Taliban score major victory in Afghanistan

So the Taliban are overrunning large parts of Afghanistan again and the Afghan Army is collapsing. There are also accusations that Russia has formed an alliance with the Taliban against the West. What should the West do?


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Welp. At least I got paid, I guess.

We should continue to blow trillions of dollars and thousands of lives on some shitty desert with nothing of value in it a world away.

Apparently Trump is considering deploying 5000 US soldiers to try to bring the balance back in the government's favour.

Waste of time and troops. The fundamental problem is Afghan culture. They are hopelessly corrupt and incompetent. They will never put in any effort to improve their lives because they believe to the core of their being that everything is in the hands of Allah. You can't even get the dumb fucks to aim.

Westerners can't command them because they see it as an affront, a challenge to their manhood. So westerners have to give 'suggestions' to their own commanders, who are corrupt as fuck and probably high 90% of the time, and who don't even know what the fuck you're talking about because they're uneducated illiterate jackasses with more pride than brains. Most of the time they just goof around, sleep, and get high. If you can actually cajole them into going on a patrol it's a complete bumblefuck, with nobody keeping spacing or formation, guys fucking off to have sex or steal from people, chatting with their local buddies, etc. Complete goat fuck.

When the shooting starts, they just point their weapons in the general direction of the enemy and turn ammunition into noise. Then they argue with each other. Craziest shit you've ever seen. Guys on the same side under fire getting in heated arguments with each other, yelling and gesturing like an hysterical Italian. Absolutely fucking surreal.

The only way to turn them into anything useful would be to turn them into some sort of reverse Jannisary, where you take Afghan kids of maybe 8-9 years old to the US, and train and educate them for 10 years. Completely separate them from their culture, beat it out of them, and put American culture in its place.

Interesting stuff. So basically, the Taliban winning is just a matter of time.

>The only way to turn them into anything useful would be to turn them into some sort of reverse Jannisary, where you take Afghan kids of maybe 8-9 years old to the US, and train and educate them for 10 years. Completely separate them from their culture, beat it out of them, and put American culture in its place.
Sounds like too much work. Can't we just burn their opium and let them starve?

2011, winter, Afghanistan.

Team with ANA goes out on raid around 0200L.

Get to compound, carry the ladder to wall/gate.

Terp gets up on the ladder, grabs bullhorn and does his call out to the faggots inside the compound.

5 minutes later, he asks "can I come down? it's cold up here"

We have to radio back to the TOC asking if the terp can come down off the ladder.

I lost all hope in them that night.

Jihadi uprising funded by Swedish welfare billions.

Annihilating an entire culture is the most complete and lasting victory possible. If you're going to do something, do it right or don't do it at all.

keep trump sucking russion cock 24 sevy. we need him cupping the balls, stroking the shaft don't be afraid to get in there with him, we need professional full time rimming

We literally couldnt force them to wear helmets on patrols, they were too "uncomfortable"

ZERO survival instinct or any comprehension of discipline

Good Idea desu. Also how do the Talli's compare ? Why do you suck at getting rid of them ?

>any comprehension of discipline

Couldn't get them to even have watch rotations. They'd all just go to sleep at night. One police station had every cop get their throats cut one night because nobody was on guard. Every one of them were racked out.

If Allah wanted them to live, they'd be alive I guess.

Wouldn't the Taliban be just as retarded though?

>Also how do the Talli's compare
I don't think the Taliban are much different in terms of discipline or skill. However they have the advantage of being insurgents hidden in the population while the cops and the army are all concentrated in fixed, known positions. They can't find the Taliban, but the Taliban can find them.

I suppose the Taliban might be more motivated as well, given the religious aspect. Cops and army are only motivated by paycheck and whatever their positions allow them to steal.

Doesn't the Taliban recruit from all over? Not just Afghanistan? They are also more fanatical with the will to fight.

see It's not that the Taliban are significantly less retarded, it's that they can't be found easily while cops and army are just sitting ducks.


>Doesn't the Taliban recruit from all over?
There's always rumors of that, but all we ever found were Pakis.

There are some nasty rumors in the dark parts about russian oligarchs buying up the bodyparts of the manchester blown up lolis for a cannibalistic ritual.

(((Russian Oligarchs)))

Why don't we just let them effectively partition the place? Iran can take the West (they economically control it anyway), Pakistan can take the East, the Tajiks and Uzbeks the north. Done.

Nobody wants that shithole. It would be too difficult to manage. Iran simply doesn't have the resources to secure it and Pakistan couldn't do it because India would almost certainly enter the fray.

Also Afghans hate everybody who isn't in their shitty tribe.

The only justification I can think of for intervention there at all is to prevent the place from being used for training camps. Tarnak Farms, etc. Really there's nothing there besides poppies that can be effectively exploited economically, and the value of the opium crop is greatly exaggerated.

There may be mineral resources, but since Afghanistan is the only country on Earth with no railway, none of it can be exploited. Any attempt at building a pipeline through the place would fail immediately, as it's a giant immobile target that insurgents would constantly, constantly attack.

If we're not going to try to attack the culture itself (which would be an enormous, generational effort), then the best solution is just to maintain an airbase nearby and an air corridor for bombers. Just level training camps whenever you identify them and otherwise leave the country to rot.


With respect to partitioning, who cares what happens to the borders. If Iran or Pakistan want to take parts over that's their problem.

Afghans aren't Arabs. They're WORSE.

If Russia is working with the Taliban, then we should just MOAB every single Taliban Stronghold and try to kill Russians that are with them.

It will be funny seeing on the world news that USA killed a bunch of Russians that were working with the Taliban. Hahahaha!

are you shitting me right now? when you think they couldn't get any more barbaric / perverse.

>Russia supporting Taliban
What the fuck is this bullshit! Hasn't anybody learned from mistakes like Iran, and how we are unleashing these backwards theocracies!
That is because the spice must flow.

Blow it all up. Inbred arabs are useless.


Let's do it.
I would join the military if we were actually completely destroying these goatfucker faggots forever