South Carolina user here. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT BRIT FAGS???

Explain yourself

That doesn't even look like a mcdonalds

Would be pretty accurate for Texas though

Fellow Best Carolinian here; and eurofags say us burgers are bad at geography.

Hey there brother, you know a good way to take care of this muslim problem here in the upstate?
(pic related)

I dunno m8. I had one of those burgers, it was pretty shit. They do these 'Great Tastes of Ameirca/the World' promos a couple of times a year and come up with dumb meme burgers that are shit 90% of the time but really good 10% of the time. They need to stop doing meme bullshit and just have the Big Tasty on the menu all the time.

It isn't, they're not supposed to be in a McDonald's

SC the state where 1 in 10 white people are part black . what is it about you guys .

while we're all here when are we going to retake lesser Carolina

best southern state passing through

enjoy living in the nigger belt?

Gotta admit i fucking lold. That shit looks is as south carolinian as borsht is British.

SC Niggers know their place

The only thing accurate in that ad was the shade of blue on the football jersey.

pretty funny, carolina folks need to relax.

Reminds me more of Wyoming/Tennesee

if i had a nickel for every pixel in this image i'd have about dollar

I wish I lived in England. I look more like them than Americans

Not gonna lie, that image is pretty accurate.

Holy shit. York County, checking in...Im from before those yankee asses moved in. Fuck, Fort Mill, you let them in. Fuck everything...Anyways fuck what is this? Damn. WE WERE YOUR BEST COLONY. WE WERE THE BEST. And you think we're just fucking TEXAS?!? Good Lord get to Best Carolina and sit your ass down with a plate of pulled pork and Carolina Gold BBQ sauce before you say something stupid again. Dammit.


Wild West media was always more popular in England than in America

what the fuck is an ameriker?

Kershaw County reporting

Based, I have the secession flag flying out front of my place

I mean England pre-invasion, obviously

Pickens County here. We're the whitest population in SC. All of the whites up here's ancestors are all straight european royalty. It's like the "We wuz kangs n shit" except it's actually true.

What's the cost of living like? Is there rural areas? Kershaw is like 70% white (pic related) but the cost of living is super low even in nice areas

It's decent as fuck. But if you want the real business connects you have to know what church to go to. Church is pretty much a high class social gathering here.

But also we're starting to have a problem with pleb mega churches.

Rice plantations all Low Country

Former resident

Reminder that the sacred cane is in yankee hands.

>South Carolina
>user here
You have to go back, reddit.

You seem very insecure about your non connections with reddit. I know what to do about that, now bend over and show me that little boi pussy

Fuck off yankee cuck piece of filth

You've clearly never been t o Europe. In Europe, all McDonald's look like Verizon stores.