Holy fuck google is trying to send normies to Sup Forums to discredit us
You can now get linked through google "news" if posts are made on Sup Forums
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Holy fuck google is trying to send normies to Sup Forums to discredit us
You can now get linked through google "news" if posts are made on Sup Forums
pic related
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Makes sense. I'm a normie who started coming to Sup Forums for news because THIS IS WHERE THE NEWS IS HAPPENING.
OR, there's just not many (if any) MSM outlets covering the story.
It's happened before. Can't remember what the story was, but it was a few months ago.
When Sup Forums is only credible news source on this planet you know the world is in bad shape...
We need /mlpol/ back for a few days.
It only serves to inform more people about glorious National Socialism.
we shall redpill the faggots
I'm not a normie. Im a paleo-retard
I get these on my phone. Google pushes tweets and various other crap to you as part of its targeted interests news feed.
the ironic thing is that 50% of it is the actual FAKE NEWS variety of shady unsourced malware infected site variety. A couple weeks ago Google was pushing a "Ted Nugent shot to death on hunting trip" story 5x a day over a weekend. And these are the companies that say they need to be in charge of filtering our social media to keep us safe.
Who is Eric Clanton?
Give me a quick rundown.
We MSM now...
Why are you using google? Fuck them
Ahhh now I remember this crap. Took them a long time to catch this guy, fucking cuck coast.
Thanks user.
you don't understand how google works
it's based off the sites you visit
Oh shit we're a LEGIT NEWS SOURCE NOW!
It's your fault, faggots. All of you niggers that claimed "the_donald" is our allies are fully responsible for this. All of you fags that claimed "we need to spread our ideology in order to redpill normies" are fully responsible.
The redpill is that Sup Forums is the cancer killing Sup Forums because you're all a bunch of newfaggot protestfags straight from Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. You see absolutely nothing wrong with bringing cancerous newfags here by the tens of thousands because you'd all be among good company.
Im guessing google is smart enough to know your a Sup Forums shitposter and that is probably the only reason why its shown to you...just a hunch.
>google is smart enough to know your a Sup Forums shitposter
>your a Sup Forums shitposter
Sup Forums is now a valid news source according to the googs
Deleted all my browsing history and it comes up
Sitting here talking to ourselves is pointless, but we don't want publicity either. T_D was supposed to be the middleman.
>Deleted all my browsing history
You can't delete your browsing history.
Try a library computer or something.
it pretty much changes all of the search results I get after I do it
this. I first came to pol to look at the real thing happening after the mudshits atac on degenerate brits
CNN has become conspiracy theory propaganda 24/7 and Sup Forums has become mainstream news. What a timeline!
fool, we need to increase our numbers
at least this one isn't reddit
Hello, I found this place through Google news too
Why is it pink lol?
You lie.
Like a true Sup Forumsack.
well it's actually no surprise; Sup Forums fullfills a lot of the functions normally done by news agencies
>an organization that gathers news reports
for free, fast, worldwide plus commentary predictions and original art to visualize
I've been browsing all sorts of alternative websites since 1998, and yes... Sup Forums has become the place where it all happens. Not only has it become an unrelenting bastion of truth, it has also become the best news agreggate the world has ever witnessed.
This is where it all happens folks. Shit... we even summoned an ancient egyptian God that helped Trump take the white house - for shits and giggles.
The fake news stories being propagated is the CIA conditioning you as part of a PSYOP to get folks to be less susceptible to foreign disinformation campaigns.
Hey Chuck, alphabet spies are everywhere
you have a bagnodoff on your computater and you dont know the bike lock faggot getting doxxed losing his job and now jailed. because of autism and cheetos
...or faggots in power want to push their agenda
Why not both?
most trusted news source
Not surprising. Sup Forums is well regarded as a trusted news outlet world leader.
holy horseclits you guys sound like Sup Forums
please guzzle bleach en masse immediately
the sad state of world when autists are trusted more than normies
It's all happening along one path OP
it means one day we will eventually have to burn down Sup Forums so that everyone is living a meaningful life IRL
it's up to us not to try and stop a tidal wave of normies coming here
it's up to us user to use our power to achieve our own ends
we will be the majority someday
have faith
Ohhh fuck my secret club that is a top 100 website isn't as secret as I thought it was!!!! shit!!!
hey guys, I followed a link from gogle I ususally like reddit but this ploice is prety swag