Give one good reason why anybody should care about these hick subhumans

Give one good reason why anybody should care about these hick subhumans

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>one good reason
They're paying for your food stamps, nigger.

Literally all these subhumans are on welfare or subsidy of some sort

sounds like the democratic party

>can't even out compete third world immigrants with zero education for employment
>paying for anything

These white trash don't even pay for their Medicaid opioid pills

I can't.

Because WE WUZ and thats about it


there are too many off them. they vote incompetent idiots into office if you don't appease them.

Because I love the poorly educated.


>white trash redneck corn farmers
>somehow paying for high flying NYC liberals

really made me think

because if they don't produce all your food, you'll starve to death

Give one good reason why anybody should care about these libshit subhumans

Zero interest banking policies plus tariff-less """free""" trade deficits suck money out of the countryside and move it to the city, same as ever.
What can be stolen once can be stolen back as well.

Because they're better than you in every way. Smarter, better looking, harder working, and moral.
Get a job, faggot.

The subhuman thinks his vacuum cleaning job means he's a hard worker. That's cute

Pretty sure we got Mexicans doing that for pennies a day

These hicks are literally not needed in any capacity and are a net drag on our economy and society. Parasites in every sense of the word

Can anybody name a single cultural, scientific, or economic contribution these subhuman "blue collar" hicks have made in the past 70 years?

>Zero interest banking policies plus tariff-less """free""" trade deficits suck money out of the countryside

Free trade literally means free trade, a free market between two countries without governments inflicting tariffs and descending into trade wars. Sorry, but as a liberal I support free trade. Country bumpkins can't compete because they have the same skillset as a farmer in Latin America, Asia or Africa, just privileged with better tech, no wonder they turn to racism and protectionsm (collectivism). Whereas us urban people actually have to have niche skills to work in startups, marketing, PR, tech etc, we have flare and individualist pioneering spirit (that's why we're sucessful). The irony that you right wing fucks claim to love the free market when it's us who pursue the real free market policies. Anyone with a child's understanding of prisoner's dillema knows that protectionism will always fail, but of course I don't expect some hillbilly republican to have any education in such basic concepts. There's a reason great wealth-creating cities like NYC, London, Paris and Berlin are overwhelmingly left wing.

Good luck with your women's studies, comrade.

because like it or not. they are the real americans.


Zero. As you can see all they do is screech online about their insecurities.

These subhumans are not real anything. They're parasites

Nobody cared about them for the past 8 years and that got us President Trump.

So keep pretending they don't exist and see how that works for you

Can anybody name anything subhuman hicks have done other than serve as meatbags for wars waged by elites?

What are these parasites contributing?

You shouldn't. But what you need to do is secede and form your own state that excludes such people. Many of those hick subhumans would be glad to see you do that. Secede. Do it faggot.

I dont. I only care about my tribe. Thier interests happen to align with those of my tribe.

You shouldn't. Now fuck right off and stop caring about them so much.

>Give one good reason why anybody should care about these hick subhumans

Trump lied to them - don't blame the victims of a professional con man.

You don't see the problem with America being held politically hostage by a parasite class?

Uh, the better solution would be to give you hicks one way tickets to east Europe where you belong

They're contributing to your education in humility.
welcome to the real world, princess.



over half your 'tribe' hates you lol

If you didn't care about them you wouldn't have made a thread

They're my people.

These hicks are the same kind that voted for Dubya Bush twice in a row. They don't deserve any sympathy.

built the infastructure, maintained it, and grew the food.


Jesus Christ, this photo belongs in a cringe thread.

>Give one good reason why anybody should care about these hick subhumans
Destroyed the Bush and Clinton dynasty in one season without the woman, black, hispanic, muslim, gay and trans vote.

An animal fights the hardest as it's dying.

If leftists want to continue to replace whites then we won't go peacefully.

I guess you just eat grass then. These people grow all of our food you dumbfuck. And if you think City people are any better then them you should go live in the Bronx or Detroit for a while. City people are the scum of the Earth

Born and raised in NYC

>>can't even out compete third world immigrants with zero education for employment
here is jamal
jamal can't speak english
jamal can pick up cotton for 8$ a month
jamal will never denunce you for exploitation

here is cletus
cletus can speak english
you have to pay cletus the minimal wage or else he will denunce you for exploitation

No sorry Mexicans grow all our food. These hicks are being kept in business by government subsidy. Full stop. Literal parasites

>that bernie neckbeard

Everything that doesn't involve moving other people's money around for profit. You know.. all the actual work

You're retarded. Free trade increases GDP-until the bubble pops-and the economy collapses. Currencies become overvalued and spin out of control. Ever heard of the tulip crash, faggot? The problem with "free trade" is companies such as Gibson Guitars pay off Congress to pass a tariff on imported guitars (Ibanez, ESP, Caparison) because of "muh jobs". And Gibson then jacks up the prices of their USA guitars to meet the tariff padded prices of the others.
Also trump voters earned more on average than clinton voters. Suck on that, and get the fuck off my board

You should get out of the basement more often. The majority Farms are mechanized and owned by these rednecks you despise so much

Hahahaha. You realize the government these hicks hate so much pays them to grow the food?


>muh moving other people's money around for profit

Without the banking sector, capitalism as we know it would not exist. Fucking kill yourself commie. t. actual stockbroker who understands finance

>keep pretending they don't exist and see how that works for you
THIS. See y'all in 2024 cucks!

You need to read posts more thoroughly. These parasite welfare hicks who contribute literally nothing to civilization are subsidized in their entirety by taxpayers

How does it feel to be cucking for cletus so he can lift his faggot truck that he rapes his stepsister in?

They are reason your lizard queen isn't driving us into a Globalish recession.

No sorry non beaners make up the largest amount of farm workers, look it up faggot. Not everywhere is Beanistan aka CA

you know tons of farmers are wealthy right?

dont go through life as a clueless faggot user

> capitalism as we know it would not exist.

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

The "hicks" own the farms and pay the beaners to grow our food, dumbfuck

better than ethno-masochist liberals

t. Northerner surrounded by libtards

>t. stockbroker
Nope, you're not a stockbroker. You obviously don't understand econ. At best your an shitty investment banking analyst who works 80 hours a week on minimum wage and fills in excel spreadsheets. Actually, that's probably the most you can hope to LARP as in this thread

>no sense of loyalty to a nation that has provided you everything
>no sense of duty to decent people who lead meager lives
Why do you hate your fellow countrymen so much?

>these people are subhuman
Clearly you've never been to San Diego.

>decent people
If these were decent people they wouldn't be parasites, FAGGOT

you're the one disloyal to the country you parasitic faggot

If you had even a single shred of dignity, you'd call these disgusting, fat, lowlife, pill popping hick filth exactly what they are you inbred cuck bitch

Holy shit


wew lad...your potty mouth speaks volumes! Call me some names if you have some time to burn.

at least they are honest. the left sicken me. they just want shit for their faction within the left and they dont give a fuck about any one else

but they like to pretend they do. trump supporters will just let it all out like they have no sense of restraint. its nice seeing that kind of honesty

You hicks are getting broke the fuck in ITT. leaving this motherfucker with LOOSE assholes

We don't need white trash when Mexicans will work for cheap. They don't smoke on the job either.

It's not like anyone outside my tribe even cares enough to hate. People inside my group will morn or tell funny stories about me or if they hate me I suppose they will be really delighted when I'm gone. The most I will get from outside my people is a "glad that's not me" as my hearse rolls by. I suppose if I'm exploded or die in some dramatic way someone might exploit my death for their own gain, but that's it.

Therefore I will look after mine. My votes and alliances will be those that I believe are best for mine.

Yeah and tell me how wealthy would they be without those government subsidies.

Hicks have done nothing but create a heroin and meth epidemic.

Iq is genetic and these fuckers are procreating at high rates.

Now we're cookin' with fire! Thanks, user. I don't know anything about farming, but I likes me some yellin and a cussin.

Yeah you also like you some blacked dot com

Have you noticed how hick whores always go for blacks?

Kek wew lad that riled you up.
How does it feel to be such a cucked faggot that you have to run to the confines of an anonymous message board and spout your autistic rant nonsense about people who must obviously lead better lives than you do?

Thanks for the website suggestion. I think I know what it is, so likely won't click through. I live in middle America and don't know any hick whores personally.

The Mexicans aren't the ones who own the land they're growing it on.

I never understood why middle and upper class whites hate low class whites more than the niggers that rape they're Yankee wives.

I live in the south, and have been to the north. The south has balls.. if a mexican threatens a hick redneck, the redneck will attack. In the north, the whites are very meek.

Truth be told, the south and the midwest are the last bastions of American masculinity. If your so much better than these hicks, go and learn how to defend yourself instead of making fun of poor ppl. You sound like entitled "coexist" liberals

They think over 60 million Americans are KKK members, and the densest, biggest, most multicultural cities are paradise.

>south has balls
Uh you're all a bunch of poor, defeated cucks though?

>actual stockbroker who understands finance

I don't think I would ever be in a crowd like that screaming and hollering for a single person. For America and our community, yeah, but for a single individual makes me feel like a sheep.

>omg he said sheep
>disinfo agent Alex Jones said sheeple
>Now associating sheep mentality with sheep is considered overanlytical

Kinda like telling someone not to wave the truth in someone's face.

I can find a picture of Bernie supports, Hilary supporters, and a crowd of supporters for a smalltime congressman and it's the same fucking shit. You don't want to be these people.

It's hilarious how Trump's new budget hurts Trump supporters the most. It really fucks over the suburban and rural retards in America by greatly reducing funding in their respective departments.

Meanwhile the top 1% just got HYYYUUUGGE tax breaks saving them hundreds of billions of dollars. I legitimately hope the Trump budget proposal passes, so that every retarded Trump voter gets sincerely fucked and suffers until 2020.

Can you fuck off, you kike. everyone's seen you before, your points are and will always be shitty, and you ought to kill yourself

>These white trash don't even pay for their Medicaid opioid pills
these people vote democrat