Can you guys on here explain to me why you think guns are so important?
They have strict gun control in Australia and England.
What's it fuckin' matter if guns are banned?
Can you guys on here explain to me why you think guns are so important?
They have strict gun control in Australia and England.
What's it fuckin' matter if guns are banned?
Other urls found in this thread:
the state has complete control.
Your country was founded on that not being the case, and you know.. wold life that can kill you
Horrible american, turn in your man card.
Its the right to defend my self from any and all threats.
HIV positive gay Trump supporter here.
Just letting everyone know that this is not a thing in the "community". I don't know a single gay, straight, bi, lesbian, trans, or q who would consider this a good idea on any level. Not in person, not online, not anywhere.
Just another example of weird idealist/elitists in positions of authority that have no business being there. Another way for the individual to slough off responsibility. Dangerous, twisted, and seems like another nice stepping stone on the path to societal collapse.
Fuck off.
only pussies need guns.
I don't understand why guns are important when there are countries like Australia and England where they have a low amount of guns and gun violence.
What are they missing out on that we have here in the USA? Why doesn't the USA just ban guns as well?
The West's governments have become tyrannical is power and are unaccountable to the people...deaths are becoming common and what can We the People use to defend not only our lives, but our Right to Life, if guns are used to enforce those deaths?
You tell me.
they are an essential part of America
we won our independence and conquered the entire country from coast to coast thanks to private firearm ownership
Because compared to all the attacks we've had in gun free zones, the 1 time a terrorist attack happened in a pro gun area, the only damage done was an off duty officer got shot in the foot and recovered a few weeks later
Because it's my right to own them. It's called liberty. The government not telling you what you can and cannot do.
Ausfailia and Bongistan both have high rates of violence. Sure there's low gun violence, but ultimately all that solves is a statistic. There is still violence.
What they're missing that we have are american Niggers. Let's just ban murder while we're at it.
We won't ban guns because it is our right to own them. We own "Assault Weapons" because they look cool and they're fun to shoot.
Marksmanship also instill discipline, patience, and respect for others.
Accidents do happen, and people do act out and use a gun. But if they act out, they would very well use a knife or even a bomb. If a gun was used in Manchester instead of a bomb do you think the death toll would be better or worse?
>They have strict gun control in Australia and England.
Excellent example why citizens should be armed.
Because I live in the country that proves that guns are not the cause of problems in society and that it's better to have than to be at the mercy of criminals and foreign/domestic enemies.
Every time I want to write every last one of you Krauts off, I see a post like this and remember some of you are worth saving.
Criminals don't obey laws. And gun bans will leave only criminals with guns
>checks flag.
calls ICE.
Gun control laws only make it harder for law abiding citizens to acquire and own a gun. They do nothing to prevent criminals from obtaining them, who would just buy them through a black market channel anyway. Gun control laws sound nice in theory, but are fucking dumb in practice.
You're a world-class fupa. Tell your wife's boyfriend to hit it a little extra hard tonight.
we are a militaristic society, we need them to kill people with, moron.
Any man who isn't totally useless should be capable of applying deadly force if needed without having to resort to guns. End of story.
Just finished my 11th gun (pic related).
Also, eat your bf's shit&jizz covered dick.
Can you tell me why you should be able to speak freely?
Can you tell me why you shouldn't have to quarter troops in your home during a time of war?
Can you tell me why you shouldn't have to consent to unreasonable searches or seizures?
Get the point?
Ball is in your court
Does your story stay the same if three guys bust into your wife's apartment when she's there alone with your kids?
hate to break this to you, and it saddens me, but when, not if, but when your country starts mass importation of nigger/muslim overflow you will feel the pain my country feels.
Every time I see Alyssa Milano on TV crying her brains out for us to save these people, I can't help of all the dumb ass movie stars who have done this for decade, sally struthers and all them dummies. Then you look at the world to day and it is them people they want to save are the people who hate us the most.
That is a beautiful gun, do you have a name for her?
Jesus christ burger, I'm a fucking leaf and even i dont need someone to explain to me 4 simple words:
But what if no one has guns...?
I'm asking why it's important though. You guys all seem to think it's important to own guns... why? England and Australia don't seem to think so. They're not missing out on anything over there.
you're right op. my country is doing well with that gun gontrol...
To defend yourself you fucking idiot. Its an inalienable right to all people in the world to be able to defend themselves. The fact there are countries that dont think you should or even try tp defend yourself is an abomination.
Tldr: i hope you get raped by a shitskin so you can "understand" why people deserve to defend themselves
mexico also has strict gun control and they are doing great
Understandable point.
My solution to hat would be to increase safety measures, apply harsher penal legislation to dissuade criminals, and kick out/not let in people who would do such things into the country in the first place.
If our system as it is actually worked, guns wouldn't be necessary.
>Can you guys on here explain to me why you think guns are so important?
I doubt it, because you made up your mind a long time ago.
For those out of the loop
>Imran Awan and his brothers were employed by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as IT consultants since 2005
>They had access to the House networks, and emails of dozens of Representatives
>In February, they stole hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment and illegal accessed restricted parts of the House network
>The House revoked their network access, but instead of firing them, Debbie Wasserman Schultz changed their titles to "advisor" and kept them on
>Imran's wife and kids have fled to Pakistan
>DWS had a laptop confiscated as part of the investigation, and now she is threatening the Police Chief with budget cuts if he doesn't return it
>John Podesta: Alt-Right Media Like Sean Hannity Colluding with Russia
>Another connection to MedStar.
>Kim Dotcom: An open letter to Seth Rich's family regarding hacking claims
>Debbie Wastedman Skulkz THREATENS DC POLICE chief over a Laptop (AWAN BROS)
>Twitter suspends’s account for a headline tweet
>Hannity: The Russia collusion narrative is crumbling
>Hannity: Abrupt Vacation during Sponsor Fallout
>Hospital IP address?
IT IS NOT OVER ~! ! !! !!
>I'm asking why it's important though.
Nobody, esp a shill, is this stupid.
keep googling and you'll see tens of thousands of these stories.
>this is the only type of handgun we can get in Angloland
OP enjoys living in a stable city government with minimal niggers.
Nolafag here....gimmedat chimpout in every neighborhood while the PD disintegrates will change your mind
Because without guns, you end up like Australia and England.
Also, and it sickens me how many of you dickheads act like you don't realise this, you do NOT need a reason to have something, or to be able to do something. THEY need reasons to take them from you. You act like everything being forbidden and having to grovel for permission for fucking everything is acceptable, or how it's supposed to be! What the hell is wrong with you? How did you get like this?
>If our system as it is actually worked, guns wouldn't be necessary.
Totally agree...but getting everyone to turn in all weapons would be damn near impossible. Then the only people with guns are the bad guys. Sorry senpai, I ust don't see how we could ever make that happen. But I do appreicate your feelings on the subject.
and its a taurus
Living under a totalitarian regime. People in Hitler's Deutschland didn't need guns, they were kept safe by the state. People in North Korea nowadays don't need guns, the crime rate is negligible, and the punishments effectively dissuasive.
>But what if no one has guns...?
Gun control doesn't stop criminals from getting ahold of firearms unlawfully. They can still make 'em themselves, and get them from outside the country. If you ban something, all that does is create a black market, especially if you already had the item you banned legal for a long time.
>I'm asking why it's important though
It is important so law abiding citizens can protect themselves from criminals and if the government went tyrannical, it would be easier to stand up to them. Also, if a foreign country invaded us we could defend our selves, which would make things much more difficult for the invaders because of an armed populous.
>But what if no one has guns...?
How retarded are you exactly? You think if guns became banned they'll all disappear into thin air or some shit?
No. It's just going to be impossible to "legally" own a gun. So law abiding citizens who only do "legal" things, will follow the law.
Criminals, on the other hand, do "illegal" things, by definition. They will continue to purchase guns, since the only way to obtain one would be to do so "illegally". It would cause a huge underground market for firearms that would be very similar to the US prohibition of alcohol, but instead of alcohol, it's gonna be guns. Fun, right? Nothing could possibly go wrong there.
So to recap, so your retarded brain can handle it:
>If guns were made to be illegal, only people who do things illegally would have them
Ban swimming pools
Ban sports cars
Ban fast food
Ban tobacco
Ban Alcohol
Ban all things that kill more kids than guns then only then will I agree to ban them.
We're missing out on personal liberty and security, you retard. There are cameras everywhere, violent thugs, police don't walk the beat anymore. You have Stand Your Ground and the like, depending on state. We don't even have Castle Doctrine anymore. Do you understand? My primary defense is hoping I never get noticed.
Any man worth a damn uses the right tool for the right job.
Probably easier when those countries could all fit inside Texas. And using NK as an example isn't making your case familam. I didn't see the /sarc, soo...
what's with all this anti gun shitposting today? I swear there has been over a dozen nearly identical threads.
for me it's not about guns but about self-defense. guns are the best thing we currently have for self-defense. it's why police carry guns. whenever something better comes out that should be legal too under the 2nd amendment. if you don't understand why self-defense is important it's because you are a literal cuck.
>But what if no one has guns...?
Utopian fantasy land.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
new tactical version
I had to saw off the hand guard because reasons. And I decided to grind the cut off studs to teeth, because Murrica. And since I worked with an angle grinder and a Dremel thing, them teeth are pretty crooked. So I guess I'll name her Queen Nigel.
T. Faggot
Save a Bilbo, bin that dildo.
>tfw can't legally own a firearm
There are more than half a billion unregistered guns currently in circulation in the United States.
You can literally build an AR-15 out of an 80% blank in an afternoon.
Exactly how lazy are you?
They banned guns in England, but opened the borders to Muslims, and look what happened in Manchester.
The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun
>a good guy with a gun
>implying i would associate myself with a nigger to buy a gun
and tell me, what tools do i need to build one? i assume you built your own because it's so easy
>Libshits will never know this joy
Feels good, knowing you could stop any aggression against you or your home.
A drill press, or a good quality hand drill and a very steady hand.
80% lowers are effectively complete gun kits, just without the holes drilled in the receiver, and since they aren't technically guns yet they can be mailed and shipped without restrictions.
If you could make the illegal guns already here just vanish into thin air maybe you'd have a point. But atm just disarming every american would just put us at a disadvantage and be prime for tyranny.
There are many reasons, but the most important is rights. The constitution says you can bear arms, therefore the state is obliged to let you bear arms. If you want that right taken away, there are means to amend to constitution and it requires a very large majority of the states to agree for it to happen.
If it does happen that way, fine, but it won't happen since most of the country wants to keep their guns. The problem arises when gun grabbers are asking the state to ignore the constitution or repeal the 2nd amendment, a power it does not legally have. So if the government were allowed to ignore or change the constitution with impunity, then at that point all your rights are effectively invalidated since any government can then just make whatever changes they please or ignore your rights entirely making the constitution meaningless.
tl;dr: When people talk about gun rights, they're not defending guns, they're defending rights.
strict gun control did not improve the violent crime rate in the UK or Australia. Meanwhile our gunlaws become less and less strict, gunownership continue to rise, and crime continues to drop
Here's the NHS recommended version
A drill and a fricken router ffs.
Not sure I want you owning a gun at this point, to be honest.
Idiot, black powder hand guns are perfectly legal, including revolvers.
Just to be clear.
Manufacturing guns for personal use is legal, without any sort of serial number on it, as long as you don't cross state lines or "manufacture with intent to sell", not to say you couldn't later sell it, but if you start mass producing and selling without a class 3 license you'll probably get a visit from the ATF.
fewer people than Texas
I vote guns not party, I even voted Obama because he was less of a gun grabber than McCain and Romney banned more guns as Governor than Obama ever as president
I voted Trump because SCOTUS and the last Gun Ban had Clinton name on it
That's how important it is
the gun nuts are actually infested with rabies.
Yes, they do give the average woman the ability to stop the average man. Something they would not have otherwise.
don't want to get deported ; ^ )
I have guns
>pic is me
ask the sorry fuckers being overrun in germany and sweden why guns are important. gun control only hurts law abiding upstanding citizens. do you really think criminals are going to follow gun laws? following laws is not what criminals do, kid
>stopping a speeding truck with a concealed handgun from your pavement perspective not being able to overlook the crowd
the only people who are against guns are people who have never fired them.
people who want to kill other people will do so by any means necessary. stabbing, bombing, you name it.
the problem isnt guns, it was never guns. its people. this world is producing psychopaths at an alarming rate.
and shit guns are fun, you just gotta be responsible.
>Can you guys on here explain to me why you think guns are so important?
If guns aren't important then you'd surely advocate for disarming government right?
it's pretty simple...if I have a gun...and you are stupid enuff to approach me as a gun toting dumbfuck and threaten me...I will shoot you in your stupid face with my gun be4 you you get that?
How else are traps supposed to protect themselves in the womens bathroom?
This is a good rebuttal, leaf.
you sound like a dumbfuc....I assume you are a dumbfuc...
The police ditched them and insurance doesn't cover riots.
gun to my head, i honestly dont know why i love guns
it may be the same reason you luv sucking on dic...
Self defense against a tyrannical government as stated in the constitution, nigger.
because i love paying my bills on time and the guys are gentle? i dont think that's it
If you don't think guns are important, then that means there's not a problem with having them without restriction.
Glad we had this talk.
>What's it fuckin' matter if guns are banned?
Whadya fckn care ?
All these lefftist shills have a problem it seems. >OF OVERSTEPPING BOUNDARIES TO
That's fascism.
>Fight fascism, destroy the left.
^says guys are gentle^
^forgets guys violently fuck everything up everytime they can^
^sells mary kay^
Because FUCK YOU. That's why!
>dem CZ aesthetics
This is now officially an ATF thread
Beautiful, my Texas brother. .308?
can i stick my dick in that receiver?
had to do the same thing for my 9mm AR pistol
If it's small enough, I suppose so.