Daily reminder that if you don't understand this infographic, you still haven't taken the redpill

Daily reminder that if you don't understand this infographic, you still haven't taken the redpill.

Other urls found in this thread:





>muh jpeg

I'm actually working on an extended version of it.

Still haven't seen anyone trying to debunk it.





You're doing the Lord's work, user.




Someone made a hashtag on Twitter where they compiled over 300 examples of (((fellow whites))) a couple months ago.

It was all taken down, I wish I could find it, but I think only a small amount was archived.

I know the hashtag was a pun and it had "Yid" in it.

Do we have a compilation of pic related? REALLY need it and it's something I feel could definitely have an impact on even the most bluepilled
Argh, needed this earlier today and couldn't find it. Well, it'll come in handy later.

I don't have a compilation but I have couple examples.



It'll do for now but there's sadly way more than this. Thanks.


TL;DR version here

>"I can't get laid because of the Holocaust, "white supremacy", "antisemitism", and Vladimir Putin

t. Moshe Golbergstein



Why don't these threads last long anymore? Feh.


I miss you Yuri. Come back.


oy to the vey



can someone post that one in which some website that does something pro "immigration into europe by (((refugees)))" shows that every single corporation is a jewish corporation
i saw it once but canĀ“t for the hell of me remember the name of it

holy shit. in the music video they censor "jew me" and the lyrics page has it written as sue me, sue me" even though that would be inconsistent with the rest of the song.

Based uploaders managed to edit that (((shit))) out and present it how it was meant to be. Also no surprise the comment section is flooded with Sup Forumstards coming from the occasional Michael Jackson thread that sets out to prove his innocence.