My sister has started to date a black guy, when I found out I almost cried a little then drank half a bottle of vodka. But then I decided I would at least talk to him before I freaked out on my sister. It turns out that this guy is actually pretty cool. He likes Donald Trump, he considers himself conservative, he thinks BLM are all dumb "niggas" as he said it.. I'm so happy I took time to think about it rather than chimping out. I guess it's best to judge people on individual merit, i just hope my judgement isn't flawed.
My sister has started to date a black guy, when I found out I almost cried a little then drank half a bottle of vodka...
Civic Nationalist Fantasies: The Post
I'm not a civic nationalist, i just don't hate people for no reason based on their skin colour, i judge them based on their actions. I'm still kinda upset at my sister though.
>I'm not a civic nationalist, i just don't hate people for no reason based on their skin colour
Kys you stupid fuck, you just said you hated him because he was black then pretended you had a heart to heart that changed your mind. I hope your whole family gets raped by packs of wild niggers so you can see the error of your ways.
I'm just confused, when i talked to him it seemed to shatter every Sup Forums meme that all blacks are the same. He clearly isn't a stereotypical nig. But it still really upsets me cus i want my sister to have white kids.
>i don't hate people for no reason based on their skin colour
>but when I found out I almost cried a little then drank half a bottle of vodka
>but then i talked to him
>and this totally changed my mind about niggers
>by the way, i'm not a civic nationalist
>i just believe in the same things they do
if he doesnt rape your sister one of his CUZZINs will
if he doesnt rob you, he is sure as fuck telling his CUZZINs what nice things you have, and where they are
their entire life revolves around crime
He has a job, a car, and completed college. If that's criminal then i don't know what to tell you. If it were a stereotypical nig dating my sister, i would have told her to break up with him by now.
>But since you guys are such pieces of shit, fine i'll let the black guy have my sister
Never stop leafposting.
>i don't hate people for no reason based on their skin colour
I still hate mass migration though, dumb fuck.
>but when I found out I almost cried a little then drank half a bottle of vodka
>>and this totally changed my mind about niggers
Nope, he's just a "nigger" he has his life together and talks normally.
Way to twist my words around, you're a natural.
woops, not a nigger*
>yes my thoughts are conflicting!
>w...wait. i didn't mean that
>[deletes his own post]
>! my thoughts are consistent. you're just twisting my words
You'll get through this, buddy. Most things turn out pretty good in the end.
Finally not a faggot in my thread. I hope things do turn out for the best. I get along with the guy good and everything but i just can't stand to see them next to eachother, it feels wrong.
>Most things turn out pretty good in the end
Except for Canada, I assume.
i bet you just wanna fuck her yourself, weirdo
You shouldn't take this place too seriously, it'll mess your brain up even if it's true. There's too much horror in this world to enjoy life now. You know now that you can never relax.
Based Jew, sniffing out the cucks!
We aren't letting the MAGApedes ruin identity politics for us.
>N.Europe for whites
>S. Europe for Meddie quazi whites
>Eastern Europe for the Slavs
>Africa for the Africans
>Cape for the Boers & Brits (*it was never the Bantus*)
>Outback for the Abbos
>East Asians for East Asians
>N. New Zealand for Maoris
>Arabia for Arabs, Anatolia for Turks
>Israel for the semites
I really don't.
Everyone here always seems to be angry and edgy. They try to fit as many cucks and faggots into a sentence because the plebbitors feel like it makes them fit into this place.
Ultimately She'll have to learn on her own whether there's a real coal/toll relationship or whether racemixing is a meme or not. Blasting her with redpills will be a waste of everyones time.
Maybe it's just a phase, and maybe the guy is genuinely awesome and you should acknowledge his individual merit.
Maybe he's a fabled, and rare 'Black Man' as opposed to a nigger.
Wow, leafs turn brown.
>everyone here always seems to be angry and edgy
>they're just plebbitors trying to fit in
>unlike me
He's right though.
Literally what is wrong with falling in love with a guy you like? Black or white, he's obviously smart/charismatic and alpha.
Deal with it, you fucking basement dwellers.
And stop intervening with people's relationships. It violates the NAP
Wow sounds like a truly based black man, am I right fellow pedes?
future single mother in the making
>My sister has started to date a black guy
What sister? She's dead to you now. You can't allow mud blood in the family.
>what is wrong with falling in love with a guy you like
Makes segregation more difficult to achieve.
Fucking leafs.
1st you freak out because shes going out with a black guy without judging him like a tard then you pull "don't judge a book by its cover" shit
k, you're boring bitch. Keep wasting your time though.
I really hate that term "based" black man. He just seems normal, that's all.
I really hope not.
My parents would disown me if i were to try to get in the way of their relationship.
>le based black man
My aunt is pretty based, but I'm not going to fuck her cuz it's disgusting.
>My parents would disown me if i were to try to get in the way of their relationship.
And that is why your nation is beyond saving.
You make it too easy, Sven. You did this yourself. You could've prevented it.
>leafposting 101
Its called regression to the mean.
Even if this black dude is smart and civil stats show that his spawn will be lower IQ and a drag on society. Also your genetic line is one step closer to ending.
I know all the problems associated with it. But i would ruin my relationship with my family members if i were to try to get in the way. I don't want to be branded as a nazi by my family.
Perfect example of a shill thread. Reminder to sage this doesn't belong on the first page.
Nigger, of course all blacks aren't the same in the same way all whites aren't the same. What matters is the average, and the average nigger is a walking fucking travesty. Your coalburning sister could potentially marry him and push out little niglet children, but if she marries him then HIS family also becomes YOUR family. While he may seem "based", I assure you that his two dope dealing siblings with their 3 baby-mommas and 6 kids will not be. Think with your head for once, you FUCKING LEAF.
>Mu based black guy.
If he doesnt hate the jews he isnt cool.
Weak people think in hives.
Anyone else here hate kikes but love israeli posters? Its confusing i tell ya what
It's not right OP, confess feelings to your sister and have an incestuous relationship immediately.
There are black people and then there are niggers. Sounds like a regular black person - nothing to fear.
You say they're not all the same yet you pretend you know anything about his family or siblings. How does that work?
>read post
>well, that seems unlikely, but alright.
Congratulations, you spouted the same meme for the millionth time.
I think you're right bro, i wish i could give you something for that advice. Everyone else in here is kinda a faggot.
In case you're not trolling. Learn from our mistake do not let niggers in your country. Granted there's is some ok ones out there but the other 98% will destroy every thing u love.
every single time its a fucking leaf, honestly they should be banned off Sup Forums for maximum retardation
STFU Leaf.
A fucking leaf.
Her children will not look like her or your father. Many black people pretend to like this shit just to get white pussy.
Because I've lived this experience at least 5 times. I was a military brat and also in the military myself, so I got to see this exact scenario played over and over again, both in my professional and family life. My sister married another white man, but his parents are raising a niglet daughter (who is an absolute terror) because my now deceased coalburning sister-in-law got pregnant by a nigger and then got beaten to death by said nigger.
As a child, my mother took in a pregnant white woman and a black male so they could get enough cash for a house, only to have the nigger run off 3 months before the woman had her niglet child. Most recently, my mother got married to a new husband who had an adopted problem child that was apparently afflicted with "learning disabilities." I kept on hearing stories on how he skipped school, got in fights, committed arson, stole, and thought to myself "what the fuck is wrong with this kill?" This week he visits my stepfather after getting his GED at 19 and guess what: they adopted a nigger. Everything made sense at that very moment.
I don't own a reaction face to adequately display the disgust I had at that very moment, but needless to say I walked out of the house. Fucking disgusting.
Sweden, your country is a literal hivemind of smug and self-assured superiority disguised as altruism. Check yourself before Achmed puts you back in the cuckshed for the night.
> I guess it's best to judge people on individual merit,
Where did you get this pasta! It sounds like an episode of Full House. REPORT NOW!
go back to r*********eddit with your fucking bullshit.
You're fucking retarded the average black person isn't a ghetto criminal
Welcome to the real world where you are who you are due to your individual choices.
A nigger is a nigger as defined by their actions and mentality not their skin color.
Glad you happened across an example of a person with Darker skin who is much like you (a non nigger).
how does he wear his hair?
Drink the rest of that vodka till you die of overdose you cuck.
>Glad you happened across an example of a person with Darker skin who is much like you (a non nigger).
Pretty much, he's redpilled about a lot of shit. I honestly thought he browsed Sup Forums but he doesn't. He's aware of pizzagate and shit though. I can sit down and talk to him for hours. So my conclusion is that i'm going to continue to give him a chance. But if he does some shit i'll talk to my parents and talk them into talking her into breaking up with him.
This is a copy pasta this exact thing was posted 4 days ago.
His probs not the standard nigs.
People don't realise that 20% of nigz are good humans. You just dont see many of them as they realise how shitty their race is so they mix and dilute their genes as quick as possible.
"Look at this dank black guy in a Trump hat...
Fucking based"
Still a nigger. If they have kids, they will be niggers.
>skin color
Fucking lying dog fucker. You said the mere idea of your sister dating a nigger caused you to cry and drink half a bottle of booze. Go fuck your pets you faggot chink.
It's simple. Jew other jews and you're good. Jew the goyim and fuck off.
You're right, they're just low iq wastes of space that subsist on welfare and affirmative action. Remember, that one isn't a gun-toting pavement ape isn't even a standard for any other race because that should be an obvious part of the social contract, but somehow for blacks it's an accomplishment if you're not in a gang dealing crack and commiting multiple felonys before you're 25. Do you see how this is a fucking problem, when you're lowest level of acceptability is that you're not like your thug cousins?
Fucking almost 70% of all black that get into college drop out, all the while hoovering up pell grants and students aid that they'll never pay back. These people come from single mother homes where the father is absent, almost 75% of them, so they have no discipline and no idea how to fucking act right. Fucking sub-human trash that only acts as an anchor around the necks of western countries, and you're going to tell someone to racemix with them?
Fuck off.
>. You said the mere idea of your sister dating a nigger caused you to cry and drink half a bottle of booze. Go fuck your pets you faggot chink.
Yeah until i fucking met him u fucking idiot. Get some reading comprehension.
>He likes Donald Trump, he considers himself conservative, he thinks BLM are all dumb "niggas" as he said it.
Yeah because you totally discuss Trump and BLM when you first meet someone.
Damn that sounds like a horror story. Sorry bout that bro.
strap a bomb to yourself for making this up
goto nearest jewish temple and explode yourself
No one is buying it. Take your propaganda back to r e d d it.
>Yeah because you totally discuss Trump and BLM when you first meet someone.
Both subjects came up on the news when we were chilling together. I just don't know why you people are acting so pissed off when i simply just came here for advice. this could happen to anyone sister.
>all black men are the same
Nobody with a triple digit iq has ever claimed this.
It's called a bell curve you dumb fuck, outliers do not define the mean. It's a good thing your stupid genetics are being bred out with bigger genes.
I am so sorry. My condolences.
No, only if you're a weak family that doesn't instill your women with the proper philosophy:
Niggers and Jews?
Bad news.
You care more about your own ego than the future of your bloodline
haha I saw this posted a few days ago on here, shills are becoming more subtle.
Ur gonna get shit on for this post but i think you did the right thing. You got lucky. Sucks your sister is a coal burner tho
racemixing ruins positive evolutional traits of unique races
Go back to plebbit
The child will have no ethnic identity. Blacks will see him as a mulatto, whites and Hispanics will see him as a black.
It also contributes to the declining white populace.
It's possible OP is just baiting but even he is clearly getting a little peeved so maybe not.
>HE seemed pretty cool...
and he very may well be... the REAL PROBLEM is this....
If your sister breeds with this "pretty cool, seems smart" black guy... her child will REGRESS TO THE MEAN of each genetic donor.
Which means there is A 95% CHANCE THAT WHATEVER CHILD SHE HAS WITH HIM.... WILL BE AN ALMOST SURE net loss for humanity.
Read the Bell Curve fucktard. You're obviously a cuck from a libshit cuck family though so your sister is already lost... My 2 sisters are not perceived as "racist" but there's no way they'd ever touch a nigger. They think they are disgusting.
"Yo, I totally when over to dis white girls house and tol' her brotha that I like trump n' sheeiit. Then I went into his sisters room n' slid my black dong in hur butthole while wearin' muh Beats n' listin' to 2Chainz"
>there's no way they'd ever touch a nigger. They think they are disgusting.
But user, that's what my sister said. If your sister were to get a black bf you wouldn't be able to do shit. So take it down a few notches, tough guy.
>Ur gonna get shit on for this post but i think you did the right thing. You got lucky. Sucks your sister is a coal burner tho
Thanks man, and i agree. I ultimately want her to have white kids, and i told her this. I would get kicked out by my parents if i stepped in so i just gotta wait and see how things go. At least my sister is happy though, i would hate to take that away from her.
hey (you), what flag is that
Oh, a leaf.
Ban all Canadian IPs