Atheism "love" science

Why every liberal or lefties that call themselves atheist claim love science so much when they cant even solves a simple integral?

Last time i made a thread got banned for no reason.

>the point here is not solving the integral of the pic.

Most biologists can't solve integrals. Doesn't make it any less of a science.

If I wanted to solve that I'd just put it into wolfram alpha man

They think "science" == "factoids" which is why they like it. It's just "here's a cool fact" to them.

Ask them about hypothetico-deductivism or the scientific method and they have no idea.

It's funny because they unironically believe that they can prove that the world is material and that there is not God with maths.

That integral triggers nightmares from when I took calc 2

It's actually pretty easy, since d(sin^(-1)(2x))/dx = 1/sqrt(1-4x^2)

Wtf? That's high school maths

Solution is -(1/4) * 1/sin(72/25)

* 2/sqrt(...

Look at his flag.

this is college level math for Americans, I actually just finished a calculus course

How does it feel to be outclassed by something every kid has in their pocket?

Math is literally useless when we all carry supercomputers

You're a dumbass then, I did this in high school and I live in California where standards are shit

We do this at 16, 17 then at college you do it again.

bet you can't do chemistry in your pocket though

Give me a line integral, you dumb cuck, not this Calc II pussy shit.

but doesn;t the 2x at the front fuck with it? without that it would be easy

that chemical merchant wew

>line intergal
>something a 7th grader can do

Fucking brainlet

I can do some chemistry into your mom's pocket

Not your personal homework force. Your shitty reverse psychology fools no one
Gas yourself

Ever heard of integration by parts?

Understanding integrals and higher maths in general is necessary for someone to be able to contribute to fields like physics or mathematics, or just to have a good understanding of those fields. Your phone may be able to solve your math, but it can't further science and it can't make you understand science better.

I knew ameridumbs were dumb, but I didn't think they were that dumb.

I expect nothing more from a Hungarian

>tfw math brainlet


gimme the first 3 of the series

y'' + sin(x)y' +y = 0

because "science" is literal their new God now

no you do a u-sub retard.

Wow I didn't know the bond for silver and gold was that complex

I got -1/12 * pi - sqrt(3)/4.

Most biologists are trash. You need calculus for chemistry and you need chemistry to get a bio degree.
>"I love science I'm such a nerd lol"
"Oh cool, want to go to the university to hear the leature about migrating espoistolgy?"
>"nah, lets watch Dr. who instead, lol so nerdy, am I right? "
^what every faggot that says they love science actullly means

ah yes, it's been a while since calc 2

I Love Sup Forums for this

Bunch of geniuses with nothing better to do than shitpost

10/10 merchant

>trig sub is simple
Bud I went pretty far into Calc and I'll tell you now that equation is going to need a trig identity and a few different substitutions not exactly easy


>downloading chemistry software and randomly connecting carbon atoms in the shape of a cartoon jew
This is what qualifies as being a genius in America.



Why are we doing this again?

>pretty far into calc
what like finished 2nd year?

тpeниpyй пoдчepк desu

nice addition to my merchant folder

You're right, little rusty been a couple years

1/12(3√3 - π)

Yeah, this is what 16 year olds do

Leftists, especially the social justice left, resent STEM, they do not 'love science'. Scientists love science. Leftists just seek to co-opt science for their own political ends. See 'social science' and the whole 'gender is settled science' garbage, as well as their views on IQ, race, amongst other things.

Confirmed for having absolutely no understanding of math whatsoever.

lol I love Russian's, they see a random math problem on Sup Forums and they just do it


I think faster than I write.


Did I say I took it in college, fag? I took AP calc BC in high school. It's fairly difficult math for a 16 year old. I was just thinking about earlier times when I was young and doing that shit.

I always laugh at how the EU attempts to flaunt their "math superiority" because they took basic calculus in high school. If a student in America didn't, they will be caught up to you in 1-2 semesters in college. You're not that advanced, brother. That's why all of your students try and come to America to study :^)

I'm out of practice with calculus because it's been about 12 years since I've had to do one. Any superstitious belief/claim that doesn't stand up to scientific scrutiny is bullshit.

few college students take calc 2. Math, Chem, physics


This is the kind of autism you catch in a science-oriented uni.

That's how we created Yugoslavia, didn't work out so well

Valid argument

but in my case I have a bachelors in chemical engineering

Also it's not random but rather a pretty stable configuration, I can show you the delta H needed to break it if you want

>all of your students try and come to America to study
That's not accurate.
For undergrad programmes the principal destination is Spain for muh booze coke and beaches.
For postgrads it probably is USA.

this answer is best. never understood why all the humanity fags all the sudden love science

>enjoy reading theory
>hate doing the mathematics
wow, also don't you nigs eat mud pies there?

Its just a cover for them to be a shitty human and back up their shitty arguments. If you see people who are being all activist and claim they are big into science, just ignore them as they are just cunts who follow low quality and fake/basic science resources. They are no smarter then the mouthbreathers they stand with.

I'm still mad my shitty highschool didn't have calculus, or any real math course. That's how I know never to trust a degree.

God is all the math you don't know

I made a little revision

Let me know what version or better

OP I know you want to show off but there's more to STEM than Calc II.

Just got it. Answer is: sqrt 3

That was fun. It's been a while for me.

All of you are wrong. It's just root 3.

Show work

I wasn't criticizing you, I was making jokepost in reply to the user who replied to you.

That was a fucking mess.

It's much easier if you do a trig-substitution.

I just realized a Dominican posted this. LOL!

They teach calculus in the Dominican Republic?

you mean t = tan(x/2)?

Fuck, the function is not continuous on [0;sqrt(3)/4], didn't notice

no, the correct substitution is 2x = sinθ

what was the question

Still, root 3 is an incorrect answer

Uhh. That's exactly what I did.

Oh hey I was right, I didn't check the decimals on yours but assumed

Btw I'm Russian too, I just live in the United states

And no, this is bullshit, it IS continuous.
7 am, maybe it's time to go to sleep finally

You entered it in wrong. It wasn't root 3/4.


Maybe take a closer look at the pic ?


t. user tricks Sup Forums into doing his Maths homework by disguising his thread as political

that makes him smarter than all of you


Can some chemistry user check to see if this is some organic compound that theoretically can exist?

Would be cool to figure out some actual protein that looks like a merchant even if it's only theoretically possible.