As a matter of fact, today islam is the only culture preserving moral values

As a matter of fact, today islam is the only culture preserving moral values.

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Oh pol, if you cant make something of this image, i'm disowning you

>implying that we should surrender to viruses and let them dictate our morals
>implying that we shouldnt use science to tell nature to fuck off

Turns out a legally-enforced policy of "never, ever have sex with anyone ever or we'll chop your fucking head off, and just to be safe we're going to hide all the women under solid black blankets so you don't get any ideas." is bretty gud at curbing STDs. Who'da thunk?


>not being a faggot saves you from aids
Who would've think

>the british brought civiliza-


>shoot in school

Pretty sure there was a lot desert in between

If your moral values are raping, killing, wifebeating, pedofilia. Then yes, you are doing a good work

>muh women's rights

Male feminists are the lowest scum.

Or it's the sahara desert that keep aids from Moving to north africa

It's because they kill gays.

9 year old girls and goats usually don't have aids, that's why

That's because there is a big fuck odd desert or dessert in the way

Muslims don't report their AIDS rates. If you think Somalia and West Africa aren't AIDS infested, you're retarded.

Africa is even bigger than what it looks like on the map, uk and countries near it are a lot smaller, when you have a 2D map, you can't see the sheer size of Africa and the massive dessert that is between north and central Africa, it is impenetrable

blood pressure rising after reading that

>Pedophiles are bad

I actually keked

what? this image have to be some jewery but I can't understand what's to gain.

Goats dont get AIDS

Thank you

You poos have tons of AIDS too

white people do not need to be told to not have sex with blacks

Wow, you absolute retard.

Guess what stopped the Islamic conquests from spilling into sub Saharan Africa. The Sahara Desert.

Guess what stops aids from escaping out of sub Saharan Africa to spread north. The Sahara fucking Desert.

>can't understand simple geography

Fuck that one hurt to read. His parents (single mother) really failed him

This is just a "where niggers are" map.

Yeah, that's right. Pedophilia is good.

The reason is niggers. Many such cases.