How do we fix our prisons Sup Forums?
Isn't the goal to rehabilitate these people, yet they come out worse than before?
How do we fix our prisons Sup Forums?
Isn't the goal to rehabilitate these people, yet they come out worse than before?
Other urls found in this thread:
Punishment > Rehabilitation
Concentration camps for criminals when
>yet they come out worse than before?
Its called Con College idiot, you go in, learn your mistakes so you dont make them again, and learn from others how to be a better criminal!
Out of the ones who go in there, maybe 1 in 10 come out better people who want to improve, the rest go on to be shit lords.
He relaxed
>he fell for the "criminals are people" meme
Either we dispose of them of use them in forced labor, there is no saving those "people".
Don't snitch bitch ass nigga thats how you fix it
The reactions of the guard that got hit and the faggot off the left lead me to believe that these bitches deserve it. Look at those faggot ass guards the only one with balls is the one who was too stupid to pay attention to the nigger in the first place.
Ban prisons
Replace all legal instances of 'year in prison' with 'lash at the stake'
The goal isn't really rehabilitate and hasn't been for some decades.
That was something jails thought they should be doing in the 60's and 70's, but every program put in place designed to rehabilitate was found to be almost completely ineffective.
Now, they just lock you away until you get out and do more bad shit. Repeat xF
>even prison guards can't relax
Sentence people to the monetary damage they have done to society. Note: killing a bum will not give you a credit. Everyday offers an amount off the sentence. If they work, then they get more off the sentence.
Basically, making indentured servitude have a comeback as well as paying debt to society. If they are working hard, they will be too tired to homo out.
>that guy on the left just watching them fight
what the fuck dude
By issuing death sentences to misbehaving inmates.
You can't "fix" it. The corruption problems within our prisons is over shadowed by the societal shift in gang culture to where if they don't "come out worse than before" they end up dead. Violent criminals should be executed and thrown in ditches until crime rates go down. Gang members should be executed on the streets Judge Dredd style. Until then it only gets worse until it spreads further from the ghettos than it already is.
fucking lanklets. goofy as fuck.
Some people come out fine.
The ones that don't are just career criminals.
You can't rehabilitate a rabid dog... or a nigger for that matter.
pull the trigger on every nigger
>expect they give a shit about rehabilitation when they don't even know what the word means
Throw the rival gangs in a secured island (if your prison isnt already in one) , have a Battle Royale, and air it live on PPV
wtf is with the blonde guy in the glasses to the left?
his reaction to violence is like that of a woman
I would have absolutely no problem with this.
People that have demonstrated criminal violent tendencies should be publicly shot.
I literally saw no problem with this.
He might be a cousin, Sven
>Sees black dude sucker punch a colleague
>Hide behind screen
>Shuffle back and forth while the men take care of the situation
>Adjust glasses
Segregate prisons.
Treat niggers like Harambe
Treat hue-monkeys like we treat current prisoners.
Rehabilitate whites.
American prisons are for punishment
it's only in small countries that they treat prison like rehabilitation
It looks like he flails uselessly trying not to wet himself. Someone could make a fatty jail guard disco webm imho
The goal of prison is to segregate criminals from non-criminals. If true rehabilitation were the goal, then we'd be employing more invasive procedures such as electroshock, hypnosis, or outright lobotomization.
By loading them into C-130s and dumping them into the Pacific at 25,000ft.
Letting the prisoners get their asses best would be a start. The whole "punishment doesn't change behavior" shit is a myth. Pavlov proved it does and low IQ niggers won't act up if they know the officers kicking their teeth in won't get punished. Also would limit the amount of stabbing/deaths.
The biggest problem with prisons is that prisoners can interact with other prisoners
This causes recruitment to organised, drug dealing, violence, rape etc. Somebody goes in for shoplifting, gets beaten to shit, joins the Crips and goes home with a drug dealing gig
Private rooms for everyone, no mess halls, can only read in their room, and they can only leave for showers (one at a time) or when studying getting a trade - in complete silence
Of course this would never pass. Liberals would scream "MUH HUMAN RIGHTS" right wingers would scream "They need to be punished! I wanna see them raped, and tortured! Don't make them learn anything, they should dieplay homeless!"
The worst example is Britain. Prisons are just muslim holiday inns with muslim guards where the imams radicalize every inmate and 'hatespeachers' get regularly raped and murdered
me on the left
Send them to an island somewhere and let them figure it out on their own.
A life sentence should be banishment from society.
This needs to happen.
Chops thieves fingers / hands off.
Murders, deserve death.
Rapists, public flogging before death.
Petty crime & fraud get lashings / public humiliation.
Criminals are scum, they need to be treated as such.
The problem is that he's behaving like a fucking rabid ape.
give me a coon, I fulton him to the moon
lol god bless law enforcement. press the boot on these losers.
Here's the solution:
Arbeit macht frei
This man gets it.
>rehabilitate these people
prisons aren't rehab centers
a grave for every slave
jails and prisons are now crime colleges where newbs learn the tricks of the thug life.
Make them all panopticons.
Leave them in their cells all day rather than letting them mingle and collude with one another.
Around blacks, ya you get it
in the good old days you could just flog them . now we are expected to interbreed with them . i hate liberals
>Isn't the goal to rehabilitate these people
You can't rehabilitate them because they get out and go straight back to their nigger communities and do the same shit all over again.
Letting prisons be run by corporates was a really mong idea to begin with.
Just kill them all. They wont come out worse.
Most people in prison have mental issues. They can't be fixed.
i was just listening to this earlier.
>learn from others
But they're also in prison, why would you learn from a loser?
The problem with this is legitimately isolation.
Most people literally can't psychologically handle it.
Truth be told prison guards are corrupt cucks and prisoners have too much freedom
what do you mean "even",if anything they should never relax
im sure that assaulting an officer charge he picked up was totally worth that sucker punch...
Good. They won't commit a crime again then.
>Isn't the goal to rehabilitate these people, yet they come out worse than before?
Niggers teach other niggers how to nig.
I've also laughed at that idea. How the fuck do they expect anyone to learn from other criminals and losers on how to be a better person lmfao
We really ought to crack down on gangs. Just classify them as domestic terrorists.
Notice how, for a brief second, he relaxed....
Dude, ESPECIALLY Prinson guards cant relax...
Kill them all
>How do we fix our prisons Sup Forums?
Shoot people who do what this prisoner did
Pick one famalam
Aren't your cops just mobile executioners
HAHAHAH, that fucking faggot hiding, i hope he lost his job. Isn't this what you wait for every day? To go beserker-mode on some shitskin? Jeez.
The guy he punched was obviously talking shit though
source on video? obviously capped from ABC news, but what's the story behind the video
>The whole "punishment doesn't change behavior" shit is a myth.
I actually can't believe there are people who genuinely believe this. The people who say punishment doesn't change behavior must have a vested interest in causing public disorder. Pain (be it physical or psychological) is a useful tool that is the product of evolution to tell you "THIS SHIT IS BAD YO, DON'T DO IT".
Except what happens when those same laws are used against "Racist White Wing 2nd Amendment White Male Extremists"?
American prisons are like giant training camps. Prisoners come out having acclimated to life as a criminal... they may have learned new skills, they almost certainly made new connections, gang-related or otherwise. And when they're out, no one will hire them except McDonald's (maybe). Obviously they turn to crime.
Why waste money in concentration camps when you could give them corporal punishment or exile?
This. If you're around a sketchy jiga that is acting friendly, know that it's looking for an opportunity to jump you.
Summary execution of any black on white violence.
we privatize it
that way government can get away with throwing the goyim in cages
invest in private prisons to make more shekels
>what is dysgenics and how does it manifest in the world around me
Get rid of prisons. It's the equivalent of a timeout. We need to bring back public hangings and beatings. That way it saves a lot of money and will probably clean the streets a lot quicker
>Private rooms for everyone, no mess halls, can only read in their room, and they can only leave for showers (one at a time) or when studying getting a trade - in complete silence
funny thing here in austria until the 70s guards where prohibited to speak with the inmates and till the mid 60s inmates where also prohibited to speak with each other.
But at that time we also had 98% Austrians as inmates.
Thieves, murderers (with poor reasoning), and the like should be executed by hanging or should be sold as slaves and worked to death in factories.
Sound advice that could have your life. Random hood niggers always pull that shit as step one to size someone up and look for the right time to pounce. Don't forget to always look at their hands as well.
pussy ass looking bitch kid getting a job as a CO?
Kid straight deserved it
That guy shouldn't have relaxed.
Damn fool relaxed.
you need zyklon b to prevent typhus first of all!
He clearly has had like 0 training. Looks like he had mail in his hands, maybe he just works in the mail room usually.
Absolutely lost it when he moved around from behind the partition and just wipes his fucking nose or mouth and goes into t-rex stance
>relaxing around blacks
By just shooting nogs instead of allowing them to live
yeah or probably a newbie, doesn't seem he has the full gear either.
The goal is exile, rehabilitation is a bonus.
Now tyrone you should not just take appareances at face value, pic related; this guy can probably kill 100 niggers in less than 2 minutes
here's a (you) just because I am genuinely shocked by what's going on this image
Kek. Watch this guy.
Prisons are a meme. If the crime is nonviolent there is no need to cage someone. Fine them, send them to do free work etc, no point caging them- like some kind of fraud or something.
For violent and dangerous criminals, like niggers assaulting someone, just execute them. They are not worth the risk of putting back into society nor the waste of resources keeping them alive.
American prisons are way different than European prisons. American prisons tend to profit off its prisoners. The more incarcerations the more $$$. European prisons actually make an attempt to rehabilitate you because eventually you're going to be released out into society.
If you study literature on this subject you will find rehabilitation is extremely hard. Everyone agrees it is a good idea. Many different schemes have been dreamt up and tested on different populations. Nothing works reliably.
Small scale studies that show promise are often caused by cherry picking the easiest cases to test on. They inevitably fall over when scaled up.
Prison is really about keeping the rest of society safe from the criminal.