the dead ones
Marvin Gaye
Tay Zonday
wow a broke nig singing about doing nothing all day
really make me think
The slaves made some decent music because they were where they knew they belonged.
Manu Kache...
Notorious BIG
>slit the wrist of little sis, after she sucked the dick
>I stabbed her brother with the ice pick
Jimi Hendrix
Anthony Braxton
Michael Jackson.
I don't even care what that says about me.
He fucking rocks socks.
What are you? Some kind of transracialphobe? Check your cisracial privilege, POOlord!
Did you just assume my gender? I'm triggered.
Bob Marley
Love me some Nat King Cole
>Ask for favorite nigger musician
>Post picture of Wesley Snipes
Jimi Hendrix
black enough?