Maori Muslim here - how can you expect us to do nothing when the children of Gaza are under attack?

Maori Muslim here - how can you expect us to do nothing when the children of Gaza are under attack?

Although I do not condone violence, some of the younger brothers have less control over their passions for the words of Allah (swt)

Until the West stops aiding the Zionists, we both know things are only going to get worse. Until you stop crusading in Muslim lands, there will be no peace

Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth - it even says so in your bible

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Or, option C, we slaughter every last one of you and illegalize Islam.

Kys sand nigger

Where do you live? post your address you ISIS cunt..

Eye for an eye

One corpse for a million of yours. The day of reckoning is at hand.

I live in Hamilton, and am not affiliated with the Islamic State.

More than 1000 children were killed in the Zionist genocide of Gaza in 2014.

Thus far the West has lost 22.

Does it not say in your Bible eye for eye, tooth for tooth? Think upon this.

>Maori Muslim
Oh fuck must it hurt to be you.

shittiest race & shittiest religion combined in one person.

>how can you expect us to do nothing when the children of Gaza are under attack?
You won't be having to worry about this much longer. 8 Years of Trump is going to take Bibis shackles off. I'm counting down the days.

I dont care you rag headed cunt hopefully Willy Apita pays you a visit and slaps the shit out of you, might knock some sense into that cunt head of yours.

Maori decimated Germans in WW2. Thankfully this time you will be on our side, Insh'Allah

Muhammad fucked pigs.

Muslim inbreds are told by their rulers that the rulers must be rich to fight the west. While the rulers let their people stay poor. So you fight a villain that doesn't know or understand why you are fighting them while your rulers laugh at you behind your back and count their money.

An embarrassment to our flag.

Fuck off on a jihad. Or are you "doing nothing" here in NZ?
Get droned.
Problem solved.

good I might start to like the jews if they continue to eradicate your filthy kind

Great idea. Let them kill each other.

>Until you stop crusading in Muslim lands
I tell you what, let's deport all muslims from Christian lands. Deal?

>maori muslim

Someone fucked up

fuck you niggers

as long as you target degenerate concerts for whores and not innocent civilians in the street, were fine

OP is a giant faggot.

Come to Levin and I will leave you where I find you cunt.

why are you attacking Coptic Christians.?

don't give me all this bollocks about Gaza.

>maori muslim


Probably converted to the paedophile prophet while doing a lag for child molestation.

Quality trips

First post best post

We are not our governments we protested the Iraq wars it was the largest protest of it's kind and still the wars went ahead! Any Shitskin that looks at us and think we wanted this is a cuck, if you want to be left alone stop letting power hungry dictatorships rule your country so we don't have to come over a fix your little Shitskin shit holes full of shit. Trust me I'd like nothing more than you to be left the fuck alone but when your cuckold leaders keep trying to build WMDs then we have come over and stop you. You're the ones to blame you stole our oil after WW2 and your still poor. you're not educated you you beg for aid and you can't even setup a democracy after
2000 years and then you let ISIS form you disgusting shit ape

>Does it not say in your Bible eye for eye, tooth for tooth? Think upon this.
that is Old Testament Morality. In the New Testament we are told to forgive.

>Maori Muslim here

Maori niggers are so lost they adopt Islam? You should have been exterminated instead of colonized. Fucking poor trash the lot of you.

Why don't you move over there and do something about it, cunt.

no it doesn't say that in our bible. the old testament is context for our bible, the injeel. i can't fucking wait for this violent insurrection about to start between turkey and russia. hopefully the rest of the west wakes up when it happens. will be beautiful

mo enjoying a pork sausage

>Until you stop crusading in Muslim lands
it all belongs to us, Deus Vult

piece of goat shit

get it together shitfuck...yer half way there


lel mauri bro are you really trying to convince murderers that they are murderers?
they already know that.

give us back constantinople then you cunt

Fuck Gaza and the Palestinians. Long live Israel.

Is there another Maori or Polynesian in this thread that can straight this fool out?

Sadly they have been brainwashed by their ZOG (Zionist Occupied Governments)

attack the politicians that support the zog not little girls at a concert.

i bet this is a bait post and gaza is run by terrorists who gives a fuck about zionism has nothing to do with the fact that gaza is controlled by satanic murderers

Silly Maori, can't even defend your homeland against us and now converting to Islam.

you mean the province created by the based Romans to divide Judea?
Its all Jewish clay

donty have to be brainwashed to hat islam pal.

Worshiping a 6th century warlord with a 6 year old wife and way into young boys is no way to behave.

He would have already got his head knocked carrying on like a fucking idiot down in the Tron.

>maori muslims

You guys are cancer, fuck off to syria already so assad can barrel bomb you and we don't have to see your filthy asses at pak'n'save anymore

Manchester children are not responsible for the violence in Gaza
But if you want equal treatment no matter the responsibility, don't mind if we hunt down every single Muslim and throw him down the cooling towers of our nuclear power plants.

Came here to post this

The hero we deserve

Yeah you really deserve this kind of hero it's true.

I don't think i have seen a better example of an inbred bag of dog shit for like...3 hours!
Thanks Iraqimutt, you made my day.

Muslims and Atheists try so hard to use the Torah against Christians without realizing that We are followers of Christ.

exept he doesnt have the stone to do it against the forces that "oppress your shithole countrys" he does it to little girls, let face it you guys are massive faggots. With a boner for a dude that raped little girls and boys. none of your countrys are even marginally good places to live. your culture hasnt progressed for for over 1000 years. anything you have that is even close to coming from this century has been given to you by the western civilisation you hate. dont even get me started on your affection for farm animals.

Trump signs 350bio weapon deal with saudi arabia, better blame western population and blow some teenagers up, solves everything
Btw why isn't isis/daech/islamic state whatever you call it targetting western leaders ? Might change things faster..

Its good to see some resistance of some sort by the west but you are doomed

What a truly pitiful attempt ,prepare for our smite


You cant even get rid of a tiny jewish country on "your lands" so doomed.

yaeh, I think it was the Maori.

Muslim Maori. Sure


oh nooo achmeds gonna come for us we'll have british rajahs installed in every muslim land mate.

Completely inaccurate and absurd, not even intertaining or laugh inducing


>Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth

That's not a game you wanna play with people about a century ahead of you in terms of combat technology, kiddo.
Your prophet is a pedophile


how's about this one mutt

What a beautiful day to fling a fag off the roof

She was 27 you dimwit


in dog years

>leaf humour

War is a necessary tool for peace

Fuck off with your bullshit rationalisation. Muslims blow up way more muslims than any other group. You are the great shame of humanity.

Reminder that Christ is Lord

He died on the cross and rose from the dead

Brits were not able to stop a handfull of nails killing 22 of their beloved.

Think on that.

So? He died for a good cause unlike you

Eye for Eye
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Violence will get you nothing. We fight the same forces that only want and profit from war. Your people are being used. If you tried a difference approach you might gain some ground but I know you wont and you will be destroyed who can make war with the beast.

she was playing with dolls mate. he couldnt wait to get in that. At least rolf harris could draw.

Denounce Muslim and be enlighten.

Shouldn't you be inch deep in roach dick you faggot

This is now a red-pill thread about Maoris. Are they nigger tier?

How is a 8 year old girl responsible for the children of Gaza you fucking moron. Keep alienating normies to your cause. With tactics like these, you don't even need enemies.

Yes my brother thank you for fighting the good fight in the west with those ignorant infidels

Muhammad was a false prophet, he's most likely experiencing eternal torture in hell

Friendly reminder that Maoris ate the true natives of NZ. They were pale skinned redheads.

You say we killed 1000s in the middle east. doesnt that mean were winning then?

>Maori decimated Germans in WW2

Haha this, remember when The Jews handed the Pedo worshipers asses to them in 6 days and used it to turn the Golan Heights into a buffer zone ?

Pepperidge farms remembers.

If there is one thing the kikes are good for, it's shutting down goat fuckers.

And you're not able to stop hundreds of pali shits dying each time they rightfully get buttfucked by Israel for trying to start shit for the millionth time.

Nor are you able to stop US bombs and rockets killing your buddies all over the middle east in droves.

Reject the abrahamic rot, traditional coconut spirituality is what you need.

We shall drive them from our lan... oh shit ahmed lets get outta here.

He was a prophet of peace he had several enemies that are still presistent and hellbent on proving him wrong but he has a strong following of 1.6 bilion

>maori muslim

e hoa, literally no maoris i know are muslim.

We have:
Maori christians
Maori rastas
Maori jews (hauhaus)
Maori Messiahnism (Rua Kenana)
Maori televangelism (destiny church)
Maori pagans
Maori nu-age spiritualists

but we do not have maori muslims.

uh yeah...wrong crowd mutt

Your country was invented by the British lol

He was a pedophile and a murderer, he was not peaceful

Founded too for that we thank you

Prove it

>The Green Inferno
This is the worst timeline to live in.