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here's the last update before thread died
Btfo even. This is probably fake.
wtf I love nail bombs and confused teenagers with the drive to throw caution into the wind now!
I can't believe in such a just god, these must be fake!
I wish the innocent children who were killed were replaced by more people like this cuck
I guess people going to Ariana Grande's concert would grow up to be like him tbqh
hahahahhahahaha if this is true
bump for redemption
Fuck I love Xena.
Good. That fag deserved it. And so did all those fucking children, too.
waiting for confirmation if real
Look! You found common ground with ISIS!
>time check'd
Nailed it!
Martyns last tweet.
He wasn't kidding
mdslimes lover get btfo by mudslimes.
I guess it was free of charge, no?
He's a literal faggot. I'm glad he's dead
WTF I love terrorism now
when can people meme that we're in favor or terror tizzies
>white muslim nazis?
All fags are disgusting. They have no investment in the future.
Implicit racism
Someone should make an Islam PIC like the Trump curse one
Natural selection at its finest
no great loss
>google this faggot, is real
We're hitting irony levels that shouldn't be possible
Wtf I love ISIS now.
But lets keep going and see what happens
are there any archives of these tweets?
People wonder why we have no sympathy. It's because these (((victims))) are literally begging for it.
r i p
is this what katy meant by "coexist"?????
it makes me sincerely happy to know that this worthless excuse of a man died to the very barbarians he was so intent on defending
here's hoping more people like him perish in these terrorist attacks instead of innocent little kids
That's really sad.
Death via progressivism.
I wonder if his last thoughts were "A-at least I w-wasn't a r-racist."
:) Praise Islam :)
where's the link for the "unjust fear" tweet?
Giant nails ripping through his liberal fag body and embedding themselves in his Faggy liberal brain. THANKS GOD!
There truly is a God, and he's a frog
actions, meet consequences
It's a shame there's no way for individual people to investigate on their own.
>that profile pic
I went and read the guy's twitter and I feel bad about it. He was just a goofball fucking around on twitter, and even had some pro-trump tweets. His opinions on Muslims shouldn't have been a death sentence.
He probably thought it was just a balloon that popped.
I like you user
someone needs to find out whatt time this was in relation to the bomb going off
macy grey may have killed this fag
>muh evil straight white men
>I propose mass genocide amirite guise?
>Gets literally BTFO by the muslims he loves so much
*sharp inhale*
Nanking was cool
Obnoxious prick got pricked to death
Seconding this, trying to find it as best as I can.
Nanking , you going to hell for that
> tfw they're going to reboot it without Lawless and turn it into SJW shit
If only he could live on to see what a joke his legacy is
Allah truly is great!
You're still alive?!
>all this winning
>wearing overall shorts after third grade
penalty is death
>I can bang on about my sabbatical for 24 days!
>I'm going to America in two weeks!
>I'm so excited for it! I can't wait!
Right in the feels.
That question would entail that you know me personally which you don't
KEK took him
>His opinions on Muslims shouldn't have been a death sentence
Inability to recognize a threat tends to lead to death.
He could have recognized it all he wanted, but would that have changed him going in public to that venue on the day that it happened?
What was a flaming homosexual chav doing at a concert for little girls, anyway?
You sound like that Hardcore Marine from American Beauty
That cat will be sitting on his bed for the rest of its life waiting for him to come home.
What a fucking waste of space
Good job ISIS
Well if bongs need to die it might as well be the ones who ere asking for it
Cats don't give a shit. It's just wondering who the fuck is going to feed it and clean up it's shit.
Music, what other reasons would you want to go to an Ariana Grande concert?
that was a good moment. fuck that whole period was glorious
Yeah thats why i am a dog person
What's this?when was it taken?
>calling for mass genocide of white men
>lives in England
Go look at his Twitter yourself then dumbfuck.
from a training exercise
that black guy tweet has to be fake
this faggot tweets so much i doubt i could reach that before running out of data
I haven't seen the movie so I don't know if that was meant to be an insult.
Nah bruh i am here 24/7 they call me the iraqi sperg , the shitposter , the kek king , the funny retard clearly you are the one that is new here
What if these bombers aren't that wrong?
In their last act of martyrdom, they bring us this, their final breath spent crying out God is Good. Looking at this, I ask, is this not true?
brown bants for the win
Huh you should
False, depends on the cat
See for yourself