Tfw you realize the alt-right is almost as dumb and misinformed as SJWs

>tfw you realize the alt-right is almost as dumb and misinformed as SJWs
>tfw you realize screeching about racists and nazis and homophobes, or screeching about white genocide and degeneracy, are both equally stupid and pointless
>tfw you realize both sides are falling for (((their))) divide-and-conquer tactics
>tfw you realize that the CIA is probably egging both sides on into more extreme positions to make them look ridiculous to the other side
>tfw you realize if the whole world could unite against the Zionists instead of witch-hunting racists or witch-hunting brown people, we could actually have a decent planet

feels bad man. We're getting played Sup Forums, just as bad as all the commies and Tumblrinas...

Kys yourself you complete and utter nigger faggot sage


you're right about the first 3 things, wrong about the last two

The common man has never united in the history of mankind unless it was done by a leader who organized them.

Otherwise their 'unity' devolves into retarded chaos like the French Revolution before Napoleon

What's the alt right?

You're right. Alt right is sjw tier. Partisanship and dogma are for blue pilled retards.

kys faggot

> tfw so informed you're opinions are seen as uninformed because the foundational knowledge of the common man is non-existent compared to your own

I know that feel.

no our side is right

like left right or right right?

The Alt-Right is cool. Go away.


I don't see how. For them to realistically get their way we would have to have a civil war. Which would turn america into some 3rd world shit show.

The One True Horseshoe pill.

>>tfw you realize screeching about racists and nazis and homophobes, or screeching about white genocide and degeneracy, are both equally stupid and pointless
Completely incorrect, you passive worm.

part of the real redpill is realizing the common man stays common and you can never elevate him to your level.

He exists to you as a minimum wage laborer does to a CEO's grand ideas.

With that said, most of Sup Forums is common men who think highly of themselves for no reason.

>the most extreme far-far-left Commie rhetoric on the left
>moderately conservative voice on the right

nice strawman

Good job!
Now let me introduce you to stage 2:
>tfw you realize everything you think is responsible for you own failure is actually and really just untrue and you are lying to yourself because you don't have the backbone and get up and get to work

99% of people are uninformed/misinformed.
Myself included and 99% of anons here
The POTUS doesn't even have a clue

Forget the redpill. Take a chillpill and forget about it. Just live your life.

>based Irishman dropping wisdom

fuck what the Anglos say, you guys are the true master race

It's just sad how the alt right will believe anything and push anything nowadays for the sake of their agenda. They get a little bit of momentum and they overextend their ability to garnish support through playing their supporters like sheep.

This is how you lose support.

You can say Hitler didn't do the holocaust, and that Hitler wasn't as bad as they make him out to be. He did gather support for a reason, but trying to justify him putting people in concentration camps who weren't in his political affiliation, religious spectrum, etc. is a pure violation of freedom, and the American way of life. On top of that, going to war for the sake of becoming more powerful and expanding his reign is ridiculous. He sent young men off to die in the masses for that. In addition, Hitler was a fascist, and there was no countering his political beliefs. If he all of a sudden wanted to legalize gay marriage, or make the official religion of his empire Islam, you wouldn't be able to do shit about. Any fuck that actually sees Hitler as some kind of idol that they want back doesn't value freedom at all.

What they fail to understand is that a Hitler isn't the only solution to their problems. They're simple minded fools that think they're smart by rightfully going against popular beliefs. But that's as far as their intelligence goes for them.

why would anyone think the altright is any less retarded than the sjws.... each subscribe to a mass narrative packaged and sold to them- at this point anyone who subscribes to any political "niche" is not using an ounce of original thought. i mean maybe we should stop trying to "unite" under any of these pandering parties and attempt a revolution of individualism? it is quite clear that nothing else has or ever will fucking work... so the question becomes, are we ready to evolve yet retards? to each their own, we all aren't moving forward until we are all taking the steps

But who is the group to drop their morals to accommodate the other?
Both before the night of broken glass and after.
It's not that people dont want to rise together they just can't get on the same side in the first place. And do you really think you could get a Homo and a jihad to band together and do it well and peacefully?
Someone has to go before we can rise to the bigger 'Villian'


can I get an quick walkthrough on this man

LOOOOOL!!! it's true, no one is keeping you down except... yo own lazy ass

>attempt a revolution of individualism
Collectivism destroys any non collective.

very well said. People get a taste of the truth about Zionists, bankers and Hollywood, then they instantly jump on the "gas the kikes sieg heil!" train, instead of having the tiniest bit of Biblical literacy that would let them know the issue is far more complex than just "Jews bad cause slimy Jew blood" or whatever.

They miss the fact that a lot of the instincts of both the left and the right are actually very positive, humanistic, and deeply American. Those instincts are just being twisted and manipulated by a political establishment with more nefarious motives, to take people's most noble instincts and use it against them until they can be confused into hypocrital conformist drones who think they're fighting the system by parroting CNN...

They use the failures of the left as an excuse to completely jettison all empathy and human decency, screeching about degeneracy while lurking in the most degenerate corner of the most degenerate website ever conceived... The hypocrisy of both sides is becoming so appalling to me, and I can't believe I ever played even a small part in this goddamned internet hate machine....

tl;dr - fuck the left. fuck the right. we're all fucked.


yeah and so we'll have to get paradoxical here- our collection of non-collected people. it's fucking atlas shrugged ffs

nice b8 m8 saged

This is some advanced bait.

>tfw you realize if the whole world could unite against the Zionists instead of witch-hunting racists or witch-hunting brown people, we could actually have a decent planet

Except (((they))) are the ones shoving brown people into western countries and nothing else

did we hook the big retarded race fish yet?

How long did it take you to project all the fears you have about loving this website while trying to maintain that you dont agree with about ohhh id say 90% of what is posted here???

>globalist propaganda disguised as le center

Realized this today too




hello reddo

>You can say Hitler didn't do the holocaust, and that Hitler wasn't as bad as they make him out to be. He did gather support for a reason, but trying to justify him putting people in concentration camps who weren't in his political affiliation, religious spectrum, etc. is a pure violation of freedom, and the American way of life.
The people who support him are generally Fascists who don't see freedom as particularly important. You talking about freedom isn't going to persuade any of them and if you aren't try to persuade them, why make this post?
>On top of that, going to war for the sake of becoming more powerful and expanding his reign is ridiculous
It isn't really ridiculous. It is what happened for most of humanity for the last 10000 years. What we are experiencing now is far more out of the ordinary.
>Hitler was a fascist, and there was no countering his political beliefs. If he all of a sudden wanted to legalize gay marriage, or make the official religion of his empire Islam, you wouldn't be able to do shit about
All countries and governments are accountable to the people. The mandate of heaven describes this well.
> Any fuck that actually sees Hitler as some kind of idol that they want back doesn't value freedom at all.
Congratulations. You repeated your point and supported a completely conventional and non-controversial argument. Would you like to hear mine on how wet water is?
>What they fail to understand is that a Hitler isn't the only solution to their problems. They're simple minded fools that think they're smart by rightfully going against popular beliefs. But that's as far as their intelligence goes for them.
You haven't made an argument in favor of that at all though. You would need to support why freedom is good in order to convince anyone why they would support your system.

fuck off snownigger your other thread sucked ass

I like that this is one of the few places that will name the Jew. But I also just can't make myself believe 100% of Jews are pure evil, or that other races are inherently inferior... It all just seems too over-simplified and stupid to me.

Like I said above,
>They alt-right uses the failures and ignorance of the left as an excuse to completely jettison all empathy and human decency, screeching about degeneracy while lurking in the most degenerate corner of the most degenerate website ever conceived... The hypocrisy of both sides is becoming so appalling

The reason SJWs and Muslims side with one another is because they share a common goal. That goal is the destruction of the west. That is the purpose of every liberal agenda.

Alt-Right is SJW. We're Nationalists. GTFO Alt-Kike and take Dickie KGB Spencer with you

Commie can't understand Fight Club. It's too Overman for you

well , it was known from day 0 that >>>>alt right is a meme label created by the media and adopted by e celebs only. oh, and created by (((spencer))
only a newfag would associate it with Sup Forums. time to go back m8 fuck off

> muh alt right
> muh red pill
please get the fuck out thanks

>very well said
Not really. It was actually more awful than ironic shitposting since it basically said nothing.
>nstead of having the tiniest bit of Biblical literacy that would let them know the issue is far more complex than just "Jews bad cause slimy Jew blood" or whatever.
Yes. The correct view of the world is more complex than the "Gas the kikes race war now" crowd makes it out to be.
>They miss the fact that a lot of the instincts of both the left and the right are actually very positive, humanistic, and deeply American. Those instincts are just being twisted and manipulated by a political establishment with more nefarious motives, to take people's most noble instincts and use it against them until they can be confused who think they're fighting the system by parroting CNN...
That was a good analysis until
>hypocritical conformist drones
It is such a meaningless statement in its own right that some more specificity would be needed to not be distracting from your point. Should give an example.
>They use the failures of the left as an excuse to completely jettison all empathy and human decency, screeching about degeneracy while lurking in the most degenerate corner of the most degenerate website ever conceived
Well yes. Some people do that. It isn't a refutation of anyones' beliefs in the slightest though so much as it is an accurate observation of human nature.
>The hypocrisy of both sides is becoming so appalling to me, and I can't believe I ever played even a small part in this goddamned internet hate machine....
Ahh yes you in your infinite moderate wisdom.

>using alt-right unironically
>We're getting played Sup Forums

Speak for yourself, I don't get got, I go get.

Grennland are the snowniggers you non homogeneous disgusting degenerates who can't live in a country with a social democracy because your people are so diverse.
Don't know what thread you are talking about though desu.

my nigga i need a quick rundown

Some reddit thing that fags have tried to pin on us.

So you prefer to be a little bitch and come to make threads on Sup Forums whining like a fucking pussy...

Nice try, nice logic you have there...kill yourself in a place where your body can not be find please.
Your mom would be happy.
I hope she dies too.

this! it is plain as fucking day that the (((media))) came up with the term altright to have a scapegoat, it's never been a real thing

alt-right is a meme. only right is far right. we go full helicopter now.

You make it seem like we were trying to create complex arguments with a series of analysis with evidence to back it up, when it's not the case. Anyone can do what you're doing to any post on this website. I was stating my opinion and your analysis of it is quite pointless. This isn't an assignment for your college course... is it?

the alt right ruined the Sup Forums libertarian dream imageboard

>You make it seem like we were trying to create complex arguments with a series of analysis with evidence to back it up, when it's not the case
It just seems silly to start being sanctimonious about how much better you are than the leftist and rightists while not making complex arguments such as here
>They're simple minded fools that think they're smart by rightfully going against popular beliefs. But that's as far as their intelligence goes for them.
It doesn't do anything to remedy anything and makes you come across as coming here to validate yourself. Which isn't wrong, but doing so here isn't a good way to do it. Not only that it also shows that you're playing right into the D&C games that
alluded to.

I want to understand why you would do that and also hoped it would actually serve as a beginning to higher quality discourse.
>This isn't an assignment for your college course... is it?
Nope. I do it for free