Louise Mensch has been trolling the left this whole time
10 minute self bump
Do not believe her lies. (Unter)Mensch is absolute scum, worst there is.
>muh based Jewish queer!
get out.
>the left got JEW'D
Didn't she involve herself with Hillary's campaign in secret? I can't believe that anyone is buying her bullshit now. I mean, she even lost her job over it.
I knew it
She always seemed just a little too cleaned-up and feminine for a leftist woman
whichever way she is going with this, only one thing matters.
Kek loves chaos even though he speaks through ordered numbers
She used to be a fucking Tory MP you ignorant pillocks.
She's an attention whore
anyone got the
I can't keep up with your bong political parties. They are all to the left of Barbara Streisand. That's all I know
>4 Murdoch
Well, I guess this explains how he got $12M
I wonder what other agents he has on the left?
So, explain to me (in real American units, not that metric BULL CRAP) what the fuck is a Tory? Is it like a democrat?
Doesn't change the fact that Drumpf and Ryan and Pence are DONE. She didn't lie about that. They're all getting impeached.
Now I have to go through her twitter timeline raving lunacy to find the tells
translate that to american please we don't speak bong
Tory = Conservative
She was a British MP. Apparently Milo/Murdoch convinced her to start pushing Russia conspiracies to make a point of how stupid the left was. They fell for it 100%, now people like Tucker Carlson use Louise and her liberal support as an example of how unhinged the left is. Pretty good plan if you ask me.
thanks user
A conservative Bong is like an American SJW
I doubt this is true but milo just torpedoed her credibility
Still right of centre but without the religious parts of the US GOP stances
So ultimately the jews will out jew other jews for their jewish intent.
This is a level of jewery that is unstoppable.
Even if he's lying, he's still right
Why are you surprised, Trump is the Kosher Candidate.
Next up: Milo has been trolling the alt-right this whole time
they're turning on her HAHAHAHA
I knew a beautiful perfect aryan angel like this was our girl all along. Daily reminder she has three kids, she may not be 88 but she IS 14.
Definitely 4d chess. Based Milo
The resistance is tearing itself apart!!
I don't believe this, it's too fucking convenient.
Trump used to be a Democrat.
This is unbelievable. Search "Milo" on Twitter.
pretty much this
>145K tweets
>Megodown Yiannotworthafuck actually letting a woman touch him
He's a clown, a fraud and a liar as well as an opportunist who only cares about money and attention.
I wish Hunter S Thompson were still alive, he'd have wrecked Milo years ago.
TFW you realize the illuminati card game is real
Mensch was never part of the resistance. Those of us who are have known she was a shill for months when it was found that she had been praising Trump and his picks BEFORE the election.
People who follow her or Olbermann on the left are like idiots who follow Alex Jones or Sean Hannity on the right.
t. shill
She had to delete almost 150k of her right wing tweets so the left wing idiots would not question her.
Dare I say, is she /ourgirl/?
>pic related
>the resistance
Huge if true.
The level of commitment and research involved to pretend to be that crazy is awe inspiring
what to heck is going on
I MIGHT believe it, she's by far the most unhinged and embarrassing libshit on twitter
This level of dedication to merely pretending js worth a "Congrats, retard!"
The trick is to make it real in your mind. If you're not a Jew, this is not healthy for you.
You mean while the Left was chasing Russian ghosts and complaining about internet nazis saying bad words they were getting GASLIGHTED like a motherfucker……. Man O'man
Louise Mensch is genuinely mad. Milo is trolling. Our next move should be to call Seth Abramson a Russian spy who is deliberately trying to false flag Louise's credibility.
Titus, get two crosses.
She's actually Aleister Crowley
>the resistance
>implying Milo ever was affiliated with the alt-right
i for one am quite amused by this
We need to send about 10 other people over to the left to do this exact same thing and keep pushing them into insanity.
She did some credible damage to them, just one person. And thatching what 10 or 100 other people like this could do.
Holy shit that's hilarious
You lot know she launched Heatstreet as well right?
Either she's a compulsive contrarian, schizo or something really funny is going on.
yfw Mensch is working for the Russians
Wait, could Olberman be a troll?
If this is true Mensch is the first female Master Troll.
I hate to say it, but the longer i'm on Sup Forums the more I am in awe of the kike's rat like cleverness
Jews have no biological sense of shame, and cannot be embarrassed.
>Sup Forums talking about how they want to tear her stupid jew cunt apart
>ill fucking sock her in da mouf ya hear
>coal burning jew bitch into the gas chambers with you
>oh wait she's actually on our side
>/our girl/???
>I always knew she was an Aryan goddess
You guys are too fucking easy.
>i was only pretending to be a pedo
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Hang them both
Milo was never "alt-right." Hillary (and then the media) stuck the label to him and to Breitbart. Hillary said during a campaign speech that everyone on the right who isn't a cuckservative is part of the "alt-right."
I like Heat street. I didn't know that was her
All politicians are opportunistic liars.
>You guys
>what is going on
>pic related
No. He's actually insane.
is this real?
if this is real she's funny as fuck
>tory mp
they are still far left compared to American republicans.
t. welshfag
Milo the coal-burning bug-chaser is a better Brit than you. And a better American than most of us.
I admit it. I miss this motherfucker
>She used to be a fucking Tory MP
Yeah, a Blairite Tory
get the fuck out of here.
she's just going with the flow
nigga, that's Taylor Swift...
Truly the greatest timeline
My opinion of her has changed dramatically after seeing that tweet the other day.
If she is really a right wing agent working to make the left look bad all of her recent actions (including her nearly overnight conversion from lifelong conservative politician to far left maniac) make a whole lot more sense.
the Tories are quite right wing economically but they are very indifferent on social issues
No... Milo is a leftwing troll. Both Mensch and Milo were (are) working together. They are both progressives.
If this ruse checks out, we should be legit memeing her into hero status.
She's legit mentally ill.
Is it really funking how strange the left are making conspiracy theories?
I guess its just this fucking timeline
She's a #NeverTrump with Jewish kids who drove herself mad kvetching at the resurgence of Nationalism and the JQ aware alt-right.
>She's legit mentally ill.
Yeah that is legit the only other possible explanation
How... Jewish
to be fair is it really a war if you just bomb them all dead?