodyslammed.
It probably didn't happen anyway.
You kikes still don't get it: most of us are not GOP. We are simply tired of the press deciding what people are allowed to think, all while working with the DNC in an attempt to rig a Presidential election and cover up a murder, the murder of Seth Rich.
You leftist faggots support pedophilia, White Genocide, and suppression of speech. Someday down the road you will hang.
If I want to kill leftists, why the fuck would I care about their constitutional rights?
They don't care about ours.
If anyone's a republican here, then they need to leave. This is a nationalism board
Dipshit a fucking politician bodyslammed a reporter for doing his job on reporting. That is fucking government interferring with free speech.
>all this Reddit posting
You`re not impressing anybody with your faggy moralizing.
>what the fuck does "allowed to" mean
I thought English was your mothertongue.
pretty much. I was raised in Idaho and Montana. It's basically Texas: winter edition
If there was a chimpout on a CNN reporter, you'd bet your ass he'd be seen as an hero here.
God that picture makes bile come up in my stomach. I need to go walk in the woods
Lügenpresse getting what it deserves.
I want it to be straight, cold, hard facts. I don't want it to skew in one direction or the other. Simple as that.
Yes. And white people are allowed and justified to gun them down under the 2nd Amendment.
Fucking A - is right wing fascism finally on its way?
m8 Sup Forums is not an accurate microcosm of the american people, if you think it is, you need to stop playing vidya games
He was a guardian reporter, not at all affiliated with CNN
After decades of bringing shame to the Founding Fathers, I hope we can make up for it sooner rather than later.
What is your pic related? Does it have anything to do with kikes putting their mouths on the penises of children?
>I don't like their articles, so its ok to resort to violence!
Why don't you bodyslam your dick with a car door, faget.
Your like of thinking right now is not unlike what led to the Charlie Hebdo attack.
>He was a guardian reporter
but still oven-worthy, none the less
Shutup Nigger!
Stop being a faggot user, and please get Grace to bring her slutty ass right here, so that she can gobble my cock.
Grace, I miss you so much. I love your smile, I'm still pissed at you for having sex with the equivalence of a football team, but weren't getting married. So it really doesn't matter. We're both young and horny, I just want you to myself. Nobody else but me, Grace email me back. Please don't give me aids tho!
Oh and Greg is based! When can I body slam a nu-male kike faggot reporter?
>these are JOURNALISTS you sick fucks
Why do you say it like it's supposed to mean something more than the kid who flips burgers or my half retarded paper boy?
WWE wrestlers are more respected than Journalists, at least they don't lie as much
>Peruvian intellectuals
Good, Guardian is even worse.
Nice leap of logic, shariablue.
Charged with misdemeanor assault. Big deal. The journalist shouldn't have gotten up in his face. It doesn't change the fact that you still can't prove that there was any body slam.
Lugenpresse getting what's coming for them.
It's a shame I could only vote for Greg "Strike a Kike" Gianforte once.
>muh freedom of the press
>he is allowed to write whatever he wants
Proof that Montana made the right choice:
What provoked the """"bodyslam""""? What was the journalist doing?
>sharia blue
Yep, knew the retards defending this were /r/the_donald.
I don't care about "playing fair". Fuck the opposition.
Fuck journalists from Great Caliphate Britain
Journalists jobs need to be harder to weak out all the Jewish cowards. I highly approve
Right, the press is totally free when most outlets are quite literally the propaganda arm of intelligence agencies and corrupt bureaucrats...
STFU, that jew didn't even get what he deserves.
You can hear him saying "I'm sick of you people".
This leads me to believe that the liberal shit stain deserved it.
Asking a question in an interview. Literally just that. The GOP politician chimped out.
>can barely draw inside the bubble
Checks out
user was kind enough to share it the other day. Don't get me wrong, I knew. But to see it simplified like that was scary. These rats run the schools and the media. On the bright side, all that control has simply allowed the normies to see (((them))) for what they are: soulless parasites.
>wow just wow
>literally shaking
Everyone knows you're a troll and just a how for (you)s. You here you go.
Oh look it's shariablue trying to dismiss anyone who doesn't agree with them by calling them reddit. Fuck off you stupid niggers, no one is falling for that bullshit. Tell your keeper David Brock that you need a little fresh air outside of the cuckshed.
The media outlets who go give them screen time only encourage the behavior, which they themselves incited.
The only thing is, these niggers chimp out and destroy their own businesses because if they went to any white neighborhood, they'd be gunned down.
Is the c for Chaim?
>misdemeanor assault. Big deal.
A crime is a crime.
>journalist shouldn't have gotten up in his face
Keep making excuses for this faggot.
>It doesn't change the fact that you still can't prove that there was any body slam.
And you can't prove there wasn't :^)
>my way or the highway
Oh, real badass over here.
being a sniveling kike
Yeah we don't really care about that anymore. There is a civil war on and it's all over but the shooting. You started it with white genocide and trying to elect a murderer. No, the left can never run the free world again or they will kill us all.
These jew journalist are traitors to the nation that has allowed them to live and prosper here.
Do you know what the punishment for treason is in the US?
Little jewish man from the UK visits a rural area of America and fucks with the local politicians. Local politician tells him to get the Fuck out. This is some kind of National disgrace. I bet if I went to any other Country and acted like a self-important brat and got in politicians face, that I would be beaten up and charged with crimes.
I'm going to get my mama and vote for him today! He's a good bloke.
Gianforte just guaranteed he wont win in 2018. If he wins today it's because people already voted and can't change their vote.