All three believe only their version is the correct interpretation of God. Only one can be right...

All three believe only their version is the correct interpretation of God. Only one can be right. So which two groups are heading to eternal damnation in Hell?

Just books written by Semites.

Also I am afraid Santa isn't real, sorry.

Read the Christian bible and find out!

Satan has a special place reserved for you, cucked sodomite

Christians will be fine. Shitskins will burn in hell, as allah is the devil in disguise. And who knows where those Jews will end up

Back to the desert Mulatto

They're all wrong. Hail Xenu.

i only hope hell has a imageboard for political discussions

>Only one can be right.
Or none of them are.

6 points
6 lines
6 triangles

>All three believe only their version is the correct interpretation of God. Only one can be right. So which two groups are heading to eternal damnation in Hell?
>which two groups
>Christian heresies won't burn in hell aswell

>All three believe only their version is the correct interpretation of God. Only one can be right. So which two groups are heading to eternal damnation in Hell?
All three believe only their version is the correct interpretation of God. At most one can be right. So which two groups are heading to eternal damnation in Hell if there even is such a place?

Fixed it for you.

they all essentially worship lucifer and saturn

How fun could the heavens of these religions even be? Two of them don't even allow you to eat pork. Valhalla or bust. Roasted boar, endless mead, beautiful valkyires and chillin with Odin. Doesn't get any better than that.

What if all of them are wrong?

>Only one can be right.
Actually 0 can be right as well.
As each of these religions have undergone massive changes put in place by governments and religious "authorities" over the last 2-3 thousand years.

>worldly pleasures better than eternal unity with god
That's why nobody takes pagans serious.

The answer to your question: the unrepentant Muslims, Jews, and even Christians who don't accept Christ and do the will of God.

>wanting to be united with someone that thought creating jews and niggers was a good idea
yeah no

Humans have a free will after all, so they still can make mistakes, for which they will be punished.

What if religion was a test made by God to see how fucked in the head we are and everyone who follows it failed the test

we need challenges in life.

Kikes worship satan and nailed Jesus to a cross, Mohammedans allowed a pagan false prophet to trick them into worshipping the moon, meanwhile Christians are the only ones to recognize the trinity.

Heaven is literally the perfect being you'd have no desire for anything else.

None of them, because all of them are 100% memes.

jews and mislims

Thankfully, god isn't a fedora wearing neckbeard.

>god loves you but if you don't recognize he turned himself into a man to be killed by men to absolve men of sins to save them from eternal damnation then you will also have eternal damnation

>don't forget that Jews are gods chosen people and Israel is your holy land! Deus vult goy hehe

Medieval mythology is so cute.

>Humans have a free will after all
Yes, but why did he make niggers and jews? Free will would still be a thing without them around.

That is if you accept that kike mythology to begin with, which you shouldn't unless you're a cuck.

Kill yourself, gamer liberal. Living with a bunch of totalitarian assholes who can't let live is challenge enough. Especially while playing on hard mode: don't kill them.

t. /r/deutsch

>1 of the 3 says everyone can be saved
>1 of the 3 also says that their own adherents will be sent to hell


All three.

Kikes and niggers choose to be the way they are. Kikes have the option of converting and nogs can behave like humans. 99% of both groups don't, so 99% of them burn in hell. If they have faith and act accordingly they will be embraced by god aswell. Christianity isn't white nationalism you memelord.

The existence of other races is what redpilled me out of Christianity.

I really don't want to spend eternity with blacks or Peruvians. I want to be with my family and ancestors if there's an after life.

>Only one can be right
actually that's completely false
zero can be right, one, two or three.
there's four options
you stupid faggot
they could all be WRONG but right in one common way or some shit (define right?)
if you want to say "the word" or some shit, then ok faggot, but none is still an answer
but if you're trying to logic
fuck off

>choose to be the way they are

They evolved to be the way they are.

>embraced by god as well

Great, so Mr Goldberg is going to hike up the rent on my cloud and Tyrone is going to try and mug me for my halo. What a wonderful afterlife.

t. gaytheist

>letting memes influence your religious views
Well, this is Sup Forums afterall.

there's in fact five options.
All could be right too.

>doesn't understand humor

Wow what a surprise.

>1 Christ
>the other 2 say it's not the Christ
who knows

Your previous post kinda fits your "joke", though, unless all of your previous posts have been jokes.

>thousands of religions exist
>but the one that I believe in is right and everyone else who does not believe in it is a heretic
this pretty much sums up religion

>Kikes and niggers choose to be the way they are.
Yes, but they wouldn't be unless the jewish deity you worship thought to himself - hey, what this beautiful world really needs right now are kikes and niggers

> 99% of both groups don't, so 99% of them burn in hell.
1% too much to spend eternity with, especially when you consider the long term demographic changes.

The average Christian today looks like what comes out of my ass after eating too much yoghurt.

Why would you want that?

If you actually read the Bible you'll see the Protestants are wrong. Jesus said you could deny him, what matters is keeping the commandments that he has etched into every man's heart.

>Yes, but they wouldn't be unless the jewish deity you worship thought to himself - hey, what this beautiful world really needs right now are kikes and niggers
You know, there is a reason a thing called theodicy problem exists within theology. It's the field thinking about why pain and generally bad things exist in the world with god letting them happen. Things like that are the reason theology exists in the first place, so that's definetely a good topic to read yourself into.

> Things like that are the reason theology exists in the first place, so that's definetely a good topic to read yourself into.

It is what it is.

Don't really care about people rationalizing what it is so that it somehow works with their jewish fairy tale.

can anyone help me understand the cuckservative blind loyalty to israel? i do understand the old testament orientated 'gods chosen', the promised land and so forth, but cannot see how they reconcile that with the doublethink of jesus being the son of god, and gods chosen people rejecting the son of god. am i missing something? would the cuckservatives have stood with the pharisees calling for the execution of jesus whilst simultaneously praising the savior?

Let me guess, philosophy is useless and has no place in our society aswell, right?

>following a Jewish religion


I'm an atheist that once considered religion and I boiled it down to logic.

Christianity is the one true monotheistic religion, because it's scripture overruled Judaic texts and the Bible specifically warns of an Anti-Christ (Muhammad) before Islam was created.

So Christianity is obviously the correct choice, also the denomination least corrupted and most developed without bias is Eastern Orthodox. IT has little to no perversions or invented ideologies, neither does it have badly misinterpreted flaws (like Hell being a physical place where people burn all day with demons).

I don't believe in any of it but I studied it enough.

No. Why would you compare something actually useful with your kike shit?

I choose none of them are right.

We live as a mere speck in a vast cosmos. Get over it.

They all forked GNU/Traditonalism, without respecting GNU License.

Both try to understand the metaphysical, calling one useful and the other "kike shit" is moronic, since both try to comprehend things that are seemingly beyond us.

>respectable tier

>Both try to understand the metaphysical
Good thing that philosophy bothers with improtant stuff too

>So which two groups are heading to eternal damnation in Hell?
I don't think you know anything about those three religions.

kartikeya is michael

In judiaism only Jews have to follow the covenant and be good people to get into heaven. Goyim can just be good people, even pagans get into heaven if they are good people.

There is only one church, the Christian Orthodox Church.

muh d i g i t s

Jews don't believe in hell.