Cancer kills more British children than terrorism does. Why are you so selective with your outrage?
Cancer kills more British children than terrorism does. Why are you so selective with your outrage?
I fail to see your point. Islam is cancer.
Because Cancer doesn't discriminate.
I hope you get Ebola tho.
You don't import cancer. You can't prevent cancer. You can not have foreign filth in your land.
That's the difference, you retard.
>all these brainlets.
Scientists are working their hardest to eradicate Cancer.
No one is working to eradicate Terror in Europe
Avoidable versus non-avoidable problems.
Because I won't die from another person's cancer
>you are more likely to die from X than Y, so let's increase your chance of dying from Y
really gets your noggin joggin
why do only whites die of cancer before they hit 30?
Guess we should deport cancer too
cancer is a disease, it's not personal
muslims are murderers, it's personal
One is a natural death that can't be stopped until a cure is found.
The other can stopped, pretty fucking easily.
You're fucking retarded, kill yourself.
>straw man
No one tries to defend cancer or tell everyone that since not all cancer patients die, that we should stop blaming cancer or stop trying to find a cure for cancer. #notallcancer
Yeah, we should give Brits more mudslimes so the numbers are even
Plot Twist: OP is Onision
You don't have any control over people terrorizing idiot
Cancer is unavoidable and if it was caused by the victims actions then it was self harm. Pre meditated murder of children deserves outrage. Think before you post dickhead. Don't forget to sage
>Why are you so selective with your outrage?
I'm not, that's why I'm always fucking pissed off you paddy cunt.
That seems to be what you're saying, but good shot. 3/10 wouldnt reply again
cancer is not preventable, islam is
Cant prevent children from getting cancer.
Can prevent muzzies from entering your country.
Pretty basic shit dude
I agree we should ban cancer.
>Sup Forums can't handle that it lost an argument
Because no one chose to let cancer into the country
>implying that Islam and cancer are two different things
who says it doesn't?
the difference is i can't cure cancer, but we can get rid of terrorists
t. potato tumor
>Cancer is unavoidable
Typical Potato Nigger cretin.
Because cancer isn't something we're importing to our country and defending while it multiplies.
take away his alcohol and he will discover the secrets of space travel
>>X kills more than Y, so why should we care about Y?
You have to be retarded to unironically think this.
Fuck off Taig nigger
I, for one, cannot understand this attack on innocent muslims.
Car accidents kill more people than muslims,
Cancer kills more people than muslims,
Why wouldn't we want more muslims living here? They're safer to be around than cars or cancer, if only we had a few more muslims in our neighborhood we might actually have fewer deaths from cancer and reckless driving
Abortion is a very big killer too.
Abortion is the crown jewel of left wing insanity.
Their cousin fucking practices lead to astronomical rates of sick kids. Remove kebab stops both terrorism and drops the cancer rate.
Cancer doesn't scream "das rayciss" when you burn it out with chemotherapy.