Christcucks btfo

christcucks btfo

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I hate Christians

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Varg is truly glorious.

If a person who spent almost half his life in prison can find a qt wife to breed a large white family which he lives with in the cozy countryside where he grows his own food and homeschools his kids, then why can't the rest of us?

Glory be upon Varg may we all give sacrifice for his continued well-being.

your country is a shame and youre paying attention to vloggers affected by mental illness.

really makes you think huh

I unironically think Varg has a low IQ, either that or he is insane. Intellectually, he is incoherent.
He should stick to ASMR.

hi Varg, like your vids

By and large, Christians cannot see the forest for the trees. Even the redpilled ones. They get sidetracked by bullshit and focus on symptoms of the main problem instead of its cause while also condemning anyone who is not of their EXACT same faith, not just nonchristians but anyone who diverges from their own blend of christianity. They are, at the heart of things, a liability to the longevity of white nationalism. Not because pagans do not want to interact with christians, but because christians want to murder their white pagan brothers after all is said and done. They put their faith before blood and that is, in and of itself, blasphemous to our cause.

He's butthurt because The GO disagreed with him in
public. He already knew The GO supported christianity.
This is all because of Vargs personality type.

I don't care about two gay autistic swedes larping you slid a Seth RIch thread fuck you

Maybe The Golden One's interpretation of the term "culture war" is not ambiguous but the term itself is. Not everyone will watch his other videos or remember what he exactly said. He would do himself and his listeners a favor if he would be more clear with the choosing of his words.

Muslims also are more conservative and family oriented than atheists, much moreso than Christians nowadays. Although I guess I understand the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" logic, I still don't think we should endorse Islam. They also are also an enemy of Marxism and Postmodernism and have some conservative views that I like but I still think they are idiots. Maybe I set my standards a bit higher and am less practical than you.

Cultural shift, I don't care about that. I believe in what I think is true and good, I don't care how popular my ideologies are. That said, you could argue that if there would be an apocalypse and all capitalism and all its shit will die out and we will have to turn back to nature and then you could very easily see more traditional European culture emerge again. Christianity and capitalistic culture are shaped the way they are because the recent societies have made people create moral guidelines for the society that it needs to fit into. Christianity/Judaism was invented by slaves who wanted to live a more favorable live next to their masters, so they created a religion that teaches a slave morality. Then the world got wealthy overtaken by technology where we are weak and that has further shaped the form of Christianity. If we will be forced to go back to nature then the people who can adapt to traditional European morals and lifestyles will more likely survive than those who adhere to the Christian ideologies and capitalistic lifestyles.

Styx has commented on this.

Seth Rich is yesterdays news, move on already

Having watched through the video, I must say I absolutely agree with him. We are branches of a large Indo-European tree, our roots are deep and strong, our pagan traditions, our cultures, our languages are related.
We have never warred each other on that basis up until the introduction of Christianity.

Paganism really does unite us.

Christianity is inherently divisive. Look at how many Christians want to murder each other over petty differences in their faiths when they still largely believe in the same exact thing.

You all would fawn over a murderer when given the option to choose between a man of peace and a sinner

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism producing the absolute worst apostates is reason enough to loathe them.

Julius Evola on Neo-Pagans

>It is perhaps appropriate to point out the misunderstandings that are current at the moment in some radical circles, who believe that a solution lies in the direction of a new paganism. This misunderstanding is already visible in the use of terms such as “pagan” and “pagandom”. I myself, having used these expressions as slogans in a book that was published in Italy in 1928, and in Germany in 1934, have cause for sincere regrets.
>Once we are clear about this, we come today to a paradoxical realization: that this imaginary paganism that never existed, but was invented by Christian apologists, is now serving as the starting-point for certain so-called pagan circles, and is thus threatening for the first time in history to become a reality–no more and no less than that.
>What are the main traits of today’s pagan outlook, as its own apologists believe and declare them to be? The primary one is the imprisonment in Nature. All transcendence is totally unknown to the pagan view of life: it remains stuck in a mixture of Spirit and Nature, in an ambiguous unity of Body and Soul. There is nothing to its religion but a superstitious deification of natural phenomena, or of tribal energies promoted to the status of minor gods. Out of this there arises first of all a blood- and soil-bound particularism. Next comes a rejection of the values of personality and freedom, and a condition of innocence that is merely that of the natural man, as yet unawakened to any truly supra-natural calling. Beyond this innocence there is only lack of inhibition, “sin,” and the pleasure of sinning. In other domains there is nothing but superstition, or a purely profane culture of materialism and fatalism

And this same purism is what they got from the jews, they are preoccupied with purity both spiritual and physical.
That's not essentially an IE point of view. We were known for bathing naked, not having any concerns related to food and so on. Probably because we know we are already pure, we don't need to be thought about the original sin.

I don't know what kind of pagans you think were united.

Pagan Romans enslaved, genocided and stole from surrounding pagans all the time.

The Catholic Church became the ghost of the Roman Empire after its collapse, and without it, pagan europeans would've kept warring against each other as they always did.

It was under the catholic church that Europe was brought together. All of it, not just those touched by the roman empire.

he collects welfare you stupid fuck. lol. this guy is a loser

Are you saying there were no wars amongst European neighbors during catholicism?

he is a rape baby

mate, pagans are like less than 1% of white people. they simply dont fucking matter to Christians. grow up.

point is that it wasn't for religious reasons, it was purely for material reasons such as land, resources

meanwhile it's christianity which brought religious wars in Europe

>Pagan Romans enslaved, genocided and stole from surrounding pagans all the time.
Not for "religious" reasons

>pagan europeans would've kept warring against each other as they always did.
Again, not for religious reasons.

War is in our nature but we don't justify conquering others based on religion.

the based baron would laugh his arse off at Varg and his cult on Sup Forums

Nice ad hominem and appeal to majority. Pagans do matter to Christians, why do you think you're so butthurt?

t. wagecuck

>they simply dont fucking matter to Christians. grow up.
Nice bandwagon there britbong, uncuck yourself

Are you that guy that posts that pic of skyfather, similar to this pic you posted, except in color, blue sky and blonde beard?


no proof he does or that he is even eligible for it
he just pays less taxes, which is sensible given that he doesn't even use infrastructure as much

sorry, who are you? Looks like Russia, but has some kind of smudge on it. oh my mistake, its austria's chair. you're not even white

i don't understand the importance of this debate, are there many christians in europe? i have visited britain and germany, i didn't know any churchgoers, all were atheist.

and a dull ad hominem at the top, apply yourself nigga


I'm saying that without catholicism, Germanic and Slavic Europe would've never become united with Latin europe.

Yes, but at least genocide wasn't a goal of thosw wars.
Romans tried to genocide twice the pagans of Portugal/Galicia because they kept rebelling.

war is war
Christianity didn't bring it or invented it, but it was christianity that united ALL europeans and a reason to look at eact others as one.

Varg is an idiot with an irrational hate on Christianity. Faulty as it is, it's not without its merits, which Varg always completely denies to the poing it makes him look just like the angry kid denied teen he was decades ago.

lots of LARPers, ironically, and those who don't LARP are mostly busy welcoming refugees, at least here

And I'm saying we were never united under christianity, hence all the wars that did happen after conversion.

the funniest thing is his real name.pretty much shows you its all about hatred for his dad. quite funny really

i just don't think a future europe is going to have many spiritual beliefs, whether in gods or one. i never understood the importance of this debate particularly when most today are scientifically minded.

"we" were never united at all. you're not european

europe is not united because countries have competing interests. religion was often used as a facade for this, but it was mostly for land and resources.

you don't see too many wars of that today because people are living at higher standards.

Two LARPers of the internet in the same thread. Fuck off

Fuck off, mohammad.

written in his moms basement, like all of his works.

Let me remind you off all forced conversions, all blood spilled in the name of christianization - a perverse and brutal act no pagan was even capable of.

This new religion has divided Europe more than anything else (the pretense of being a heretic)

We know it's you Varg, you low IQ nigger


did styx start this thread to get people to watch his videos?
sneaky occultist
...ill go watch his video

written in your moms basement, just all of your comments

of course we were united under Christianity
the Franks and Burgundians only purpose to send their armies to northern Ibeira was to assist those Christian Iberians
The crusades united the great powers of Europe
Portuguese reconquista was assited by English and Flemish whose only thing in common with Portuguese was that they they were all catholics.

Do you think if we were all pagans by then they would do it?

yeah but let's not pretend like he didn't despise christianity, his disliking of neo-pagans certainly doesn't project on actual pagan culture in Europe, which he'd definitely find much superior to christianity

Im not a christian, but neo-pagans like Varg are a fucking joke, I prefer muslims over this Larpers

i dont get why so many fucking people here love christianity when it was literally invented by jews


He does not pay taxes, since he earn so little.
He also gets welfare, but thinks it's a good things since it "hurts" the system

how many catholics were killed in england simply for their faith? the 100 years war? did christianity unite england and france or did they continue to invade each other more than ever before?

>the same
Fucking retard, is that you Varg you 80 IQ nigger? Did you know Judaism didn't become an official religion until the Talmud was codified about 500 years after Jesus lived and after Christianity was founded? Retard.

>a perverse and brutal act no pagan was even capable of
They were capable of worse: GENOCIDE which was common practice for pagan Rome.

oh i wonder whos behind this post

you will get yours soon jew


what is wrong with war? i'd much rather have that good old warrior european than the cucks we have today. and i don't think worshipping trees is going to take us back to the good old days.

the swedes got soft of their own right, blaming christianity for that is just being silly, particularly when only 2% of swedes go to church. but yeah, i'm sure those 2% are the problem.

for non religious reasons, that's the whole argument here

We need spiritual grounds that will not divide us the way christianity has. FOR RELIGIOUS PURPOSES that is.

i don't deny the wars, which would exist nonetheless, pagans or not
I show the times they were united under faith, which are undeniable, and which wouldn't have happened if there was no christianity.

I'm not arguing that war is wrong, I am arguing that conversion to christianity did not "unite" europeans as we still fought each other just as much as we would have normally only sometimes it wasn't just for land and resources but for bullshit "this guy doesn't believe in transubstantiation" kind of reasons

yes, but he said it was fucking dead, so forget it.

You cannot prove that it would not have happened without christianity because there were no other great noneuropean invasions into europe that took hold before the conversion. You have no way of proving your point logically.

Not a retard unlike you 80 IQ varg dicksuckers

This Slovene shows up in every Varg thread. i think he masturbates over that gay board game Varg made.

Varg was never blond in adult age. I have that same greyish light brown, it's not blond.

you have to understand that religion in europe had a lot to do with region as well. protestantism in the north, catholicism in the south, orthodoxy in the east.

these tribes would've likely fought over resources had they kept believing in thor, zeus, or rod.

lol, did the Swedes come to help the Greeks against Persia? You're fucking delusional you stupid burger
> American education

Not that I care what you think but this is actually my first time posting in a Varg thread.

europe is not one, and never was. there will always be divisions. even atheist europeans divide themselves.

even in america we are the least united race, perhaps it is our strong strain of individualism, i don't really know. but i do know that our divisions cannot easily be explained as only due to christianity. these differences existed before christianity and will continue existing long after it.

Is there any pagan holy text or scripture left to be a basis for a "religion" or are people making up stuff along the way?
>inb4 myfarog

Christianity is not European, but that doesn't mean that the morals of it are condemnable as such. I'm not really a pagan but to me paganism is much more sensible than being an atheist or a christcuck who wants muh deus vult but will call anyone a larper for practicing traditional European paganism

you can't practice traditional european paganism because the oral tradition died out a long time ago and what you have left is just remnant scraps. Read Evola. He made this clear. It's dead


90% of neopaganism is made up by speccy twats like Styxhexenhammer who literally lives in a loft

how is it not sensible to be an atheist when we clearly know much more about the world than we did in the past?

thousands of years ago it made sense to make up stories of why the sun came out, why the tides came in, how the earth came into being, how people were made, etc. but now that we know explanations of a lot of these i don't know how you could continue to believe in a divine presence.

yes I can.
the roman conquest of the celtic peoples were so easy because they rarely came together

when the huns started pushing the germanic peoples, did the germanic peoples unite against the huns? No, they split between the protection of Rome or the servitude under Huns.

no one came for Greece but Greeks when Persia invaded

and when Carthage invaded Rome, those who helped Carthage were european pagans picked up in Iberia. No European pagan came to help Rome.

>Varg is now posting on Sup Forums
Quit it buddy. Go back to Norway. Franklandet belongs to Frankisch Gallics.
>Goldilocks is defending the man who is against him
Marcus my brotherman. Varg would rather let his race than become a Christian.
Same. Varg talks a big game but he's not a pure Nord. At least not by his own standards.
>we can't think for ourselves and everything that's wrong with us is the fault of the Jews
You should be applauding the kikes, they've taken everything Varg has lived by to heart, only they conquered instead of making videos to justify shit agriculture as "pagan farming".

Carlos, don't try using logic on Varg's followers. they are as delusional as he is

>these are things we like and therefore they are pagan
They aren't pagan. You don't even know all your gods. You barely know anything about the gods you have now. They operate like a fucking dysfunctional family rather than providing a philosophy of life.

>French flag
>sucking varg's cock this much
Hi Varg.

She was his groupie

"my crops have died because of the snails, but I can't do anything about it without violating nature so its food stamps this week"

- actual Varg quote

haha it is actually him. *my sides*

She was much younger than him, came from a wealthy family, and was highly autistic. Varg went after slow prey rather than wooing a pure Norwegian princess of strong stock.
His children look like him, which is unfortunately for him not an upgrade.
>brown hair
>dark blue eyes
>broad alpinoid frames
Varg is a rape baby of Celtic thralls.

>>these are things we like and therefore they are pagan
what are you talking about? they're clearly about paganism
Live in the way of your ancestors and you can get one too.

>Christianity divides Europe instead of uniting Her
>Paganisme unifies Europe

How can he say that Europe is divided by a religion and should be unified by another religion when at the same time he is the one dividing Europe based on hair and eyes colour?

so he's basically raping a mentally disabled girl?

he does have a point though, they've done DNA tests and southern europeans do have african and arabic admixture from over the years. not saying you are non-european, but you are not as pure as the nordic peoples.

paganism promotes degeneration

>kike lies

Atheism is the lack of a spiritual mind as it is thought to be an obstacle to objectivity about explanations which correlate with reality. I feel like subscribing to a religion should be entirely spiritual, and because christianity is a foreign semitic religion I'd prefer paganism. I consider myself an atheist though, because I'm not really invested enouh in anything but I feel like paganism is closer to my roots.

if Varg, a murderer and welfare junkie who cant even run an effective farm, is pure, then something is very wrong

You know that bastard browses Sup Forums. He's always using Sup Forums memes right about the time they get popular here and before they disseminate into the normie world.
Varg. It's not that we don't like you, paganism, or Europe. We love all of those things. It's that you act like a fucking buffoon and justify it with "Muh pagan European autistic ancestors". You've gone too far down the rabbit hole my friend. You need to open yourself up to some criticism.
You're too ideological. "I stand for my principles" you cut off your nose to spite your face. You're hurting yourself in the end.
You're a good father and a good man. Just stop being a fucking retard when it comes to Nordicism. Look, Scandinavians are the most beautiful people on earth (at least they have the potential to be) but they're naive as fuck and childish to a degree that makes Africans look rational.
Work with Christians to save Europe.

My advice, take some time off. Stop making videos for a month and spend time with your family. If you have an idea, don't post it. Write it down or record it and don't upload it till a month is over. Call it meditations of Varg,
Sort yourself out Vargomanni.

And get help for that euronymous shit. We can tell it bothers you by how you talk about it and how long those videos tend to be. Stop living in the past and just work on your family.
Read Aristotle. You'd benefit from it.

i think if you believe in your people you have no need for a god or gods.

i can appreciate old religions for what they were, but we don't need any of that now that we know how the world works.