Post /pol approved presidents

Post /pol approved presidents

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I love Jimmy Carter, he was a good President & and is a great person.

Sup Forums AND /k/ approved



So obamaleaf whats your opinion on todays economy



enjoy the obama economy while u can before trump crashes it



Why do Liberals unironically think this? What will go down in history? Obamacare disasters, destruction of privacy, leaker witchhunts, his promises about Guantanamo, starting wars in like 5 countries with Hillary Clinton? What did he actually do? If anyone says killed Osama or solved the financial crisis, i'll kill myself.


Sup Forums approved


Obama's Keynesian policies were good, but what do you think the current administration needs to do to fix the economy. Like whats your opinion on a corporate income tax with worker reinvestment loopholes. Also under Clinton, a work for welfare program was introduced which actually put a lot of people back to work, Obama iirc got rid of the program and more people got on welfare, why do you think he went back on the democrat position?

dumbfuck says

"Post /pol approved presidents"

posts a pic of jimmy

^is a dumbfuck^



killed the financial crisis and solved osama bin laden

Clinton was the best president in my lifetime so far. Great economy and jobs. It was okay to want to lock up criminals and men didn't have to worry about trannies using the same bathroom as their daughter.

Bush was garbage, as was Obama. Trump is garbage. I'm hoping for better times in 2020.

lol right wing retards think a few drone strikes in yemen = a war

meanwhile bush invaded and occupied iraq, pissed away 6 trillion, and destabilized the middle east for decades

Obama saved the American economy from a 2nd Great Republican Depression

oh so a war that we barely contributed any resources to costed more than the world wars

hah gud won brudder

when you type...18 midgets get butt raped

hard to go down from 11% employment

Trump's policies are a disaster. He's acting like the unemployment rate is 42% when it's 4.4%. He doesn't know what an unemployment rate is.

His tax cuts for the rich will add trillions to the deficit and it's typical right wing retard magical thinking that they will magically pay for themselves.

It's the Bush tax cuts on steroids. It'll end in even bigger disaster this time.

That wasn't a chart of the unemployment rate.

11% employment?

You retards are dumb as fuck.


i wonder how much obongoleaf gets paid to shill here

we can continue this convo another time, i honestly have to step out right now

ask soros he has my pay stubs

you typing is a fail to mention all the fondling of your sister you did...

is it fun knowing you're paid to be wrong on the internet?

^it crys^

^it sux^

> fought the central bank
> removed indians to make room for Americans
> let the south keep its farm equipment
> recognized independent Texas

I can't believe it's taken this long for someone to post him

It was b8 and then Obamaleaf showed up, what'd you expect a serious conversation?

Trump is retarded. His followers thought Mexico was paying for the wall. These are the motherfuckers that keep the Nigerian scam industry alive.

I hate Trump, didn't vote for him, but I'm happy my taxes are going down.

Fuck the poor, they don't vote anyway.

Muthafukin Jimmy!

^you are a dumbfuck^

^I enjoy how stupid you are^


I don't know, 90% of the time, I just ignore a post outright when I see the leaf at the top

when you type stupid shit...I believe you are as stupid as the stupid shit you type...

This was meant for

is this the hwndu thread?

most alpha in history



^dumbfux think they are smart^

This. He was the best president we've ever had. I always wondered what the world would be like if he had beaten that bastard Reagan.

Fuck indians. Fuck libtards too.

^two retarded fux that have no clue...^

Conservatism is literally a mental disease, but modern liberalism isn't much better. Why can't there be more than two parties to side with? I hate American politics.

you can retreat in2 your degraded undereware and claim penis to be your anthem...if that's the kind of dic you suc

>What is the internet and why didn't it help presidents after Clinton with the economy?

^it cries @ the moon...misunderstands the way the moon orbits^

lol shill you think all those liberal government policies growing our economy a measly 1-2% per year and those misleading job growth numbers are signs of a good economy

I think when you type we ALL suffer..because you are @ least mildly retarded if not full on retard...

all i do is provide serious conversations. u retards bring nothing

I'm always right.


I enjoy when canucks suc on my groin...

they sit in the armpit of society and expect every1 to accept how pathetic they are...

muh nigga
trump is cool too