Why can't Sup Forums defeat him?
Why can't Sup Forums defeat him?
How do you defeat a defeated man?
God i cant even watch this man. It's like that one friend in school who thought he knew everything besides being awful at everything. It honestly hurts.
how to kill a man in 3 posts
Have you spent all your money that you have to shill yourself here again, destiny? why don't you work out those toothpick arms of yours instead?
I thought his head was 20% larger than that.
Oh fuck that's how
He's streaming now. Someone hit up his twitter and debate him. No retards this time.
twitch dot tv slash destiny
>giving this manboy views on twitch and therefore money
You are literally retarded, why would you support him, even for fun?
His debates are worthless, they aren't even funny.
Back to t_D with you
/baph/ here.
Don't usually post on half--chan but this guy is seriously starting to piss me off.
>variety streamer ekeing out a living by baiting Sup Forums users into trying to explain why incest is wrong
You are destiny right?
You're so obvious.
Pls leave.
cause its hilarious. If a good Sup Forumsack destroyed him it wouldn't be supporting him.
reminder that destiny used to be racist and call people niggers and was right wing and then twitch told them they would take his money away if he said nigger so now hes a cuck
No, destiny.
Pls bait somewhere else for views.
I recommend r/the_donald. A lot of impressionable and easy to "debate" retards there, who will give you views and get you through another month.
But not here sorry.
>Why can't Sup Forums defeat him?
It's not nice to pick a fight with "special" ones.
There's audio floating around somewhere where he says he doesn't need to see statistical data to know that niggers are fucking stupid. He said it was taken out of context.
>defeating something that is already defeated
>putting out the fire means the fire wins
Not. The only PC games I've ever played were the first Rome and Minesweeper. My current rig can't even run CSGO.
>appeal to emotion
Wow such good argument total power got Sup Forums good with that one brah
They say a certain 4 letter word, posted in the options field can stop Destiny.
wtf happened
destiny did a 180
being contrarian to the contrarians
Destiny, you don't fool anyone.
Get a real job.
That made my night, i've never seen it before
Is that the actual topic?
Who is this?
Some super star in the beta neckbeard gamer underworld?
A liberal cuck to be sure
>good Sup Forumsack
Half of the people on this board would either start stuttering or saying shit that makes them sound like a schizo. Destiny is a shit debater, but he at least has some experience unlike a lot of autists here.
That shitshow of Sup Forumsacks trying to debate him last night was amazing, exactly what I expected.
Seriously, someone here go debate him right now. Don't be shy. The debates with random Sup Forumsacks are autistic as fuck, but they're hilarious
Who is this? If he is liberal he is not a man, liberalism is the ideology of women and weak little boys.
Why is his head disproportionate to the rest of his body?
Changing your ip, destiny. I see.
Pls, you're embarrassing yourself
I'd like to take a golf cluband slug him across (((his))) face.Fucking ugly beta.
Either if I was Destiny shitposting, still doesn't change anything.
Step it up.
Speak for yourself m8.
How's your bastard kid doing destiny?
I know people throw the word around a lot, but this is actual autism.
This is manchild himself
Ans this is one of his fanboys shilling for him
Embarrassing and quite sad, actually.
Okay m8
I dunno if it's as sad as Sup Forums debate performance last night ufufufu
>there are people who still pretend he didn't get REKT by Sargoy of Cuckdad
Oh shit it's hey dawg guy again. Love your posts! Keep being the lovable douchebag and retard that you are!
when the first post is also the best post
I wouldn't know, because I don't give autismboy the pleasure of a view.
>no retards this time
Why are you posting this on Sup Forums then?
H-he's just... t-too strong
>but he at least has some experience unlike a lot of autists here.
yeah, he has experience but it's BAD experience
literally WHO ??????
>Make the blacks marry
Were you a wise Sumerian monarch in your previous life too?
Awww :(
Very insightful
Nobody can figure that out. He is a strange one, Destiny. I always enjoy when the runt posts here. He lost to the naked ape... that is how shitty a debater he is.
literally who? you reddit fucks need to go back. who the fuck is this fuckface? why the fuck would anyone give two fucks?
I asked in the channel if destiny has ever picked up a weight in his life and got banned LOL
this guy used to be ok, wtf happened
fucking cucks
Oh I'd beat the ever loving shit out of this pseudo intellectual.
Got kicked out of his channel after I said he has the testosterone level of an 8 year old girl.
Rip keksis9001
8 year old asian girl*
Defeat who?
Talk about my boy destiny one more time.
he's fucking retarded
I mean he got kicked out of his team quantic for calling someone a gook when he was losing a sc2 match. People called his sponsors and had him dropped.
He also gave his friends nudes of a girl he was sexting with and asked them if they thought she was ugly. She then released his nudes on his twitter if I remember right.
It feels like he just from one extreme to another.
Stats do show that when black marriage rates dropped, extramarital kids rose and poverty rose.
those are either some weird ass genes or all he does is ohp and pull ups
pretty good either way
I don't want to. He stood up for jontron when nobody else did. Wrong on everything else
mufuckin ass
*gets swatted*