Why is Sup Forums so popular now?

What gives faggots? This place used to be our quaint autism board and now it's being overrun by people.

What's the deal? Why do you think this is happening?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Ieddit spacing

Sup Forums has been mainstream since 2006

Gas yourself Dalmat this is a legitimate question

People want to be on a site where non-left views aren't censored.


If the site had a better layout & design.
It would be a top 10 site in the USA easily.

It's one of the last places that is more or less uncensored left on the internet. There is no up voting or down voting, no blocking or banning. Arguments have to stand on their merits. And even leftists who might believe otherwise are hungry for that freedom. So they come here in droves and voluntarily subject themselves to the Hurt Box.

Why would you lie about something like this?

alexa.com/siteinfo/Sup Forums.com

tippity top beito user-sensei

>no banning
I got banned for posting/requesting CP, which I didn't do. If you participate in threads that are too woke they will make up a reason to ban you

fake news. Just updated pic related.

>better layout & design.

it has the best though, making it "better" would only make it worse.

First, the enhanced Futaba design is pleasant as fuck to use.

Second, the neo-Sup Forums we have here is very much responsible for the increased level of use. I would bet 90% of all posters these days no have clue what "noko" is, and probably 75% at least don't know what "sage" does, which is pathetic.

Sup Forums is dead, or nearly so.

t. Reddit
Just install 4chanx/appchanx retard

This Also, whenever Sup Forums is mentioned on the news there is a rush of newfags. Usually when they only mention "Sup Forums" the newfags go to Sup Forums, but during the election Sup Forums was featured a lot and now we have a bunch of retards shitposting. So many that there were boards like /bant/ created in an attempt to contain it.


Is that the one that tracks all your activity?

They should've turned Sup Forums into what /bant/ is and created a new board for people who want discussion with shitposting on the side instead of the other way around. This way most of the newfags might actually stay here because going to other boards is scary.
>Being paranoid about a quality of life pluggin for a somali cat breeding entrepreneur chatroom

/r/The_Dimwit came over.


Every happening inevitably brings with it some new visitors. Most of those visitors never come back, but a few are caught in the net, and will eventually become daily users.
>came here when Gaddafi died, never left since

>mfw I sold too soon

who the fuck browses Sup Forums on mobile

pretty much all of them it's literally should be auto ban

Massive movement is needed in order to achieve what Sup Forums wants. No change is gonna be made with thousand autists.

this place is the last place I can shitpost in peace for now.

>What's the deal? Why do you think this is happening?

Sup Forums

What used to be Sup Forums bringing the cancer, now its Sup Forums. We keep getting into the news and this site is now seen as a hotbed of alt right wingers, so all eyes are on Sup Forums now. Then these newfags spread out to the rest of Sup Forums.

We literally played a direct role in electing the President and got referenced by Hillary Clinton and popularized a legitimate white nationalist political movement dude we earned this traffic.

better than facebook

This is the dumbest fucking meme I've seen repeated on here, and I've been here for quite some time.

>Putting spaces in between your fucking endless autistic run-on sentences makes you a REDDITARD!

I'm a fucking writer. I like grammar and punctuation. I don't do this to be cool, I do this because I speak fucking English and I'm not a fucking retard.

>who browses Sup Forums on mobile

Me, you cuck. Can't take my laptop to the shitter.

you saying it wasn't populated by people before?

No, not anymore. The reddit hating has been co-opted by progressive shills. Anyone reddit hating now is a faggot. They are actually making me like reddit.

This place is popular because the west has been derailed by crazy baby sacrificing globalist scum. Nothing we can do about it. Redpill normies.

i am an oldfag from 2005 but stopped browing after 2011ish
i came back for brexit/american elections last year and have stayed since

top kek I thought the same thing when I found Sup Forums 12 years ago

adapt nigga, the format's different from normal forums and that's a good thing

We're pulling the worthy in.




I always knew about Sup Forums, just never came here. Now I mostly lurk.


It's more likely your IP is dynamic and changed to one that had been banned before.

its one of the last places in america where free speech isnt shit on, and when it is, ameribros will back you up unless you are an autist

or from reddit, fuck that place

Fuck off im pooping

>we earned

Fuck you. Make your own site and take the cancer with you.

I dont like Sup Forums being this popular. It always brings in nothing but idiot children.

It's only pol newfag.

It's all I do for 8 hours straight at work each day.

paragraphs aren't "le reddit spacing", retard, go back to cripplechan

Good. Let them see pedogate. Its a spiritual war. Raising awareness is our only weapon

What was it like coming back?

I do. At work.

one of the few places on the internet with near unrestricted speech and anonymity

a lot of white people cant stand minorities. not race baiting its a reality and its understandable to some degree. any one who says they dont have some claim to feel angry is stupid

but most of americas whites are not german. we know that thanks to immigration records and birth records. you know who loves pretending they are german? white supremacist

blue states have fewer minorities and more accusations of racism directed towards minorities on average. hiding in plain sight has become to difficult for them. they need to talk to like minded people

So we get overrun by normies who eat up low-effort trash and post bullshit and get triggered over anything that's not normie-approved.

no that's extra flags for Sup Forums, 4chanx is solid

the reddit spacing thing was some divide and conquer shill bullshit that started on 8ch and spread to Sup Forums by osmosis

it's just meant to have retards arguing with each other and has no actual bearing on 'reddit spacing'

>I'm a fucking writer. I like grammar and punctuation.
>a fucking writer

I only browse on mobile

I've been here a while (mid 2016)

>US election is heating up
>Sup Forums posts ironic support for Trump, highlighting that he is in fact everything he says he wants to get rid of
>"drain the swamp", but is literally intermarried with the international Jewish elite that is the group pushing for everything that he claims to oppose
>some faggot that goes on both reddit and Sup Forums sees this and thinks it's genuine
>get swarmed by reddit the_donald retards
>changed forever

That's pretty much it in a nutshell. I'd put all my money on Trump Generals being 90%+ people who weren't here in 2015.

Now we must live with the cancer we created, such is hubris.

So how many people browse here regularly?


>blue states have fewer minorities

But California, the bluest state, has the biggest population of minorities..

Those rules only apply to Sup Forums, retard. Also...


>Sup Forums top 100 site now


Can pol help shape the future generation as cable TV dies?

Shills love talking about how /pol sucks now. They usually claim to be "oldfags" and utilize old memes that were never that funny. They need to have a white hot poker shoved up their assholes.

That goes for oldfags in general. Since when is it cool to be a consistent poster here on /pol? Why don't you make some decent threads exposing government cover-ups or something?

he's probably ecstatic, he hated the site enough as it is but having five times more work to do as a result of one of his least favorite boards would have had his hair falling out by now.

because of /biz

Crypto frenzy, the new dotcom bubble. People making a lot of money, turning 500$ into 5k in a matter of weeks.

Also, why do I get the sneaking suspicion that OP likes faggoty shit like Vice magazine?

People want freedom to say nigger when ever they want. Also the press.
>fucking faggots. We get cool and now everbody and their brother wants to see what up here.

>Don't talk about Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

This is Sup Forums you worthless illiterate nigger.

>This place used to be our quaint autism board
Sup Forums hasn't been that way for nearly a decade

Sup Forums is fun similar to old Sup Forums
we just need a boost happening every once and a while to keep it fresh

absolute cancer

Sup Forums is the last truly "free" and honest site on the web. The only one free from mods actively trying to shape the discourse and userbase to fit their worldviews. Also it has an counter-culture bent that will always be popular.

t. dude who got run out of his favorite huge forum when the SJWs started taking over.

If you're spewing so much faggotry that you require paragraphs for any reason, go back to your site of origin.

rules are gay dude
fuck the police

>what Sup Forums wants

keks amd porn?

EspaƱa, por favor

we have been in the news a lot the past few months

infinity chan got busted selling user data so now everyones back here...still getting our data sold tho ;)

>I'm a fucking writer
>Only writes 4chin posts
>Claims to be a fucking writer
Thanks fur da lels m8

BUT that was back when it was the only board that did raid shit.

Certainly it applies to Sup Forums

motion to make Sup Forums "deepnet" like 4+4 chan?

Quintessentially this.


all the YLYL webms and gifs from /gif/ are on youtube. all of them without blood, gore and sex in them that is. if you look for these videos by title you end up with muh 4chinz compilation of memes. thats how these guys get here. also from all meme websites and social media pages of course.


We can finally get a /cp/.

Yeah right 200 views in 2 months is sure busy.

I'm sort of glad the site has changed, it's like I've grown up alongside it and the memes aren't so reddit-tier anymore

Lol Alexa
I'm here because I'm sick of shit, I used to think this board was awful but I'm starting to see the point of it.

>What's the deal? Why do you think this is happening?

This is the last bastion of free speech.
Nobel prize winning cancer researchers get fired from universities for saying women are emotional.
Some emotional women got him fired.

And some of our crazy conspiracy theories turn out to the truth.

Ironic you say this because "Reddit tier" memes were created on Sup Forums first, then adopted by Reddit.. after that, they started to be seen as Reddit-tier memes.

How long have you been here? Can't be more than 10 years.

memes aside its pretty fucking dumb for people to hit enter after every sentence.


>Hurr durr, newfag has only been here for 10 years!!
Really hoping that was sarcasm. Frequenting this place for longer than 10 years and having been laid are mutually exclusive.

I lurked and Meme farmed Sup Forums for years...

I have posted maybe 20 times.....