Is Ariana degenerate? If so, in what way is she degenerate?

Is Ariana degenerate? If so, in what way is she degenerate?

How does pol feel about degeneracy? What should be the fate of degenerates?

Other urls found in this thread:

1, Yes
2, In every way
3, Badly
4, Public hanging

>any year
>American pop music
>not degenerate

I just want to stop financing them.

Economic terrorism, if you will.

She dresses like a whore with playboy bunny ears and sings degenerate songs to children. I wish she died in the Manchester attack. She is the one that deserves it.

are todays parents really okay with sending their underaged daughters to a concert by this whore who sings about fucking and nigger cock?


She acts like a whore infront of children which encourages them to emulate her behaviour.
As for the fate of degenerates, i dont think there need to be severe punishments, but such behaviour and those who take part in it need to be shunned publicly instead of respected praised for acting the way they do.
Do it at home in private and i dont give a shit.

Ariana's /our girl/ now. I'm sure her past degeneracy will haunt her for the rest of her life.

Pretty much all her songs are about sexual empowerment. She was on Nickelodeon, all her fans followed her and listen to her music. These are kids who look up to her. Music is very subliminal, so she's programming them all to be whores.

As for the solution, well I'm libertarian, I believe the best ideas prevail, though it will take a lot of time.

Feminists who are in their 30's are already realizing their horrible mistake.

In time, maybe in two or three generations, they will finally get that hedonistic feminism is a bad idea.

Either way, it's always our side saving people from things...

(WWII being the exception)

"degenerate" is a meaningless word, just like every other /pol meme word like "based" "red pilled" etc.
who gives a shit what 12 year olds here think.

(((Ben Shapiro))) opened one of his podcasts with an analysis of Grande which is spot on. Basically, she is the embodiment of tedious degeneracy.

fuck a wood chipper you freaking kike

if she didn't shake her pantyclad ass all over the stage she'd have no fans

After watching her milk the bombing for publicity, I begin to wish she got vaporized.

I also wish more to-be-whores got severely mutilated in the explosion

isis disappoints, yet again

>She acts like a whore infornt of children which encourages them to emulate her behavior
Sounds like a homie to me

She's degenerate.

Degeneracy is not unavoidable but should be discouraged in public.

Promoters of degeneracy should be gassed.

She hates america. So fuck her.

Sage the slide thread.
> Is OP a faggot? If so, in what way is Xir a faggot?
> How does pol feel about OP's faggotry? What should be the fate of faggots?

Bitch was on that "religion of peace" crap and now it's burned her.
So, yeeeeah.

So do I. Never forget the tea.

Only readon degeneracy id a because a degenerate culture divides the.core culture and allows infiltration (islam).
But people are idiots and do what they want so nothing should happen to them. Plus she's hot.
Just man up and start improving yourself and those around you instead.

Up to the shitty parents of the kid to make sure their kids don't listwn to it.

If someone starting coming here when I did, and rather than being 21, WHERE 12, they'd be 17 year olds who had been nurtured in this environment like no other being ever has been.

Red pilled 17 year olds, you're onto something. Never let go of your NEED to throw the overton window open, ALWAYS remember taxation is theft, and finally SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

12 year olds, it will obviously take time for you to understand this place. It really isn't meant for you. I would have loved to find this place around 14 or so, myself.
Go call people niggers on Call of Duty.
Git gud.

>Bitch was on that "religion of peace"


People need to be taught about degeneracy when they are children. In the modern world it is encouraged

There's literally nothing wrong with her dating a black man. Maybe she loves him? Get over it, faggot

>gassing people
Kepp the fuck away from people's NAP with your shitty and crappy Nat Soc ideology

Hella degenerate. I want to stick my peepee inside of her.

burn the coal, pay the toll

Pretty much this.

fpbp /thread

>There's literally nothing wrong with her dating a black man. Maybe she loves him? Get over it, faggot

I'm willing to bet that she's with the nog because that is what her Jewish pimps want. You know how impressionable young white shiksas are.

→ →

>What should be the fate of degenerates?
Getting blown up by the muslims that they invited in

No, that''s what you just want to believe.


>See people praising her because "she" offered to pay for the funerals
>Actually be the record company who picks up the tab
>As a thank you people are trying to get 22 whatevers to number 1
>Which completely wasn't the plan because there isn't any money in that and it wouldn't at all generate more money than the cost of the funerals

I can't believe it's the current year and people still aren't wise to the ways of the Jew.