"there's a negative side...

"there's a negative side... one of the things that's quite disturbing about the alt right is it's continual proclivity to DEGENERATE into antisemitism"

1. realize your own degeneracy
2. Shut down
3. clean your room
4. kys

Other urls found in this thread:


oy vey we din du nuffins goy, we are just trying to turn everyone gay and retarded so they buy our plastic bullshit with their third world suppressed wages.

I'm not stealing your gold you crazy goyims, honest!


He shills for Solzhenitsyn, and Solzy himself openly busts out the Jewish cabal for their mass murder.


Fact is, Hitler was right to have a beef with the Jews, they were doing the same thing to Germany which they had done to Russia.


Peterson nudges people into "red pills" regarding Jews by his shilling for Solzy.

I hate Semites, we should kill all Semites to be quite honest... Oh wait there's not need for that, only kill the Jews then.

he directs people to anti jewish writing

Fuck off jew. He actively flirts with the alt-right. But it's quite obvious that he has to distance himself from the worst of it.

I just wonder why its mostly stupid/poor people complaining about Jews. No one else seems to give a shit at large. Its only the libtard vs cuckservacunt categorization they care about.

Fuck off kike. As if JP knows shit about the alt right

JP is red pilled af. He knows about Solzhenitsyn, he knows cultural marxism and told Molymeme that "it's almost as if there were a certain group of people who rub their hands everytime marxism-related disasters happen".

Because it is common sense to be an Antisemite. I just had to lurk here for a month to turn into one, the data posted here is so astonishingly clear on what you people have been doing to us, there is no other conclusion that anyone could reach.
The question is: How do you not hate yourself or at least your people for what they are doing?
Didn't we give you again and again the chance to live among us and prosper, and you repay us by pushing for race mixing, open borders and white genocide?

We're all waiting for Peterson to reveal his power level.

Yes, he needs plausible deniability in order for the public to not reject him.
The Antisemitism will arise within the public gradually without any need to be open about it.

tl;dr we're good goys but we need to cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

yeah very possible
being highlyy christian he wont open attack the kike
nice game jordan

We could never hate ourselves as much as you hate yourselves.

What are you people even good at?
>average intelligence
>average athleticism
>shit tier art
>Shit tier history

Oh right... you're good at obedience.
look out Germ, you might be a minute late to your rectal examination

>We're all waiting for Peterson to reveal his power level.

are you retarded or just very dumb?

you don;t win this war by going out in your underwear and shouting IT"S THE JWEEESS IT"S THE JWEEESS KILLL JEWS

you fucking moron

Calls antisemitism degenerate
term only reserved for sjw and marxists
worst name in the book
talks constantly about how bad the holocaust was
uses it as the ultimate example of how there is evil in each person
>hur dur no ee doesn't meen zat part

antisemitism is just a meme

Peterson is a hack who can never seem to put his point across coherently and constantly loses his train of thought when speaking to his audience.

He complains about the alt right not being complete in the video linked, but his own idea's are always half baked and never fully completed in every single one of his lectures. Talk about hypocrisy.

How cute, it's a thread full of irrelevant shit-tier wannabe fascists who are only fascist because all their ancestors got completely genocided by a bunch of "goyim" who clearly dominated the fuck out of your people. Now you hide in the desert clinging to your pretend holy book that literally no one believes anymore. You're just a shit-hole concentration camp for the world's worst people. I hope you stay useful to the US, because as soon as you don't have your owners, the US, to protect you, you would be swallowed in a sea of ISLAM and finally finished off permanently.

No that's exactly what we need to do. Be a man that gets respect and be openly anti-semetic. It is legit all we can do right now.


He's getting closer to realizing the truth.

Also, we're not alt-right. We're National Socialists and we're coming for you, Juden

See, that is your problem right there, for you it is all about supremacism of some kind.
You just want to subjugate people, I'm not of that kind, I actually don't care and "live and let live"
I couldn't care less about blacks or Muslims if they weren't a threat to us.
And I wouldn't have a problem with jews being very successful in all fields as long as they didn't scheme to destroy us.
This is the reason your people have been expelled more than 300 times by some nation.
If you were to say that this is not the fault of the jews, that there isn't something inherently wrong with your attitude (or even racism), then it'd be the equivalent of saying:
All humans are evil except for the jews, because all human societies have expelled at one time or another the jews.
Your people have been constantly expelled before even Christianity was around, even Plato or Tacitus could be considered Antisemites by todays standards, if you happen to know their work.
Solzhenitsyn actually gave some good advise to you people on what could be done in order for you to some day be able to coexist with others.
But how do your people react? His book 200 years together is apparently banned in the US as no one has done a translation. (((coincidence)))?
Btw, I have jewish ancestors (but 3/4 Orthodox Christian) but I chose this side, because once I read what you people have been doing in the Soviet Union I simply could not forgive.
And then there was someone from my jewish side of my family having the nerve telling me to my face that Lenin and Trotsky have been one of the best generations because they exterminated so many Russians and laughing about it.
I've absolutely had it with you people.

No, you are just incapable of comprehending anything beyond 4-paneled meme

Jordan provides the philosophical and psychological framework for a coherent argument that his viewers and peers can form into an argument that is stronger. See: debate at the canadian parliament and his lawyer. Fuck yourself.

He's a different generation. The boomers are too far indoctrinated to accept this truth.

Fair, but his half-baked theories are fascinating to consider.

It doesn't matter who you are, the control of the jew is too strong to break. The moment you name the jew is the moment your career and social life is over.

No, I comprehend the concepts fine, I'm just not a fan of how incoherent he is.

If Jordan Peterson was asked to explain gravity to an audience:

"Okay, so curtains are attached to houses, and houses are effected by gravity. Now, the relationship between the house and the curtains has no effect on gravity, and that's the real issue. We haven't even taken into account the washing machine or the refrigerator. The garden outside is also really important and that needs to be addressed for a functioning society under capitalism."

You have none of the above.

yup they're impaired
and it's genetic
you can leave the virus behind though, good on you

What does he mean by identifying with the father?

Yes, keep ISIS around for, what, again?

>The moment you name the jew is the moment your career and social life is over.
good sheeplegoy

>get shoahed 109 times in recorded history
>we may never know why the Jewish people keep getting kicked out, must be the fault of those stupid goyim for not realizing how great and chosen we are

>sort yourself and slay da dragon
in non anime nerd speak:
>be organized and have priorities
The only people that find this guy illuminating are fatherless betas.

But you have to keep it secret because these people will not only go after me if I say something, they'll go after all of my family. (using even illegal means)
They are worse than the Gestapo and they do not even have the most basic understanding of what free speech means.
It's as if free speech and resolving issues through open discussions is a completely foreign concept to them.
That's why you can't solve anything with them, they'll just suppress all opinions they disprove of in all legal and illegal ways until everyone has had enough of them.

Maybe if you work in an office with a bunch of faggots.

>isreal flag
This isn't even good bait

Yes, us national socialists, as we call ourselves, encourage and associate ourselves with his anti-semitic views he has secretly communicated to us nazis. Wow, we really are a tight-knit nazi community here on Sup Forums, right comerade user?

quick rundown on this pic

He's tacti-pilling he did a rather overt analogy about Hebrews forgetting the covenant during one of rogans podcasts

>>sort yourself and slay da dragon
>in non anime nerd speak:
>>be organized and have priorities
lol no
what an idiot you make
may i suggest you start reading fairytales

Pretty uncommon desu. Not in Germany of course, but on Sup Forums

Look at him go!

Can't argue with them trips tho

I love how full retard everyone has read the dragon and father metaphors

>be respectable person
>name the jew
>suddenly you're fired, defamed, or imprisoned depending on where you live
>not respectable anymore because you're permanently unemployed, everyone thinks you're a nazi, or a criminal

Great idea shlomo!

You think jews don't own the trades? Think again.

Man those numbers don't lie.

Pretty much.

The jews, jew around too much and always rile up people against them. They can't just stop at a "good thing" they always get greedy and attempt to consume it all right up until it blows up in their faces. Then they cry victim.

I agree. I used to blame the Jews for degeneracy then I realized they are just providing what the people want. The first step to ending degeneracy is to live a non degenerate life.

That doesn't mean you can't have fun and unwind but over indulging is weakness and leads to addiction even with basic things like food. Very few people on earth are going to look out for your best interest which is why you have to be responsible for it yourself. You also should have standards on who you associate with too, hanging out with one or two degenerates isn't bad and might even inspire them to clean their act up but if all your friends are degenerate you're probably degenerate as hell too.

You also have to determine for yourself what you consider degenerate and don't follow Sup Forumss view. There are anons here who think everything is degeneracy.

That doesn't make him a hack. You're unable to grasp the way his logic works. JBP talks heavily in conjecture and metaphors. See- the dragon, clean your room, etc. It's remarkable that the western world is in such a state that JBP's simple truths and arguments are getting so popular when they're so obvious, but here we are.

If they handed out medals for shoops whoever made this deserves gold

If you believe that I'd approve of Hitler you're more retarded than I thought.
You will not change the public opinion on jews by posting a link on Sup Forums about what Jordan Peterson has said about the issue and then being cocky about it.
You have to change your way of interacting with others. This is the source of all hatred and you deny it at your own peril.

>he thinks that's a bad thing
fucking leaves, when will they learn

>>average intelligence
compared to asians? maybe you should look at the cultural aspect. whites have the perfect balance of intelligence and passion. we dont have the same ingrained parental values as asians, therefore leaving us with lower ranking iqs. im sure if we were parented the same way as asians there would be a remarkable increase in our average iqs.
>>average athleticism
the strongest men in the world were all white. we have created the majority of the sports that 3 worlders excel at. why? we have other, more mentally enriching tasks to focus on.
>>shit tier art
do i even have to address this one?
>>shit tier history
again, this is almost definitely bait, but wow. whites are inherently one of the most diverse demographics on earth, which is heavily reflected in our history and culture.

Besides Peterson is just an old liberal and also boomer. He just became some kind of icon for free speach, because his enemies are thos goddamn neo-marxists. It doesn't surprise me at all, that grandpa can't understand why we are "le ebil antisemitic nazis".

Slide thread. Just look at the flag. Nobody honest lives there.

What can I say about this, it's so beyond ridiculous to even deny it.

he's wrong here: nationalism has nothing to do with (((((((((spending))))))))))
he needs to learn some more on this

a slide about a slide


Zionism is Nazism

why does freakland believe anyone cares what they think?

As I said, I understand the concepts fine, but he could do with boiling down his points and practicing speaking in front of an audience so that his incoherence doesn't shine as much. He spends 30 to 60 minutes in his lectures explaining things which could be sufficiently explained in 2 or 3 minutes, and that really needs to be improved.

>DEGENERATE into antisemitism
just getting to the root of the issue schlomo

This right here. Nazi is an anagram of zion.



Only a retard can't see where JBP is headed. He's slipped once in his first Rogan interview. It's only a matter of time

>You will not change the public opinion on jews by posting a link on Sup Forums
a point of convergence

>and then being cocky about it
This is a classic. The very premise of your argument is an ad homonym toward an entire ethnicity. Your inability to differentiate individuals is your core flaw above which all else fails.
>I have Jewish blood
Well clearly you haven't met many Jews or learned much about Jews. Otherwise you would know that BOTH marx and Murray Rothbard were Jewish (etc).
The fact that Jews are over represented in the intelligencia does not take the responsibility away from goys like you to know which opinions to CHOOSE.
There are brilliant Jews of every kind, you like Jesus? go for that.. like Spinoza? Fine!
Take a moment and consider how pathetic it makes you that you (or your forefathers) decided to follow one of these and then you come back to ME and wine that they were charming.
This is why your stance is the epitome of irresponsibility,


>that's quite disturbing
Yet completely logical when it's understood what group of people finds their way into every facet of the destruction of western civilization.

>so confounding!

>continual proclivity
so weird

>quite disturbing

Dude you got bodied, just slink out of the thread with a bit of a self respect, instead you keep yammering on like a retard even after you catastrophically lost. I thought jews knew how to pick their battles

I was talking about Germans specifically.

British and American culture is great in my opinion, and Jews had a small part to play in that (and I mean small - but not unimportant).
>one of the most diverse demographics on earth
That's right. Whites are not a thing

Your "balance" theory is cute. But fails in a perspective longer than 300 years.
I'm not really talking about supremacy. Different races are good at different things.
Germans are good at being obedient and not much else.

-- Jordan "$40k per month for reading wikipedia from his phone" Pederson

There is a negative element of the right, I mean you'd have to be completely delusional to think its all positive. But the right by its nature reacts to the provocations of the left, and has been losing for the past century and a half pretty consistently. To be frank, the negative elements of the right are not the reason we're in the fucked up place we are now

So pathetic, little vermin.


Prove that Jews want global rulership. Prove Jews want white genocide.


I can see why you would think that from reading what he says. The problem arises when you actually live within the context.
Here's one easy example - plato never discussed the Jews.

See what he did there?

ix-xemx jismu xem u mhux shem, haqq al liba madonna!




>The "Hooton Plan"[edit]
During World War II, Hooton proposed to eradicate the German people by infiltrating them slowly with masses of non-European male immigrants, thereby breed "war strains" out of them.[10]


And France just elected a Rothschild puppet.


>and then being cocky about it
>This is a classic. The very premise of your argument is an ad homonym toward an entire ethnicity.
This critiqued in that comment the behaviour of one person, but I did make generalisations in other comments which are targeting a so called "consensus" among jewish elite (consensus meaning - STFU if you have a differing opinion or else)

>Otherwise you would know that BOTH marx and Murray Rothbard were Jewish (etc).
I knew this, why is it important?

>The fact that Jews are over represented in the intelligencia does not take the responsibility away from goys like you to know which opinions to CHOOSE.
As I said before, I do not have any issue if jews happen to be the most successful in any meritocratic society, I myself easily made it to the very top without any inheritance or financial help.
And I do not have an issue if Marx expressed his ideas, even if they were destructive. The problem is that jews like Lenin ran with it and wrote themselves that they'd be fine with exterminating 90% of all Russians if they had to, in order to forward the cause of Communism.
What was the consensus after these catastrophic attempts to implement Communism? Is even anyone accountable or sorry for that? No, of course not, let's try it in the West too.
And while we're at it, lets also exterminate all Europeans by forcing miscegenation in one way or the other, forward all kinds of policies that destroy the white nuclear family while we make sure that our racial identity stays intact and our borders remain closed to everyone.
We'll even spend lots of money to support Aliyah.
So when you are talking about "the epitome of irresponsibility" it actually applies to you more than it could ever apply to me.
You just try to make me shut up to not undermine "your cause", even though it is not actually yours, but the cause of a small number of extremely destructive people among jews that even you cannot criticise.

Children of Amalek are not white

you can put your opinion in the oven.

like many terms and words that are technically incorrect, it has become part of our vernacular. western culture and european identity are both very real and your semantic issues cannot reverse that. you use such a condescending tone. "cute". its nowhere near a theory and your demeaning use of the term "theory" shows you clearly know it in only the laymans sense. germanics are naive, but when they are shown an incontrovertible truth, they will defend it and make the choice in their best interest. your viewing naivety as an undesirable trait shows a lot about your culture and people. im not a nordicist. i am italian and scottish, but i feel the need to defend westerners that you are judging from a very subjective viewpoint.

>plato never discussed the Jews
He did write about the Phoenicians.

Wow nice proof there bruh.
So I reckon I'm gonna have a real tough time finding Americans that think the US is out to dominate colonialize and enslave eh world


I love how anti semites both distrust anything Jews say and believe everything any Jew says at the same time


holy fucking shit

Well done hans.

You think, I don't know your implication, Jude? All power is impermanent and thus your stranglehold on the world naturally will come to an end. And then you will face judgement.

same people, thats where the term phony comes from

Okay, whatever, it doesn't make sense talking to you! Have a good night!