hey pol i am a young black man that just got engandged to the love of my life. Some backstory we have been dating since we were both 15 and i was her first. my favorite position is missionary because i live looking into her eyes. We are both religous and plan to raise our future children in such a way. Everything is going great BUT her parents (who are big trump supporters) disowned her because of the color of my skin. So thats why i want to ask you nazi bigots why you hate me just because of the color of my skin. I am a recent callodge graduate and come from a stable family So what is the problem
Question to all you bigots
racemixing scum
saged nigger
pol is a star trek fan board
what is wrong with race mixing?
nothing. post rare star trek pics
I genuinely couldn't give a fuck, are you both in love?
I wish you the best.
>her parents (who are big trump supporters) disowned her because of the color of my skin
For the color of you skin or for your formation/family/how you talk/how you dress and stuff?
Why does that girl look so familiar?
why do you make this thread every week
It makes ugly, brown babies.
Stop shilling.
R_theDonald get out
Knock her up then knock her down.
Thank you for polluting Canada's gene pool. You're doing god's work user.
All the best to you. Stay the fuck out of europe.
i dont understand speak clearly
Your background. Your culture follows you no matter how hard you want to try and disband from it, and the last thing they want their daughter taking in is that cancerous degenerate bullshit.
If it's not you that's the problem, it's your friends. If it's not your friends, then it's your parents. If it's not either of those, then it's your community. Do you see the issue here? You are bad news
give her a level 2 diagnostic
>I am a recent callodge graduate
Well you niggers are basically genetic garbage, and the world would be so much better without you. You niggers should be exterminated. Also african race is the most dis advanced, and has the lowest iq of all races. And you are ugly, violent and you smell like shit.
>Being this bad at LARPing
The Day of the Rake cannot come soon enough for you shills. The same fucking thread every fucking week.
And to the rest of you in this thread, if you aren't saging while replying, you're part of the problem.
How the fuck did you graduate from college with such poor spelling & grammar? Online University? Silly nog.
Do you speak properly or you use slang and stuff?
What is your family condition (your father is not a criminal, none of you was ever arrested ecc)?
Do you study?
Etc etc
1. Stop role playing as a nigger you cuck
2. That's not you
3. You will always be a virgin
4. Fuck that nigger
Speaking as a Mexi-Murican, I hate blacks just because there dumber than Latin Americans. That's pretty much it. You're the only race we're smarter than and I gotta take pride in something.
I hope shes ready for Aids and an ass beating thats all you spooks do
Star Wars or GTFO
timestamp, faggot
learn to timestamp your pics, you fucking nigger retard leaf
I know you faggot cuck reddit posters think our racism is "ironic" or whatever you try to convince yourself, but I am a successful 36 year old man who is unironically saying that the world would be a better place if every nigger and woman who fucks niggers was gassed.
>"callodge" graduate
>Incapable of reading or coherent writing
If this isn't a LARP (and it is, because it fucking always is) you should are just proving our point.
OP's pic originally included 3 people, the one on the right looks like a generic mix raced mongrel. Why did you crop the picture, OP?
Why do roasties have fugly belly buttons?
this. saged
Missionary position because you love looking into her eyes. "Callodge graduate". This is why I find it hard to believe a black person would come to Sup Forums to strike up a conversation or seek verification on anything.
>same picture every thread
Put your back into it or don't even try
>just got engaged
>favorite position is missionary
>is religious
Not sure if actual nigger or just shitty bait sage
no i am not some thug. my parents are not divorced and still love each other. i have a little brother. not of my family or extended family has been arrested
Isn't it weird that I saw that exact same photo but with a different user and comment just 3 months ago?
You say 1000 years in the desert caused evolution and more melanin in your skin?
Then where the fuck did the low IQ and stench come from?
sage because this picture and thread gets posted semi regularly and is a slide/troll thread
it's also hilarious that the OP or whoever got the pic cropped out the young woman on the right hand side who is mixed and rather shockingly ugly. weird
This is Sup Forums not a essay
This is why we hate you, especially me even though I'm a nigger
>i want to ask you nazi bigots why you hate me just because of the color of my skin.
You don't know who we are yet you are ready to play the race card and label us as nazi bigots. Also, you're a fucking leaf and there is a high probability that the "love of your life" is literally a dog and the dog owners hate you because they don't want their pet being raped by a delusional nigger that thinks him raping their pet dog is consensual love.
Get off my board, you jungle monkey!
> Anonymous (ID: Abwz/SjK) 05/25/17(Thu)19:00:49 No
> premarital sex
You are ruining thousands of years of a pure bloodline with your shit skin genetics. Niggers have inferior brains and IQ, so will your offspring.
how am i a monkey. we are all humans
>Hey Sup Forums I'm probably a white redditor pretending to be black so I can stroke my tiny dick to people calling me a nigger
Terrible bait is terrible.
Cuckold white kid trying to make waves pretending to be black.
What was your question again?
>replying to bait
Rarely have I seen someone so desperste for attention as yourself.
Btw. Why is it I ALWAYS see a group of black guys standing around hitting on every women that walks.
Dont you monkeys ever work?
I am 100% for deporting all blackies and keeping mexibros.
All the mexicans I work with are all right with me.
Daily reminder: Black men know that they will never be truly successful until they get a white woman.
That's because you'd get arrested by the thought police if you gave a fuck.
Top kek
Damn op left
Sex before marriage. Kys plz
Prove you're black. If Jamal has 2 watermelons and Lamar has a 12 piece bucket of kfc, what is the is the exchange rate of fried chicken to watermelon? Extra credit if you can figure out the number of kool-aid and swisher sweets to fried chicken as well.
Generally I don't care about this, but if it were my daughter I might not like it at all. It's up to her parents, they raised her for a long time. I want my daughter to continue propagating my culture, which will be her culture too.
i hate you becose color of your skin.
Because of race mixing. Marriage is for having kids. When it comes to genetics, you being intelligent and respectable is not enough. You are a nigger and your childs will be subject to the racial regression to the mean. Even if you are smart your children aren't all that likely to be smart, probaility says your children will have true nigger-tier intelligence. All you are going to do is waste her better genes on you. Good for you I guess, you are trying to improve your offspring by mixing with a white girl. That doesn't change the fact that she is absolute scum for not making sure that she will give her children the best chances at a great life. What kind of fucked up selfish asshole do you have to be in order to give your children inferior genetics and lower chances of success in life? Break up with her because she is insane, get yourself a good niggress and marry her.
> engandged
We hate you because of the content of your character.
Your skin just makes us think you're ugly.
The color of your skin is the least of your problems, sub-human.
What kind of boyfriend lets his mudshark out in the sun without sunglasses?
Holy shit. Ah hell thats funny
Burn the coal
Pay the toll
She relaxed
I wouldn't care. I do however hate this attention seeking victim game. I'd rather pretend you don't exist until it is relevant to me. Be a man and keep your fucking problems and insecurities to yourself.