This is an American McDonald's. Notice anything?
This is an American McDonald's. Notice anything?
Those fries are not McDonald's fries.
she on her knees?
Location: 3rd world shithole
Not America, not McDonald's
Not McDonalds but hey, good try at a meme.
>Fries in a cup
KYS, you can't trick us
That's not mcdonalds, the fries come in the red container there
All those fatsos who can recognize the fries of McDonalds... Shame.
Gotta make room for the food.
>going to McFat so often that you know what kind of containers they put their "food" in
>not McDonalds
>not America
kek is testing us
i notice those trips
you are a broken shut-in if you cannot recognize mcdonalds logo
>remember going there and how small their fries are and how they don't come in a fucking container
Not McDonald's bathroom tiles, cup, french fries, hamburger, or anything
>this many anons knowing this much about McDonalds
What happened? When did the normalfag, McLard-eating bugerfats come to Sup Forums in such large numbers?
That was difficult.
or maybe a advertisement you stupid fuck
Dude McDonalds fries are put in a container that is red and can't stand up. Kill yourself Norway has always been a mistake
I'm impressed user.
>having the memory and attention span of a baby squirrel
But you didn't need to google, did you fatty?
so are you underage or something or do they not have shops in your 3rd world countries
guaranteed anyone 30+ knows what mcdonalds fries look like. hell, anyone 25+
you must be part of the new lost generation that hasn't had a big mac in their lives
This is a McDonalds in Australia. Notice anything?
That is Austria.
>implying they can't have several types of containers and/or change what type of containers they use
If you have been to McDonalds in the last decade you are a filthy degenerate and do not belong on Sup Forums. If you have not been to McDonalds in the last decade then you have no way of knowing they still do things that way.
what the fuck was the point of this thread? total fucking shill slider if you ask me
sage sage sage
they're working the glory hole?
Sage slide faggot, go back to fucking wombats
Yes, he is drinking water, therefore it is clearly not an American.
nope, proud burger here
Your thread is shit and your meme is a failure, now fuck off, Peru.
>What are advertisements
>What is McDonalds Monopoly
>What is product placement
>What is driving by and seeing the fucking containers plastered on the glass
Someone's just butthurt they can't get delicious food.
bunch of underage tards in this thread who have never been to mcdonalds once in their sheltered lives, or even seen an advertisement
but they know it's bad because they got told so
sad desu
hey old timer
Why the fuck is THIS censored in the last second's row entry?
The fuck has Norway got to do with it?
sorry our culture doesnt revolve around wiring our own toasters and molesting 8 year olds you tea drinking fuck
it does suck in america though, at least the BLACKED part where i live. i hear europe and algosphere countries have higher standards though.
>having a half decent memory means that you are a fat basement dwelling retard
Jealous because the arn't called austrian fries
Probably a jew.
You don't need to fucking go to mcdonalds to know what it looks like when you see at least 1 commercial or other people eating it you dumb fuck.
borrowed your image, thx
>sorry our culture doesnt revolve around wiring our own toasters and molesting 8 year olds you tea drinking fuck
no it revolves around supporting sandwich making pedos through obesity and laziness, and supporting the bignoses via over zealous consumerism and genital mutilation
The container for their fries has remained almost completely the same for decades. You're a fucking retard and your country regaining independence was a mistake. You should have been raped by the Soviets into the 90's
Don't you guys eat fermented cabbage or some shit like that?
This, it's disgusting.
>Knowing what McDonald's is
holy fuck, americans were triggered by this
Ofc they do. Do they grab a fist full and just drop it on your platter?