Actual Catholic priest here - AMA

Actual Catholic priest here - AMA

> I won't answer any questions that identify myself. I am in the Western US and that's specific enough.

> Been lurking /pol for some time. A lot of the ideas here match my own.

True, non-cucked Catholicism is the only hope for the world. Neo-liberal globalism is a slow march towards annihilation. Islam is a cultural and intellectual virus. (((Critical theory))) and its consequences are destroying our institutions from the inside out. Only the great Western perennial philosophical system and revealed Christian truth can bring us safely through the clash of civilizations and ensure freedom from totalitarianism in all its forms.

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Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición did nothing wrong.

What is your honest opinion of Pope Francis?

What are your thought on Fr. Coughlin,

How do you feel being 'labeled' a Nazi these days for your beliefs?

Worst pope in history. While previous popes may have led personally immoral lives, this pope actually is attacking doctrine. His antinomian tendencies are wreaking havoc on the Church. All of his displays of "mercy" are a sham taken right out of the Peronist playbook.

Are traps gay?

I am seriously asking this question and I want to know if they are gay from a catholic stance

I don't like traps, i just wonder.

Based Catholic priest. Spoke the truth about (((them))) when it was still possible.

1) Do you think that the existence of God can be proven rationally?

2) What is your answer to the issue of Theodicy?

3) Are you sedevacantist? Why or why not?

4) When do you think St John's Apocalypse will happen? Might it be happening right now?

Do you think the church will return to its traditional ways? How are the priests coming out of seminary? All the new Preist I've seen seem more traditional than the older ones

What's up with commie pope?
How is he received by the clergy?
Is their a better replacement in the future?

You need to see this:

www.mostholyfamilymonastery (dot) com

I keep a lot of my beliefs to myself. But I see no incompatibility between science and faith. If science shows racial differences this does not affect the inherent dignity of each person (what they do to build up or obscure that dignity is up to them individually).

As a catholic who went to Jesuit HS in the western US, what are your thoughts on the Jesuits? They were a super weird SJW-catholic hybrid when I went to school, seemed pretty cucked IMO

Whether or not someone is gay would depend on whether they suffer from SSA (same-sex attraction disorder) or not. Pretty commonsense to me. Trans people are suffering from a gender dysphoria disorder. This is often co-morbid with SSA.

And what constitutes as "work" on sunday?
Anything tiring?
Anything that involves hard labor?
Anything that involves doing something reluctantly?

I am eager to know.

Jesuits, more like JEWsuits

Hey Father Tran so do miscarriages or abortion babies go to heaven of they die?

Every terribly SJW I hear is coming out of catholic unis is jesuit run

Thank you, sir.

What's your opinion on Vatican II?
What's your favorite priest joke?

Do you know of any un-cucked churches in the Los Angeles area?

I became a Christian in the past year, after becoming a mother and witnessing what appears to me to be a spiritual battle unfolding in the world around me.

There's so much anti-Catholic rhetoric and I'm having a really hard time figuring out where I belong. My family and my husband's family are historically Catholic. Could you please address the assertion that Catholics are "pagan" and that the way they relate to Mary and the saints isn't biblical/Christian?

Also how would one reconcile becoming a Catholic with the current state of the Vatican?

Any and all insight appreciated, I am sincerely seeking and it's really hard to sort it all out solo.

wow the bar is really low for both priests and larpers today.

what is your opinion on the council of nicea which done away with a lot of the statutes that the original apostles held, i.e passover (easter is never mentioned in the bible, in the original text)?

I was born into a catholic family in n.ireland btw, all my family still go to mass on sunday apart from me

1) YES! In order for "something" to come from "nothing" there must be a God. Since the universe is contingent in nature there must be a being which is by definitions necessary that created it.
2) The answer lies in the mystery of God becoming man and suffering for and with us.
3) Definitely not. While this is a weird unprecedented situation (there is NOTHING in our tradition about a "pope-emeritus"), Francis is still the pope.
4) A few things must happen first. The gospel must be preached everywhere and (((they))) will be converted .

Ah you have no idea. Had to take a required class in social justice, we watched clips of little African boys picking cocoa for nestle in order to be "shocked"

Half the class was pretty traditionally catholic tho which tends to be very based, so half the class ended up laughing at the videos

This post is most confirming that you are in fact a priest catechesis and all that

>True, non-cucked Catholicism is the only hope for the world
everything outside the gospel is unnecessary for a christian
>written for jews by jews
>written by false prophets
only the word of jesus matters
whats your favorite bible verse?

How can a priest be intermediaries to God when the Bible teaches that Jesus is our High Priest and our sole intermediary to God?

The Bible teaches that all saved Christians are saints. Why does the catholic church allow mary worship?

The young (such as myself) are very traditional and conservative. Many are learning the Extraordinary Form (aka Latin) Mass and will celebrate it once we are named pastors. There is hope for the future but we are being actively weeded out.

Should I go to SSPX? If not, how do I find a tradtional parish that doesn't do that dumb guitar music?

We still have Benedict XVI. He got pushed away. Could he reclaim and take control of the catholic chuch if things didn't work out with (-Francisco-). Could we have a Benedict XIII kind of situation in our hands? AntiPopes all over.

After all, Benedict XVI was way more traditional, truthful and conservative. Here's an article on degenarcy:

Also. What's your take on Arianism?

I was wondering this myself would sterilizing them violate their dighnity?

How did you come to terms with the fact that your institution is infested with child fiddlers? Do you think this has to do with celibacy or do you think the condition is pre-existing and those people are just drawn to the catholic church? Have you ever noticed that celibacy has any side-effects on you related to pedophile or homosexual tendencies? If you were suddenly elected pope and wouldn't have to fear resistance of any kind of the clergy, how would you transform the catholic church?

This pope was essentially put into place by a cabal of leftist/Marxist cardinals and bishops - the St. Galen group. They planned to put Bergolio in back in 2005 but failed. Then lightning struck (literally) and Benedict abdicated.

The Jews will never bow to a pope.

They will only bow their Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Jesuits are either really good or bad. No in between. Most are bad.

Essentially "servile" labor. Work you do for someone else. If there is an absolute necessity, one may work. The law serves man, not the other way around.

>weeded out
How so? There was a young priest at my local parish, great guy, amazing pastor! But he was moved to being a secretary to the bishop. Doesn't make much sense as there was a lot of people here who started coming because of him

Also why do you think there are more traditional priests among the young, what's causing it? And how are Vatican politics ATM?

Finally, have you read pic related?

I'm not a Tran. Not even vietnamese (23andme 100% Euro). There are a number of theories. We know that it can't be one of two extremes: either all go to heaven or all to hell. I suspect that they are presented a choice of sorts, not unlike the choice given to the angels.

How do you justify diddling children?
can you please stop molesting children.

As they say about councils, the best you can hope for is that you don't wreck everything. This seems to just about have happened. 99.9% of the texts are fine. It's the interpretation of the last bit as well as the innovations not rooted in the council (the so-called "spirit of Vat II") that has been so destructive. This is simply the heresy of Modernism.

When will you run for the papacy and declare a crusade for us, senpai? The current pope is a spineless good-for-nothing sack of shit. Thank you and God bless.....

I'm a Catholic, what do I say in response to this father?

heve you ever took part to an exorcism?

I would recommend any Extraordinary Form Mass you can find that is in good standing in the diocese. The Norbetines are great too, but they are in Silverado.
I reconcile my being Catholic in the current state of affairs because it remains the Truth. Christ spoke of an Apostasy. Perhaps we are near it.

Do you believe in the prophecy of the Great Catholic Monarch who will come from France and rule before the appearance of the Anti-Christ?

what is in the Vatican vaults?
Any chance it contains contents from the library of Alexandria? If so, why not share that with the World?

sounds like you never bothered learning to celebrate Traditional Latin Mass.

Thank you.

Good question. Catholics believe that the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit. On the one hand, there are good arguments for the traditional Easter date, but there is a belief that the Holy Spirit will not allow us to be truly misled in terms of doctrine and practice. Scripture, Tradition, Magisterium. Anything outside of that is us trying to be smarter than the whole of the Church.

>Islam is a cultural and intellectual virus.

Okay serious question. With the current pope who's extremely pc, he seems to be "marketing" Catholicism to the wrong people? The PC people don't go to church and stereotypistereotypically promote degenerate ideology (drugs, alcohol and premarital sex). If the head of the church had to start standing up for Catholic people, do you not think this would revitalise the religion itself? I sure as heck would start going to church again if it seemed it was for a "good cause". For lack of a better phrase.

What's something you think that every Catholic could do to improve the West?

oh come on you surely have better to do than being on Sup Forums

We only know what is truly the Gospel because the Catholic Church chose them (under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit). Council of Carthage. To believe in the Scripture is to inherently believe in the teaching authority of the Church.
Favorite Bible verse? Couldn't pick just one but there are a great number of Psalms I love. We pray them everyday as part of the Liturgy of the Hours.

What's your take on the heretical gospels? my favs are Thomas and Mary

How did we end up with Pope Cuck

Isn't the Pope supposed to be infallible? Why the fuck did we get a commie this go around?

Catholic priests are not intermediaries, per se, but Jesus did give authority to Peter (Matt 16:18) and he gave the apostles the power to absolve sin (John 20)

Do I have to go to RCIA even if I studied a lot on my own?

Pope Francis is the last pope in a long list of popes mentioned by St. Malachi in his prophecy. Reading suggestion: Catholic Prophecies by Yves Dupont.

mmm looks salty and sour

Martin Luther was /ourguy/ though.

The catholic traditions are not found in the original church plants in Ephesus, Galatia, Antioch, etc.

All the catholic traditions started decades if not scores of years later. Perhaps in the AD 200s

There are plenty of non-SSPX extraordinary form parishes. I recommend the Ecclesia Dei website. I believe they list all of them.

>If I kiss the ugly African men's feet too then no one will suspect that I have a foot fetish

ok i will speak to you on the sabbath someday

So I think if we have a schism on our hands it will be more to do with whether or not Francis answers the Dubia. If he contradicts the plain teachings of Christ there will be a division. Benedict is way too old to have anything to do with it.

Sterilization is forbidden.

Luther drove a wedge in the church because "muh dik"
>but the Jews and there lies!
You know who started the trend of putting yellow stars on Jews? The pope

Okay, thank you.

Would you mind addressing the "Mary worship" question? As an outsider it seems like a major sticking point.

So it turns out that the whole idea that the Church is infested with child molesters is a bit of a (((story))). Yes, it's true that there are many and that they were hidden. This was very bad and - believe it or not - was typically related to the more liberal wings of the Church (see the John Jay Report - most of the so-called child abuse cases were just full-blown homosexuality). Priests are actually statistically LESS likely to be molesters than the general male population. But any of them are of course too many.

What are the chances of the Roman and Eastern churches reconciling their differences and coming together as singular a unified Catholic church? Also when will the church consecrate Russia to Our Lady's immaculate heart as was commanded of her in the apparition of Fatima?

Afternoon, father. I attend Tridentine Mass in California, it's sad how few there are left.

What are your thoughts on Fr. Mike Schmitz?

Also, what is your and The Church's stance on Tattoos? I wish to get a Chi Rho on my back shoulder blade, but I have heard(From my mom) that they are portals for demoninc entities.

Do you know that jews live by the Babylonian Talmud and Cabbala, and not at all the old testament (Torah)? What do you think of these Talmudic passages and why are christians so pro jewish? Y U don't realise jews are under gods wrath and not his favour? Here are some satanic commandments from Talmud.

Kill the Goyim by any means possible.

Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Everyone who sheds the blood of the impious [non-Jews] is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God.

Yalkut 245c

Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Zohar, Shemoth

Tob shebbe goyyim harog - Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed.

All gentiles should be raped

Avodah Zarah 36b-37a

R. Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition [intercourse], and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. The penalty of adultery may be incurred through her; [if a niddah] she defiles him who has connection with her, so that he in turn defiles that upon which he lies, as a garment which has lain upon [a person afflicted with gonorrhoea].

Sanhedrin 55b

Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that.24 (24) I.e., Rab makes nine years the minimum; but if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred. Samuel makes three the minimum.

Sanhedrin 54b

Raba said. It means this: When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this [three years old], it is as if one puts the finger into the eye; but when a small boy has intercourse with a grown-up woman he makes her as 'a girl who is injured by a piece of wood.'...

I knew tons of guys that were kicked out of the seminary for reporting homosexual activity. There is a wide-spread problem of homosexuals in the priesthood. They really have formed kind of a "lavendar mafia." Based Pope Benedict re-published the authentic Catholic stance - Gays should NOT be admitted to the seminary. I know for a fact that once they are in they take over and keep out anyone who might oppose them. This is the work of Satan.

I heard 85% of kid diddling priests were homosexual, is that true?

I have been slowly coming back to the faith and wondering if my priest was thinking th same thing. Do you know of others who think the same or are you an outlier????

In Mathew Peter is the pebble. Jesus being the Christ is the rock/boulder. The church will be built on the boulder of Jesus being the Christ. It was word play check the greek.

In John, all believers receive the Holy Spirit and are commanded to forgive others.

God bless father.What do you think of the mount graham observatory and the Lucifer not Catholic but i miss this man pic related

> Hoping for Cardinal Burke or Sarah.

Hi Father. Northern Ireland protestant here. Do you believe that the Catholic church went along with Father Malachi's prophesy of naming each Pope correctly up until Francis as a self fulfilling prophesy so to speak? And why did they not let Francis take the final name predicted by Malachi?

Can Catholics appoint an anti-pope to defy the one in Rome? His devilry has gone on long enough to warrant a man of better stock.

Hello user, do you have plans of getting a higher position in the hierarchy? How hard is it and is it possible for someone like you to become Pope?

How's that working out for you?

Hankering for another schism maybe?

Pope Francis will stop the onslaught of Islam. Yeah right.

Believe it or not, yes! I only conducted a "minor" exorcism. Believing that the case was more serious I sent them to our diocesan exorcist who has faculties to celebrate the major rite.
> Read The Rite. I actually know the priest who wrote it. It's the absolute truth. Don't see the movie - it sucks.

What the fuck?! What happened to the faggots that got reported? That's an outrage, it'd be like an aspiring priest fornicating with a woman, it's LUST

How can we stop this? Would reporting it in the media effect anything, or do we need a "young pope" figure to come in and purge them all?

Like the "Prester John" prophecy. I don't believe this has any basis in Biblical prophecy nor does it come from a saint. So I'm not sure if that will happen or not.

Name a sin you are not allowed to confess to another priest.
Then I'll believe you.

What is your opinion on The Society of Jesus?

Library of Alexandria was consigned to the flames. You can thank the Religion of Peace for that. Vatican archives are being digitized.

Hail father, hope your week has been going well

Matt 7:22

"Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?"

Neck yourself Protestant brainlet
What are their chances of being pope realistically were a College of cardinals held tomorrow?

I'll tell you what - from my experience the only non-Catholics who like this pope like him because they know deep down that he is doing great harm to the Faith. Not one person is joining the Church because of "muh mercy"

What do you think of benedict xvi ? Why do you think he resigned ?

We need a Pius X type pope to rescue our institutions from libs and (((them))). If our Catholic universities started teaching the authentic faith we would be in a much better place. High schools and elementary too. Also, "Save the Liturgy, Save the World."

Important historical documents. Not inspired though.