Why are natives in Canada such utter trash? Why do they have absolutely no urge to improve their lives at all?
Why are natives in Canada such utter trash? Why do they have absolutely no urge to improve their lives at all?
they want to be european
>gibs me dats from government
>all broken households with huge rates of single motherhood
>generations of gibs
>see: niggers
They love to stay true to their culture and traditions, as long as they don't get in my way I don't give a fuck
>cuzh da white men abushe me in reshidential schol so now u got ta py me all da rez money pale fache dis ish ur fult white men
Seriously, this residential abuse white guilt has gotten out of hand. Its almost like Canadas holocaust. Oy vey dont forget the six Quintillion that were raped/molested/beaten. They even told us that the priests would take babies fro girls they impregnated and put them in shoeboxes and bury them in the ground. seriously. Their communties will never improve, they are utterly fucked and its because of this eternal; its not my fault, its the white mans fault attitude. They scream that while they drop out of high school and shoot up heroin. My school had at least two dozen native in my grad class, guess how many actually graduated? Three. And the two of the three that did were utter shite students and its amazing they did it. Canadian natives are also obsessed with nigger culture for some reason, maybe they identify with the victim and white hating in it. They also take all the money they get from the government, which is a lot, and give it to their corrupt chiefs who swindle it. Then they complain why the rez is such a shitheap.
Rampant drug and alcohol problem and refusal to assimilate into Canadian culture leaves them poor and uneducated.
they needed some of that european dicks to breed out the savage in them
I live very near to a reserve / have to work with some of them and it's brutal. They always complain the government doesn't give them enough money, yet the second a big paycheck comes in they blow it on stupid shit like a new vehicle / computer / vacation. They have zero concept of money or how to save it especially when they just keep getting gibs from our cuck government. Pull out all the funding into those shitholes reserves and you'd see 90% of them die and the other 10% actually assimilate and do something with their lives. They keep crying about their unfair treatment, when as a Native American they have 100x more benefits than a white Canadian.
>free schooling, but maybe 5% of them even fucking pass highschool
All that's going to die is create an abomination of a mixed race hybrid that is still savage in nature.
Lack of meaning or direction in their lives.
They are Ameritrash, Pueblo. But without the common sense.
god I wish I was a native, I'd go to university and then fucking medical school for free and then get instantly diversity hired
fuck I hate the red-nigs
going to do* not die but considering how natives are that's not necessarily wrong on my part.
Ah yes the ancient tribal traditions of getting drunk off Listerine and selling contraband smokes.
They get a huge amount of money for making it to 18.
But they have a point there. They dont have to do anything, and get monnies and benefits. It's comfortable life. And since complaining gives more money for libcucks, would you blame them?
They're too busy screwing around on Sup Forums
Tell me about it, my friend used to date one and she dropped out of university, switched to college (all free), was still shit in school but managed to land a good internship because she went into science and being not white + female, 1000 companies gave her offers because muh diversity. Now she has a super high paying job out West. She still complains about how unfair natives are treated, meanwhile my friend her ex is up to his ass in student debt trying to pay off med school. She's said publicly before she hates white people but has only fucked white guys.
Yeah I don't entirely blame them because it is a large part our governments fault for dishing out money so they can just do fuck all and make it by. Yet if you were to ever bring up that point to them or anyone else that hey we should start decreasing funding and start trying to promote getting them more educated / better lifestyle choices you'll just be called a nazi racist and that's none of your business because you're white.
they still have no self-respect, so. fuck them
But then you'd be a native. Do you think it's worth it?
No amount of government subsidy fixes broken homes. It just makes people from broken homes more dependant.
>Friends with twin brothers, natives
>Dad stuck around and always had a job with no substance abuse problems, made sure kids stayed in school
>Worked reasonably hard in school, basically white in the inside (whats red outside white inside? Lychee?)
>Go to uni and both study engineering
>Graduate with zero debt and diversity hire jobs.
>Actually worked hard and are being successful
Then theres the chuggers on the ctrain who call old men faggots for looking at them funny.
>They even told us that the priests would take babies fro girls they impregnated and put them in shoeboxes and bury them in the ground. seriously.
that's pretty fucked up, no wonder they want reparations
that shit was pretty recent, those people are still alive
>Went to school for free
>Diversity hire jobs
>Never had to work for anything
Sorry, still degenerates.
Only problem.
They are lying.
It's stupid since you are suggesting a self-improvement. Fix to thix could be rather easy. Give them cash, but convert the amount to tax reduction. In order to get this money (kind'a) they have to earn it. Should work, right? Right?
Wrong i guess ... i could opress them and their "work - free" and "live with nature" culture.
I think a lot of it is genuine "it was real in my mind" type of stuff. Still lies though.
Natives are a threat to Canada. They don't consider themselves Canadian, just a bunch of white hating low IQ trash. Worst part is that many of the mestizos and castizos get into higher position and are being injected with marxism.
This is a pretty pathetic comment to make OP. Take your stupid nigger ass across the boarder to the USA where they accept and celebrate you're kind. Learn Canadian history or gtfo.
Just finished an entrepreneurship grad program, 2 native women were in it. Faculty kept telling them that they have essentially unlimited financial support from the government for whatever business they choose to do, borderline impossible to fail with that kind of support and exposure.
One dropped out and the other started a nail salon in a reserve of 700 people.
Natives can't handle the vices. They are genetically unable to resist alcohol, drugs and tobacco
Highest rates of alcoholism and incest/childrape.
I work with alot of natives. They all seem to be mentally impaired and have a child's personality. Lazy as fuck, can't get a solid day of work out of them. Even the friendly will steal anything you leave out. One stole my fucking granola bar. Sad.
That system could very well work, but it's almost impossible because yes they will just cry muh treaties and why are we being oppressed. It would take at least two or three generations to get rid of the gibs me dat, freeloader lifestyle mentality. We'll never have a government that would be willing to do that kind of plan or even discuss it unfortunately because that's "not progressive".
They do not. They can do it. Point is, they dont want it.
Native here. Its mainly the residential schools that have fucked this generation and the last two before us up. My family is one of the ones that have adapted however. Moms Husband runs a casino, grandmother is a RN, Aunty has a masters in networking, couple uncles are carpenters. My current job isnt nothing to write home about but I work. We're just as capable, on average. It just takes a while to recover from a genocide.
Some of us are just fucking irredeemable though, and I hate them just as much as you do.
It's like having a gumar
I do believe this could change, when we redpill community. I personally think that community should help those who had bed luck. Some cash, free food or place to live? Sure, life can be tough. No luck in more than 6'mo? Get out. Idk about you, Leaf's but in my city there is plenty of easy-to-do job. It's not even that to find. Point is you have to try.
>Moms Husband runs a casino
Go figure.
>We're just as capable, on average. It just takes a while to recover from a genocide.
>and I hate them just as much as you do
Why do you pretend to sympathize with me and then sneak in the whole 'genocide' thing there? You are given every possible opportunity to better yourselves, and it's ironic because even though I hate you, that means I actually like you in the sense that whites kissing your asses has only made your existences worse. You have the resources and all the encouragement yet you use that to rot away.
Yup, broken welfare systems is one of the worst things in modern society. My city is always looking for people to work labor jobs for them and it actually pays decently well with lots of local benefits. Just no one ever applies, people get too easily discouraged by not finding dream jobs right off the bat but the best thing to do is start anywhere and network where you can, especially in a smaller city like mine.
Do they all look like that?
That looks way more niggerish than our natives.
Most of them around here do, yes.
yours are much more intermixed with whites.
Doesnt matter. People who go through that kind of stuff are fucked beyond repair, and it wasnt that long ago that it happened. More and more are making use of it as we recover. It just takes a while.
I grew up in Thunder Bay so I saw first hand for many years the situation of your people. Some were friends of mine and very politically aware actually. You see the cynicism in many of them, the bitterness, and I think if the current madness with immigration keeps up us stupid whiteys are going to end up being marginalised like you folk were. I think it's time to forgive (not forget) the idiocy of the past and move on, but it's also time to realise the value of one's heritage and protect it and aim to preserve it, rather than today's bullshit multicultural globalist lies that only aim to enslave us all in the end.
idk m88, all around the world, form eskimos, through american indians to australian aboriginals, everywhere the same problem
>People who go through that kind of stuff are fucked beyond repair
What stuff? You didn't go through anything. All natives do now is use tax payer money to rot themselves away. I see absolutely no improvement among any of you. You people and your "culture" are very hostile to criticism, but you need it since people kissing your asses has proven to be very detrimental to you.
"some people bought the analogue equipment when it was unfashionable and very cheap though. some of us are over 30 you know!
anyone remember when 303`s were £50? and coke was 16p a tin? crisps 5p"
you get these people saying its iq and eugenics and all sorts of other bullshit when the real problem is they wont get off their arse and work or atleast do something
this has nothin to do with indians. fuck off. We all know trudeau is a piece of shit and I have no doubt yer dumb ass voted for him.
Holy Christ you nitwit. YOU FACED NO GENOCIDE. The murican indians got all but wiped out and as I get older I really would have wished that Canada had done the same, so many less problems.
Your indians are nothin like ours. Yours legitimately got wiped out, ours have so much free money its ridiculous. Murica wins in this regard.
you have two kinds of natives
the one who want to become normal regular citizens by rejecting the reserves rules and decides to pay taxs like everyone else
and the one who want to stay feather faggots drowning in booze knowing everyone is laughing at them, cannot own a business/house/land since they are not considered full citizenz but are all happy not to pay taxs living under federal rules. theres so fucking stupid that they reject almost everyones help and they know that refugees get more gibs than them, full citizenship and they prefer to stay in their misery.
t. quebec innu
All depends on what reserve you're next to. Some of us all own vehicles and homes, some of us live in rotting shacks and barely manage to get by.
based richard
I'm not a native and at this point I have to agree with you.
>I'm not a native
Doorknob would be more accurate for you I think, eh Mr. Doorknob?
I'm sure you meant to quote so I'll bump.
Not now Justin.