You all act as if Christians are so innocent and pure, yet your history is shrouded by murder and attempted genocide, whether it be on the Muslims during the Crusades or the Native American and Africans. You should be glad a suicide bombing every month or so is all we do you white bastards.
You all act as if Christians are so innocent and pure, yet your history is shrouded by murder and attempted genocide...
Paki detected
Remove kebab. Sage
>You all act as if Christians are so innocent and pure
We do?
Cool map Ahmed now show us the one with all the muslim conquest battles.
Christians are talked about as if they never did anything wrong. Yet look back in time and you can see the evil. The holocaust for one.
Modern Christian's aren't bad. Modern Muslims though are pretty shit.
Plus anyone who is a follower of either religion who isn't some blind brainless retard will admit that horrible things have been done in the name of their faith.
Yeah except the Umayyad empire was far worse than the crusades. Also the crusades were in response to Christian cities being raped by Muslims. Try again. Also Ive never said Christians were innocent or pure. Fuck that Christians are based. You cant be based without stepping on a few toes.
>You all act as if Christians are so innocent and pure
Weak. Your bait is bad and you should feel bad. Git gud. L2p Achmed.
>The holocaust for one
1.) didnt happen the way you think
2.) If it did, it wasnt motivated by Christianity.
At the time of the Crusades, sure there was more Muslim conquest. But Christians have conquered nearly the entire world by rape and genocide, including North America, South America, and Africa. We have been happily secluded in the Middle East for years.
>Christians are talked about as if they never did anything wrong.
We are?
Then where would years of anti jewish sentiment in Europe come from exactly?
The Crusades were defensive wars.
It's true the Christians have a bloody history. The Jewish Talmud (OT) is rift with violence.
The difference is that those Christians cannot say Jesus told them to murder people and dominate the world.
The only religion that has millions of people who actually believe God commands them to kill nonbelievers is Islam.
Do we even use the same Sup Forums stop baiting you Portuguese asshole. Just wait til your nephews and nieces are bowing to the glory of Islam.
>fourth crusade
I do think the white race is uniquely bad in that it has an ego problem. Ironically, it's a problem we share with the Jews. Both whites and the Jews seem to have a disproportionate number of people who seem to believe they are special, intellectually superior, and have a "manifest destiny" to dominate other peoples.
But the whole "white guilt" meme is bullshit too, it's just buying into that same egoism but inverted. Instead of "whites are especially great", you flip it into "whites are especially evil", but the fundamental message of whitey's uniqueness has not changed. Many different races are guilty of conquest and dehumanizing other populations, whites aren't alone in this. We just have the biggest collective egos (besides maybe the Jews) and a disproportionate number of detached autists who have an advantage developing modern science & technologies.
The Arab conquests and slave trade were actually far more widespread and horrific, so if we're judging by history Arabs are pretty terrible too
Then why rather than supporting Islamic reformation efforts do you believe we should all just be exterminated? Christianity used to be barbaric too, but you can see billions of Muslims that are not.
So? Strong rules the weak, winners scorn the loser. We will bomb you sandniggers to oblivion and of course we'll complain when you kill our people.
I guess we don't use the same Sup Forums.
Then why is it in pic related??
The difference between that is, it had nothing to do with Christianity, it wasn't just Christians who participated in that. Jews also participated in the genocide of North America. I should know, my grandparents were jews who came over with Christopher Columbus to America.
On the other hand. Islamic doctrine is centered around conquest. Mohammed was a conquerer. The muslims also believe that any land they set their foot on, belongs to them. Now I'm sure not all Muslims believe this, however, this is what is taught in their religious text.
You believe the Arab conquests and slave trade outdo the genocide of the native people of Africa, North America, South America, and the holocaust? Get your bait out of here.
>The holocaust for one.
Many Catholics were killed in the Holocaust. Also, a lot of Nazi leaders were pagan homosexuals.
LOL the fucking crusades were the reaction to the sandniggers invading the christian lands in the levante
>he doesn't know why the crusades happened
> american education
Native Americans mostly died off from old world disease. Christians just took advantage of their weakened state.
ancestors* obvi
not christian, but yeah they were pretty badass. Too bad they didn't finish the job.
Christianty re-formed to accomodate modern western life. Islam has not. Plain and simple.
What do you mean? Post or pre holocaust?
North America, South America, and Africa.
north america aztecs doing weird sacrafice shit =stopped
south america = rainforest
africa = kicks out beta muslim overlord
>implying a muzzie would have sympathy for the Injuns
shill kike DETECTED
Actually I was taught by my family and fellow members of my mosque that they were wars of conquest against innocent Islamic people. If it truly is otherwise then I retract the Crusades as a point. But we still must consider the genocide of the Native peoples of North America, South America, and Africa, and the holocaust as examples of Christian barbarism.
>The holocaust for one.
Ah, So you aren't Muslim after all are you. Suicide bombings confirmed to be Jewish tricks.
rest is globalists ripping up civil wars over resources they dont even mine because the civil wars make lots of mony for them
Kicked out of England for penny clippings.
>If a man calls you a donkey, ignore him.
>If a second man calls you a donkey, better go buy a saddle.
Or are you one of the 'Jews did nuffin' guys. Seriously hate doesn't originate from nothing.
'Racism' is natural tribalism, just because I would prefer to work and live with fellow crackaz does that mean I hate niggers. No.
I hate niggers for what they do, but even that doesn't mean I would never considered befriending one.
>The Jew will always tell you what happened to him but never tell you why.
I actually don't have anything against Muslims themselves. They are just subhuman desert trash following their instincts and conquering. I reserve my hate for the white left cucks who enable your actions.
Pre and leading up to the Holocaust. Jews were never respected in Europe and were always oppressed until after a psychotic ((Christian)) tried to gas them all.
Why not hate both like me user?
Anyone who has studied Islamic history knows about the gargantuan of conquests that had to be carried out to spread Islam throughout the middle east, south asia, north africa and spain.
Ask a Hindu, any hindu, what happens when Muslims arrived at their doorstep in the 15th century. They will tell you of horrific atrocities. But I guess the Taj Mahal looks nice, so that sort of makes Indian genocide okay.
This is supremely idiotic.
Using the crusades to defend islam is like using WW2 to defend the nazis.
Read some history.
shut the fuck up nigger
>And when it is said to them, "Do not cause corruption on the earth," they say, "We are but reformers. Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not.
Your religion is incapable of reformation. It is completely outlawed.
>says he's Muslim
>talks about atrocities
>not one word about the Palestinians
>defends Jews
I wonder who could be behind this post?
fuck you said it first
Crusades were semi defensive semi "let's go kill a bunch heathens brother Alfred!"
Many crusades went into northern Europe were they slaughtered and forcefully baptised pagens.
But no the Muslims weren't innocent at all.
Compare those conquests to not only the crusades but also the genocide of the native people of North America, South America, and Africa, and the Holocaust and we will talk. Until then, fuck off white, glory to Allah.
Random question for you. How different are Italian dialects from one another?
>Natives Americans deserved it for attacking us after we accidentally infected them with influenza
>Islam had it coming for years
>Pagans burned down the western libraries (eastern were gibsmedat by mudslimes) instead of trying to properly decode what writing even was
>Jews were jewing. Pretty hard, since rabinism was born and evolved then from pharisee roots.
Not a kike. Just attacking Christians in particular here since you guys are for the most part the ones suggesting Muslim genocide due to recent attacks. (Trump, Farage)
I can't see why Christians were so violent, now, can you though?
The crusades were in response to Islamic incursions into Europe. Specifically the Muslims burning down the basilicas of St Peter and St Paul outside Rome, respectively.
For nearly 400 years the Christians put up with the Islamic hordes raiding, enslaving and making life miserable.
But you can only push us so far.
you should be glad all we do is post rare pepes
Bitch if we had our way kebabs would be a footnote in a history book.
The good old days, I remeber being there fondly.
this nibba nows what hes talking about
And you wonder why retarded leftists think this board is full of crazy neo nazi conspiritards. Grow up Nelson.
Wellllllll we did kinda murder everyone in Jerusalem that one time, and when it was sieged in the 1100s we gave it back and didnt get murder fucked.
but nah the turks did a bunch of fucked up shit, and im pretty surprised we let them have a country still
>I'm a Muslim trust me guys
>That holocaust sure was terrible
>How could anyone hate the Jews?
Come on. That's just silly
>The battle took place on 17 December 1398. Sultan Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq and the army of Mallu Iqbal[46] had war elephants armored with chain mail and poison on their tusks.[10]:267 As his Tatar forces were afraid of the elephants, Timur ordered his men to dig a trench in front of their positions. Timur then loaded his camels with as much wood and hay as they could carry. When the war elephants charged, Timur set the hay on fire and prodded the camels with iron sticks, causing them to charge at the elephants howling in pain: Timur had understood that elephants were easily panicked. Faced with the strange spectacle of camels flying straight at them with flames leaping from their backs, the elephants turned around and stampeded back toward their own lines. Timur capitalized on the subsequent disruption in the forces of Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq, securing an easy victory. Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq fled with remnants of his forces. Delhi was sacked and left in ruins. Before the battle for Delhi, Timur executed 100,000 captives.[15]
>The capture of the Delhi Sultanate was one of Timur's greatest victories, arguably surpassing the likes of Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan because of the harsh conditions of the journey and the achievement of taking down one of the richest cities at the time. After Delhi fell to Timur's army, uprisings by its citizens against the Turkic-Mongols began to occur, causing a retaliatory bloody massacre within the city walls. After three days of citizens uprising within Delhi, it was said that the city reeked of the decomposing bodies of its citizens with their heads being erected like structures and the bodies left as food for the birds by Timur's soldiers. Timur's invasion and destruction of Delhi continued the chaos that was still consuming India, and the city would not be able to recover from the great loss it suffered for almost a century.
>If white Europeans didn't conquer the world, some other culture would have.
When the Turks conquered Constantinople, they shut Europe out from trade with China via the Silk Road. That's why Columbus tried to sail to India. Instead of India, he found something even better. Europe prospered while the rest of the world stagnated. A few 100 years later, the rest of the world was ripe for the picking. Fuck brown people
people start shit we finish it problem?
>implying I'm white
"Nothing will ever equal the horror of this harrowing and terrible spectacle. People frightened by the shouting ran out of their houses and were cut down by the sword before they knew what was happening. And some were massacred in their houses where they tried to hide, and some in churches where they sought refuge.
Sack of Constanopile
A contemporary depiction of the battle
The enraged Turkish soldiers . . . gave no quarter. When they had massacred and there was no longer any resistance, they were intent on pillage and roamed through the town stealing, disrobing, pillaging, killing, raping, taking captive men, women, children, old men, young men, monks, priests, people of all sorts and conditions . . . There were virgins who awoke from troubled sleep to find those brigands standing over them with bloody hands and faces full of abject fury. This medley of all nations, these frantic brutes stormed into their houses, dragged them, tore them, forced them, dishonored them, raped them at the cross-roads and made them submit to the most terrible outrages. It is even said that at the mere sight of them many girls were so stupefied that they almost gave up the ghost.
Old men of venerable appearance were dragged by their white hair and piteously beaten. Priests were led into captivity in batches, as well as reverend virgins, hermits and recluses who were dedicated to God alone and lived only for Him to whom they sacrificed themselves, who were dragged from their cells and others from the churches in which they had sought refuge, in spite of their weeping and sobs and their emaciated cheeks, to be made objects of scorn before being struck down. Tender children were brutally snatched from their mothers' breasts and girls were pitilessly given up to strange and horrible unions, and a thousand other terrible things happened. . .
>be you
>be retarded
>worship alllaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
>assume crusades were religious in nature
>doesn't realize they were primarily political and defensive in nature and that there were some crusades were christians killed other christians like the sacking of constantinople in 1204 a.d
Temples were desecrated, ransacked and pillaged . . . sacred objects were scornfully flung aside, the holy icons and the holy vessels were desecrated. Ornaments were burned, broken in pieces or simply thrown into the streets. Saints' shrines were brutally violated in order to get out the remains which were then thrown to the wind. Chalices and cups for the celebration of the Mass were set aside for their orgies or broken or melted down or sold. Priests' garments embroidered with gold and set with pearls and gems were sold to the highest bidder and thrown into the fire to extract the gold. Immense numbers of sacred and profane books were flung on the fire or tom up and trampled under foot. The majority, however, were sold at derisory prices, for a few pence. Saints' altars, tom from their foundations, were overturned. All the most holy hiding places were violated and broken in order to get out the holy treasures which they contained . . .
When Mehmed (II) saw the ravages, the destruction and the deserted houses and all that had perished and become ruins, then a great sadness took possession of him and he repented the pillage and all the destruction. Tears came to his eyes and sobbing he expressed his sadness. 'What a town this was! And we have allowed it to be destroyed'! His soul was full of sorrow. And in truth it was natural, so much did the horror of the situation exceed all limits."
They are correct though. It is full of Nazi conspiracy Autists. which is why we zero in on weird little shit like a (((Muslim))) saying the holocaust was bad and the Jews dindu nuffin.
Catholicism isn't Christianity. Its more like the Roman Empire pretending to be Christian. So that allows other Christians to wash their hands of much blood, including real Christians under Roman Catholic tyranny.
>If it truly is otherwise then I retract the Crusades as a point.
You would have to.
>But we still must consider the genocide of the Native peoples of North America, South America, and Africa, and the holocaust as examples of Christian barbarism.
Lets unpack that load of bullshit.
Native Americans were extremely hostile and immediately become mercenaries for hire, if they didn't try to kill people who were otherwise peaceful. Lets also remember that they were largely nomadic, as in the didn't really claim land, so there wasn't anything really to steal.
South America is still a shithole. The only progress they've made at all, has been because of western influence. The Americas have only brought prosperity to them. I would ask you to discover what it was like before western influence, and would also remind you that this influence is not specifically Christian. It was more of a Monarchist expansion.
Africa has always and will always be a shithole. You can easily find demographics about that. Whites come in, make people stop killing each other and bring in innovation. Blacks steal, kill, and kick out white people and begin to starve to death. Christian missionaries go into Africa to stop Aids and Malaria. Africans kill them. Rinse, repeat. Muslims have cannibalized the entire continent, and the areas where Muslims are in control are also the highest rates of death.
The holocaust. Also not specifically Christian. Hitler even claimed Islam was superior for control of peoples and had alliances with Muslim middle eastern countries.
I don't see how you possibly hope to win that argument.
US: lets let these savages play with wooden sticks, theres plenty of room for both of us!
IN: great bird spirit say we raid whitey, great bird spirit never wrong, we follow humping dog into raid against their villages
US: hmmm these injuns have declared war on us! we shall retaliate and make them pay for the rape and destruction of our villages ten fold hoho good show lads!
(destroys indians in open warfare)
>but user the indians did nothing wrong and were mercilessly slaughtered by meanie bully pants americans unprovoked hurr premeditated
Indians poked the bear, and got fucked up. If you don't want to be destroyed, don't fuck with the US. Simple.
If crusaders hadn't gone to Crusades you weren't in your burgerland, burger. No America discovery, nothing, like living in the Middle Ages
Proof of gas chambers?
Shut the fuck up you stupid Protestant. Go worship your false prophet Martin Luther.
>You all act as if Christians are so innocent and pure, yet your history is shrouded by murder and attempted genocide, whether it be on the Muslims during the Crusades or the Native American and Africans. You should be glad a suicide bombing every month or so is all we do you white bastards.
Arab muslims are BY FAR the most violent people to ever have roamed the earth. We crusaded to take back jerusalem after you shits stole it. You then built a mosque over the holiest site in judaism and won't even let jews pray there. Israel even enforces this ban on jews and lets muslims have free reign over the temple mount, and yet you still want to destroy israel and the west.
Muslims are a plague on the planet. You bring violence to whichever nation you inhabit. China, India, US, Europe - anywhere you find muslims, you find violence against innocent people.
This is way you've always been and always will be.
Sure, let's talk about the biggest holocaust of all time.
>“The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter.”
that's all you idiots are capable of doing, fuckface. literally think of anything else worth doing that you're capable of. go ahead i'll fucking wait
>necessarily white
>identifying early nation states with the religion most of its citizens follow
there are always those that explore people's beliefs for political gain. It's has happened with every single religion.
The difference is that Islam is the only religion that was created by a freaking warlord with world conquest ambitions. At least Christianity tells you to be nice and stuff (whether you follow that lead is another history).
>“Abdali’s soldiers would be paid 5 Rupees (a sizeable amount at the time) for every enemy head brought in. Every horseman had loaded up all his horses with the plundered property, and atop of it rode the girl-captives and the slaves. The severed heads were tied up in rugs like bundles of grain and placed on the heads of the captives…Then the heads were stuck upon lances and taken to the gate of the chief minister for payment.
>“It was an extraordinary display! Daily did this manner of slaughter and plundering proceed. And at night the shrieks of the women captives who were being raped, deafened the ears of the people…All those heads that had been cut off were built into pillars, and the captive men upon whose heads those bloody bundles had been brought in, were made to grind corn, and then their heads too were cut off. These things went on all the way to the city of Agra, nor was any part of the country spared.”
silica dust can hold zykon b without airtight chambers, 1 part zykon 100 parts silica dust = dead kikes, stop trying to disprove the glory that was the final solution
Remember how the Middle East was Christian before the Muslims invaded it? Remember how they invaded Spain? And Sicily? And France? And Anatolia? And the Ethiopian coast? Remember the centuries of incessant piracy and kidnapping? WHICH BASICALLY NEVER STOPPED?
Yeah, sage.
some "gas chamber" walls have been tested for residue of this chemical and no trace was found. coincidence?
That's nice. Got some proof?
Christianity has been violent, yes. We've gone on holy wars, and been dicks, and killed and oppressed in the name of our god.
The key idea is, it's all past tense. The moajority of Christian's don't do that. Christianity has undergone a process of reformation and moderation, which has lead to it being compatible with the ideals of tolerance and basic respect for others. Islam has failed to evolve. Has failed to change.
While Christianity reformed and became a peaceful religion, Islam kept being a movement of murderers, rapists, pedophiles, terrorists and general shit-stains.
>"bu-bu-but that's only the radicals, not all muslims, bwaahhhhh"
We get it, there are moderate muslims. But that doesn't change the fact that Islamic countries have no kind of separation of church and the fact that discussion of the scriptures (and thus any kind of hope for reform or rethinking of the entire religion) is punished by death.
Islam has stagnated. It needs a cultural revolution led by these young moderate muslims that completely tears apart Islam in its current interpretation.
Remember, just because they're not ALL literally fighting in ISIS doesn't mean they don't share their views or aren't radicals.
>typical ignorant shitskin trying to "think"
mudslimes, pic related.
Native Americans are why we have strict first-contact protocols now.
Africans were sold by niggers to Kikes who brought a relatively small number to the U.S.
White people freed slaves the world over.
Finally, stop posting until you've lurked long enough so as to not be a burden to the rest of us. Fucking niggers and shitskins, I tell ya, they're just too goddamn stupid to know when to shut the fuck up. My days of playing nice are over, you pushed me too far. Now you will know what I know: you have inferior intelligence and there's nothing you can do about it except be nice to me. If you aren't I will manipulate you as easily as you manipulate a child, and I will use my power to cause you to permanently destroy your life and its prospects. Not because I'm evil, but rather because you are.
I think most christians are proud of our violent past
Sad thing we didn't clean very well Anatolia/Syria/Jordan when we had the chance.
Past events like that are why I've stopped reading History. Too many. Far too many.
Arabs didn't stop trading slaves till the British forced them to in 1960.
If the west collapsed today, they will go back to their barbaric roots. Saudi Arabia today, is gentle compared to before, even considering that they still behead people and stone women for getting raped.
How fucking cool is that, you rape a woman, and then she gets stoned to death because she is no longer pure. A barbarians wet dream come true.
nigga this is a dumb af argument, silica dust is a dust, like very fine sand (sand doesn't stick to walls).
the juden were brought in and then dusted and when it got breathed in they died after a couple hours not minutes.
after the dust settled (kek), the juden would be carted out, the floors would be sprayed down, and you could walk through the dead bodies with no fear of inhaling zykon b since it was absorbed by the silica dust
please just let hitler have 1 victory
>We have been happily secluded in the Middle East for years.
More like contained. And thank god. Now that you're starting to migrate out of your sandy shithole you're bringing your violent death cult to the rest of the world. Please stay in the middle east. That's your clay. You can have mecca and medina. We don't want it. We won't build temples on top of your religious sites like you do to christians and jews. Just stay in your sandbox.
WTF! I used to hate Islam before reading this, but now I'm converting.
but the way in which they supposedly dump the chemical down through a hole in the roof is superbly stupid as well. wind + chemical = half of the camp is dead
first sentence for context, last sentence for absorbency proof
>Muslims during the Crusades
Coming from a Muslim. Wow. You've genocided, enslaved, murdered, stolen lands etc.