Is there anything more pathetic than a movement so obsessed with how fragile and recessive their genes are, that they call consensual sex "genocide"?
White """"genocide""""
>implying that other races don't do the same thing
nope. out.
No Sup Forumstard is ever reproducing regardless. Why would the Jews care enough to shill here?
>implying anyone besides white people call interracial relations "genocide"
thanks, been waiting to vent this, its my first day here, been up all night 7am now, i am STRESSED, DEPRESSED, fearful for the lives of some of the guys on here getting unknown phone calls!? the death of europe, JEWS, im concerned by child trafficking and read about it occasionally but pizzagate is a new level of disgusting political conspiracy that is ruining me, how do I get my miserable 5 hours sleep now?
i was addicted to red pills before coming here. been scared of Sup Forums forever before today (im not a guy). too many red pills. how do guys come on here every single day? how do they leave the house not hating everything they see? that image described ME. but my female emotions dont know how to manage it.
>>implying anyone besides white people call interracial relations "genocide"
black people do it to
>recessive their genes are
t. doesnt understand genetics
don't be female
we men live in the real world every fucking day, we have no choice
>other people are dumbasses too, so why can't I be?
>i am STRESSED, DEPRESSED, fearful for the lives of some of the guys on here getting unknown phone calls!? the death of europe, JEWS, im concerned by child trafficking and read about it occasionally but pizzagate is a new level of disgusting political conspiracy that is ruining me
"I don't know what a meme is": the post
Not once does he mention whites destroying the black race.
You're implying that if a black woman had a kid with a white man, it wouldn't be black?
k den
If any female of any race gave you the time of day you'd hit it. Don't lie.
ya i know and you update each other on how much worse it gets everyday through cold screens, dont u feel helpless? do you guys get any relief?
>calls them pathetic
>doesn't actually attempt to refute claim
>refute claim
The claim that a woman is committing genocide if she doesn't fuck (you)?
dont know what u mean senpai. that none of that is real?
That's not the claim, fampai
> that none of that is real?
Pizzagate was debunked 2 days after Sup Forums shat it out, you tard
>says I'm addressing the wrong claim
>doesn't actually attempt to present a claim
>Not once does he mention whites destroying the black race.
you don't know how to read
>You're implying that if a black woman had a kid with a white man, it wouldn't be black?
k den
the child would be a mulatto
>If any female of any race gave you the time of day you'd hit it. Don't lie.
your mum gives her time of day to Tyrone
Gtfo kike
>calling race mixing bad = calling race mixing genocide
you don't know how to read
>the child would be a mulatto
I've never seen a mulatto with blonde hair and blue eyes.
>your mum gives her time of day to Tyrone
your argument gives the time of day to the trash
What an intelligent and original argument, that most definitely doesn't undermine your position with impotent anger.
>land with limited space and resources
>bring in forigners at a rate higher than white reproduction
>create an environment that taxes and punishes those that plan ahead for children(whites) and rewards those that fuck like rabbits and pop out as many kids as possible(shitskins)
>watch white birthrates plummet and the demographics move out of their favour
>whites now a minority group in own nation and at the mercy of shitskin hoards
See south Africa for a far progressed example
by who? nah. &the evidence is consistent with the trafficking industry
>children(whites) and rewards those that fuck like rabbits and pop out as many kids as possible(shitskins)
God, I hate talking to you tards in your own hugbox
Black birth rates are falling faster than white birth rates. Maybe if you stopped using race memes as citations, you wouldn't take this cesspool's word as gospel.
>the evidence
el em ay yo
>American sauce
I really don't give a single fuck about your nation, burger
you can take pizzagate out. the current state of the world is only marginally better
>I've never seen a mulatto with blonde hair and blue eyes.
see pic
>your argument gives the time of day to the trash
you never had an argument nigger
It's letting the orcish hordes pour into our countries that's the biggest problem. I don't give a fuck if Motumbo has 20 nigger babies with AIDS if he does it in Apefrica.
>h-hahaha I-I almost had to admit that actual citations dismantle my argument but I see you live in america
Go bone a wallaby.
Oh, wow. Someone who's 1/32 African managed to get blue eyes. Truly Northern European genes are the most dominant of them all.
>you never had an argument
I'll take "white genocide isn't real" for $400
>our countries
If being born in a country constitutes a greater degree of ownership, then all blacks and Mexicans born in the US have just as much claim to "white" countries as you do.
engaged to a flip girl RIGHT NOW
you consider that blonde hair and blue eyes?
>shitskins birthrate= ~3 - 4
>white birthrate ~1.89
>80% white
>1/3 of birth are non white
Your sources still have blacks at a higher birth rate then whites in America either way. It's just staying that they had a large drop in the last few year. Maybe read your shit before posting, wanker.
>the current state of the world is only marginally better
Oh, please. You're championing a board that ironically misses the Third Reich. Don't act like you give 2 shits about what happens past your own back yard.
Apparently Dalai Lama is a fucking white male alt-right nazi.
lmao who cares about migrants outbreeding the decedents of English criminals on the shittiest island on the planet?
>Your sources still have blacks at a higher birth rate then whites in America either way
It's noticing the convergence of the birth rates you double nigger
Poorer people have higher birthrates. Black people are becoming less poor. News at 10.
Lol this is literally you
He has good advice. You should take it :^)
Every Western European nation is having a similar demographics shift.
>poorer people have higher birthrates
Maybe that's because poorer people are more likely to be shitskins. This may blow your mind, but we have poor white people in Australia and for some reason you don't see them having 5 kids.
>He has good advice. You should take it :^)
I can practically see the blood vessels popping in the Sup Forumsacks chubby forehead as he furiously draws this in MS paint
>demographics shift.
ding ding ding
Is white flight also genocide now too?
>>poorer people have higher birthrates
>Maybe that's because poorer people are more likely to be shitskins
Yes, that was literally the point.
Have a gold star.
"champion"... I can barely navigate the site. im an immigrant, my backyard extends to another continent. why would i lose hours including sleep on Sup Forums if i dont care for politics
>everyone who disagrees with me is communist
Nice beaner-speak memes. Did your government have to stop funding clean water to make it?
>when you're so retarded you actually think Jews aren't white
I guess the demographic shift in Tibet doesn't count as genocide either?
>that was literally the point
So you admit that the high birthrate is associated with shitskins rather than the poor?
She's a quadroon
>Sup Forums
What you gonna do? call me a nazi?
how cute :3
>epidemic rape
>nearly 100% of it by ((("""migrants""")))
>in any way shape or form consensual
You burn in hell you piece of shit.
How come your memes are poor?
>Nice beaner-speak memes.
Oh I get it, you're a nigger. It makes sense now. Stay mad about your community being a massive fucking failure.
>government sponsored murder of thousands of people = black people moving in next door
So you haven't interacted with a jew IRL after all.
>You're implying that if a black woman had a kid with a white man, it wouldn't be black?
>k den
Well no, not technically.
Sounds like what a fucking jew would say.
Tell me, which one of your relatives had a part in making this article?
Well genetically, no they're not.
>What you gonna do? call me a nazi?
Nah, probably just have a glass of water that isn't contaminated with sewage.
>oh no I'm mad but have nothing to contribute
>better call him a nigger
"beaner" is a ridiculously common slur, nigger.
That picture it's inacurate he was killed with an ice pick like pic related.
You should know that my fellows in Latin America know how to deal with sewage very well
The current genocide in Tibet is referring to the cultural/ethnic genocide taking place right now. Not the massacre in the 60s or 70s
>You've never met a Jew!
>You're Jewish!
>Jews say they aren't white!
>I say the Jews aren't white!
If I were actually attempting to bait this board, I'd be rock hard now.
This man knew how to deal
This is the truth. And it all leads back to international jewish bankers who inflate money and encourage spending and short-term pleasure over saving.
Communism is retarded and you're even more retarded for rolling with the assumption that I'm a communist because I'm not ragingly insecure about interracial couples.
>you can't just say everything you don't like is made by the Jews
>proving my point
Suits me.
Even if I were to cop to being a Jewish shill, could you even refute a single thing I've said?
Why do you hate white people so much?
>could you even refute a single thing I've said?
>"y u hate white ppl"
That's be a no.
I don't hate white people. That's why I don't believe in placing restrictions on who we can and can't have babies with :^)
So you hate white people, right?
No, but I'm going to keep replying to your awful attempts at trolling, because you get more visibly upset with each pass
Du Ai?
So, you hate trolling, right?
The Brazilian standard for "upset" has been pretty low ever since you almost burnt your country to the ground over a soccer game
So, you hate soccer, right?
Not when it enables me to perpetually bump my threads
White genocide is retarded.
But population replacement is no joke. It's being practiced right now. It's not about birth rates or fertility, it's about, funny enough, the environment. Because poor brown people use less resources than rich white people.
Keep it up. This is fun. Now, show us what you're capable of.
Why would I hate soccer?
It almost destroyed Brazil.
You reply like a snail
>he doesn't space his replies out to give the thread maximum exposure
get on my level
You made me tired, user. Gonna sleep.
Ethnic cleansing is ethnic cleansing, same goal different name.
>being this retarded
Fun fact: anyone you see with a chin cleft got CAUCed at some point in their ancestry, its a dominant Caucasian trait